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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Congrats! That’s a great piece to start a Macross collection with! Look forward to your pics and see how those Valks turn out.
  2. Really cool. They should make some accessories to add to these sets like the translucent dividers in the original custom set @Saburo has.
  3. The best way is to drip the polish into the joint and then move the joint around to get it all coated. Then leave it alone to dry. Repeat if necessary.
  4. That seems a bit suspicious to me...
  5. The Arcadia one is really great and I would recommend getting the Premium Finish version. The panel lining, glow in the dark paint and overall detail and finish they put on it is well worth it. There is a smaller, non perfect transformation TV SDF-1 by Megahouse. I don't have one but it looks really good too. http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=9078
  6. Damn, nice finds on those P-cars. I haven’t seen either of the last two you posted.
  7. I still don't have a complete set of Turtles to this day...I'm glad Mega Construx started releasing those comic style single pack figures and I got Leo so far.
  8. They do look good but call me crazy, I prefer the comic versions.
  9. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    We’ve played the order number game before and I think it was determined that each store is getting no more than 100 Valks per release. I think the number makes sense and is actually a lot considering all the other items they carry and how shops in the US are lucky to get two cases of something simple like Marvel Legends, meaning two-four copies of a single character for everyone in the area to fight over. If you factor in all the other stores that don’t sell online, I think the typical Macross Valk gets around 10,000 produced for sale. Both Arcadia and Bandai have implied these are not high volume units and Macross doesn’t make either company very much money. The volume is probably along the lines of a popular 3P Transformer or even less. Just looking at FEXT being unable to secure 600 total preorders of 5 different color 1/60 Armors after several months says a lot. Even at 600, let’s say that’s only 10% of the people who collect Macross...so the full market would be around 6000, which again supports the 10,000 total that I speculate.
  10. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    As I previously explained...
  11. I like that they include bandai arm adapters now. They should have made the peg holes compatible to begin with but better late than never.
  12. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah, Bandai doesn’t care about what happens after retail and in most cases, they only need to worry about filling their orders with retailers so they are not trying to artificially inflate prices. They just supply based on retail shop orders, their own assessment of demand and how much they are willing to take away from other, more lucrative products. HLJ and most other websites selling these things just need to up their bandwidth and adjust their software to accommodate spikes for high demand items. AmiAmi seems to be trying something new but it still has bugs. Its easy to explain how NY is able to have it still in stock. They have a set amount to begin with but they predetermine how many they want to sell at what prices. Their model is to grab initial preorders by offering the lowest prices, then after a certain amount, they raise the price to make up for the earlier discount or stop orders until release and raise the price then. If an item is extremely hot, they can decide to raise the price even more accordingly.
  13. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    We could have but possibly still wouldn’t have. Doesn’t seem like something worth worrying over. Personally, I’m glad we got those other releases. Some of the best toys for the HMR or any toy line to come out. And it’s safe to say that if Bandai didn’t do those, we wouldn’t have toys of those mecha for a very long time to come.
  14. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah, mykombini cancelled my 31A order saying it was out of stock and then it was back in stock with the price raised.
  15. There is always window film to block uv rays.
  16. Haha, again, love to see the fun pics you guys are posting. I play with my toys but that usually means I'm transforming them and swooshing around. I rarely take pics of that but should more often.
  17. I have a feeling that Arcadia's cost to make a Valk is absolutely higher than Bandai's. I agree selling more at a lower cost sounds good but I also think most Macross fans overestimate the immediate demand for these things. Sure, eventually supply runs dry and prices almost always go up but that sometimes takes years, which could be death for a company that mostly just makes Macross toys and doesn't have multiple lines of much more profitable properties to sustain it.
  18. All at a lower price? Even if it might mean they go out of business because of it?
  19. Totally agree with this. Even though I’ve mentioned my dislike of the milking they do, I still try to support and promote them but it is pretty clear most fans that know about this are not biting.
  20. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    NYs wheel of death was nerve racking but got one. Night!
  21. Almost everything in multinational business is strategic. Their costs on this project were likely not as high as others since most of the design and tech is decades old. Plus, we have seen cost cutting corners cut like lower quality tampo and tolerance issues. Still, I'm glad mine seems to be in good shape with the only issue being the wings not lining up perfect in Battroid mode. Overall, it is a great toy, IMO..In fact, the best despite some of the improvements it could still have.
  22. Wait, does this mean the Toynami 1/100 Valk I have is the best since I got it for free? Nooooooo!
  23. Cool, thanks!
  24. How did you switch? Just email them? I sent them two emails to switch and they never responded.
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