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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Yep, Monster shipping is painful but oh so worth it! It’s basically a high end SOC level toy in the HMR line.
  2. All good. NY also has the lowest initial preorder price by far. Gotta give and take. I’m just glad we have options and don’t need to pay a middle man import fee.
  3. It’s intersting that NY gets chastised for raising the shipping price but when CDJ does it, nbd. I almost forgot I had an order with CDJ. Cool!
  4. I had that happen before and it was just to indicate the communication about the extra fee. As long as you paid for the item and extra shipping, don’t worry about it.
  5. Looks fantastic (both of them)! Obviously, we’re all looking forward to having this new one in hand though. There is something funny about the white one bent over with the black one behind it in that pic.
  6. Haha, yeah...it's just a different business model and in the end, if you got an initial preorder in, it should still end up cheaper than most other places. I didn't get an order in with NY but out of the hundreds of orders I've had with them, they've only asked for additional shipping maybe three times for a combined amount of under $20. That's a lot less than the amount I have saved by shopping with them. My amiami shipping bill probably won't be pretty, especially since they don't have a ferry option.
  7. Nice holiday gifts! I need to get my hands on some of those reissue Bumblebees!
  8. I finally got a Hovertank driver to go with the tank Haven’t opened the tank yet but at least now I have a better reason to. Has anyone actually seen these figures in store?
  9. Not so sad, it's just a case of the flaws of capitalism the way it is setup. The licence holders must continually increase their profits and most of them do it by decreasing quality. This opens the door to others who can learn from what's out there and improve on them to capitalize on the opportunity.
  10. Nice! And the SHMA keep coming! This is another one I’ve wanted to add to the collection for a while. I should be just about done with Kaiju for a while now. Only one left I really want is Orgus so will see how that goes. Oh yeah, also got another Valk.
  11. Nice! I just tried to do some wrenching myself today. Is that the Bludgeon repaint? Those are great looking figures. I need to take mine out sometime.
  12. Together again! opened this guy now that I finally have Kiryu.
  13. Nice ones! I have a bunch of the Sport quattros coming to me and I found a different color version of the Lambo but not the color you got yet.
  14. Haha yeah! I was thinking about breaking out my Project A-Ko DVDs recently. Haven’t watched those in a while.
  15. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice crew. Someone’s going to be in pain.
  16. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Cool! I like it when the designers are noted on the box or somewhere in the packaging and wish it was done more often.
  17. If you collect other SHMA, this one scales nicely. If not, I can definitely understand wanting a bigger version.
  18. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Wow, if true! They’ve been designing some of the best toys in recent memory to me.
  19. Thanks! You’re shots are great as usual and that figure looks awesome! I wish I could buy every Sentinel Getter.
  20. More SHMA Action! Finally, a Predator figure in my collection worth opening! This one does not disappoint at all. Very nice and this will serve all my Predator figure needs in the foreseeable future.
  21. It seems like each release comes with different accessories. Gotta catch em all! Haha, this one is good enough for me though.
  22. Lol, nice. Their finish looks very premium.
  23. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    I’ve just set mine on highest quality settings. Maybe would be good to bump up the saturation a bit. Best thing to do is test on regular paper first as mentioned.
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