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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    But if everyone ordered two, order 50 would be the last to get the ship. I should be in but anything between 75-100 could be iffy depending on how many people doubled up.
  2. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    Thanks for the clarification!
  3. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    Cool, thanks!
  4. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    What was your order #? And did you make it in?
  5. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    MEP says it is 4.3" which I was disappointed with noticing after I ordered. BBTS says it is 5.9". Which is it? Also, if we order from MEP, that means we get the ship or we don't know until they send out to see if we are first 100? BBTS has no mention of the ship.
  6. Those look great! I don't wanna paint them though. I'm happy with the gashapon figs. Cool! looks like it works out really well.
  7. Nice! Did that stand come with them?
  8. Ah thanks. Post pics of that custom!
  9. Do any of the three have leg and/or paint/cockpit scraping issues?
  10. It’s so tempting but a lot of money for something with known possible issues, especially when there will likely be a PF version without issues for just a bit more in the foreseeable future.
  11. Nice! I still haven't seen a single one in stores after frequenting several everyday, multiple times a day. Worst part is I haven't seen a single ML in stores worth buying with their current sale. Good thing I got an order in online when they had it available.
  12. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    I probably wouldn't cancel but will definitely get the SHF too if it comes.
  13. Congrats. One of the greatest toys ever made.
  14. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    I wasn’t planning to get it but with the link making it easy, impulse bought!
  15. ET Gonna ET I guess, lol. Thanks and look forward to seeing more of this.
  16. I can’t find anything on the supposed size the God Phoenix is supposed to be but this listing for a 21.7 cm model kit says it is 1/320 so ET’s maybe around 1/350.https://hlj.com/1-320-scale-gatchaman-god-phoenix-ima82745
  17. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    Ah, thanks for the clarification.
  18. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    Speaking of more Frontier figures and no Delta figures, I'm surprised no one posted anything about these yet:
  19. Totally agree. I don’t like the milking attempt and would be more inclined to buy more if they came with all the option parts instead of making people buy the same color scheme armors multiple times to get the different parts. Maybe, maybe not. I guess we won’t know. For me, I don’t care about color coordinated war machines and it seems like several 1/60’s are on sale but yeah, still expensive compared to the Yamato days when they were being clearanced but then...hard to imagine a 3P back then investing in accessories for Valks that can’t sell at msrp.
  20. Well they are skipping it from what it looks like. 1/48 wouldn’t be a bad Idea but at this point, I’d rather just see some other stuff. How do? They are still being produced and sold to this day. Either way I’m pretty indifferent to it. I had one ordered and would be happy to have it but I’m not going to miss not having it. Honestly kinda glad and would rather see some other stuff. If they release the dark C&D color scheme for HMR, I might be in to getting those.
  21. It’s amazing that they couldn’t get a total of 600 orders out of 5 variations. It really goes to show how niche Macross is even though this is a niche within a niche.
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