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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Anyone who uses the up/downvote should claim it like this. I ignore them since they are anonymous but it is pretty funny.
  2. Love all the feedback and pics so far but don’t have time to comment on them all. But this one, damn! Beautiful!
  3. I emailed them twice to switch my 1/60 armor preorder and they haven’t responded. It’s been a while now, since they extended the order deadline.
  4. 2019 looks like it’s starting off good!
  5. This.
  6. Thanks! Too bad it’s such a limiting design.
  7. Looking good! Just wondering about the limited stand...can you mount the fighter facing away and up to hide the bottom attachment part?
  8. The origin Marvel run of GI Joe isone of my all time favorite comic book series. Love it!
  9. Haha, gotta love that guy. He was great in the cartoon and original mini comics.
  10. It’s the new Mega Construx version. Perfect for me because I have no space, budget or desire for a regular size MOTU collection. Castle Greyskull is gonna be tough to find a place for when that comes out.
  11. All good. If you don’t notice and it doesn’t bother you then even better for you. It looks unnatural to me because most figures with double joins do it in way that looks like there is only one bend point like it is a joint within a joint where on many Mezco figures, you can see one joint then some space between the first and second joint so it looks like an arc instead of a sharp bend. You can kind of see it here. I don’t get a lot of other nitpicks so Nbd, don’t know why this one bothers me.
  12. My first figure of 2019 arrived today. The mushroom-cloud-layin' motherf***er, himself
  13. I don’t have any of those so I guess I missed out. So when you bend the elbows on all of those, you can’t see the long double joint? Anyways, I’m a fan of what Mezco is doing with a lot of these characters. Some of their design choices don’t work for me and their business model and website when trying to order last min out of nowhere exclusives leave a lot to be desired but some of their figures look to good to pass up. This Iron Man and the Stealth version will both be mine!
  14. My gripe will almost all the clothed figures is the shoulder and elbow joints look horrible even though hidden by fabric. Strange does seem improved and maybe the Spidey figures but I haven't messed with them enough yet.
  15. Glad people are loving the One:12 Iron Man! I haven’t shipped mine yet but look forward to it. Ironic that Mezco’s specialty in One:12 is clothes figures yet most of those have issues and this one seems to be hailed as their best figure to date. I hope it helps them improve the other figures.
  16. Better than any SOC or anything else from Bandai (Metal Build) even with the annoyances?! Wow, that is very high praise. Nice to hear.
  17. My last item received from 2018 thats how the shipping box looked on my porch. Thank goodness the box inside wasn't damaged.
  18. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Very nice! Now I kinda want to get a collection of 1/100 real life fighter models. Damn.
  19. Yep, the shipping box is barley thicker than the toy box paper. No filler at all but it was wrapped to a board on the bottom so I guess that saved it from completely falling out of the shipper.
  20. Nice pics and impressions from everyone, thanks! Just wondering, did anyone else get one from Amazon with the box looking like this? Thankfully the box inside was pristine but damn!
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