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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Sounds great! It’s unfortunate they didn’t paint the bird missile but who needs bird missiles when you can go firebird? This is pretty much one of my most anticipated toys of my life.
  2. Oh hell yeah! It looks great and thanks for comparing it with the Unifive. Mine is on the way!
  3. Well, they are partsformers. Our friend @jenius has detailed info here: http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=995
  4. Those are all Gashapon figures. Some transformable. About 1/250 scale.
  5. I think those could work well. Actual scale Valks would be too small to really enjoy seeing in a display to me. This is what I have: just need to work on some stands to have them displayed higher.
  6. I’ve checked four as well almost everyday this whole week. I’m not too worried because Walgreens exclusives seem easy to get sooner or later but I really want to just get my hands on this one and get it out of the way.
  7. Nice! Still nowhere to be found around me.
  8. Whenever I’m posing them or taking pictures. But I have favorite modes for each one and usually many version of the same mold so I usually designate one of them as a play model to mess with more than others.
  9. Looks good and agree it will look even better with smaller rings.
  10. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, I would want an F-14 and A-10. My two favorites.
  11. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Very nice! You are tempting me big time! Lol.
  12. Yep. I just wish they made the holes the right size to fit most stands to begin with. It would have increased the playability of all the sets significantly. I guess if they offer the adapters separately and for cheap enough, that would work. Or better yet, send adapters to anyone who helped them by ordering their sets already.
  13. And, I'm liking this Alien figure! AVP!
  14. I think there was talk of @ChaoticYeti making an adapter to use with his stands. Might want to contact him here or through his website.
  15. I have several VF-1's with super parts on display and one of them, I like to display with the covers off on one side and I think it looks better with the clear covers to protect the insides and still be able to see the cover and inside. For $15, it's basically another display option for me.
  16. Look forward to seeing that!
  17. Link to the item please? I can't find it. Thanks!
  18. Super/Strike Parts. Not bad for $30 but it definitely confirms I would not pay full regular price for any of these KOs. Overall feel is a bit cheaper than official with the fit and finish just not being there but I like that the Skulls are tampoed.
  19. Thanks for the info! As a huge fan of the F-14, I never really thought about it and just figured that was a big part of why all of the pylons are between the wings instead of on them. This whole time, I just figured the missiles on VF-1 wings were just anime magic and never thought about other real aircraft with variable wings with weapons mounted on them. I think I just assumed they only work with the wings fully extended. Glad to learn something new! Thanks again!
  20. I forgot about the F-111, thanks for pointing it out. So, does it have some sort of swivel that keeps the ordinance pointing forward or does mounting weapons negate the swing wing functionality?
  21. I was talking more about the missiles pointing the wrong way anytime the wing is swept in any way except for the one way that they are right.
  22. I kind of feel like the distance of the missiles from the wing are a moot point when we are talking about missiles that mount to variable sweeping wings...
  23. I still like @Saburo‘s original custom design better but these are all cool.
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