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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. For me yes, but looks like the price increased slightly. https://m.intl.taobao.com/detail/detail.html?spm=a230r. it was 111 before extra shipping and now I think it’s 118.
  2. Yeah, whatever the case, AJ is becoming a major player in this game. I forgot the calculation for the Arcadia stands but NY was again slightly cheaper but I already ordered at AJ so I didn’t bother to cancel and reorder at NY.
  3. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice work!
  4. Thanks! I don't think you can go wrong for under $20. It gives a nice additional option for looks on these VF-1s that most of us have a bunch of. Just a warning that you should keep an eye on your order status because I didn't realize mine would be sent to a distribution center where I had to login and pay an additional fee to have it sent from China to the US. After a period of time, they start to charge you a storage fee and then they might eventually return the item to seller.
  5. I've done the calculations and for most the things I buy, It's still cheaper at NY but AJ has faster shipping. Since I don't care about fast shipping (especially when it comes in a thin, flimsy box), NY is still the better option to me...IF I am able to lock down a preorder at initial price.
  6. Yeah, NY sucks ass now but IF you do get an order through at the initial price, it is still the cheapest and that is all I care about.
  7. Thanks, I finally found it too. I think I still need the other P-Car you got recently though.
  8. I always recommend Nippon-Yasan...IF you can get a preorder in before they decide to cartjack you and raise the price.
  9. Looking good to me Fit isn't as perfect as genuine but that was to be expected. It does the intended job so I'm happy.
  10. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    You got to prove your worth in battle to get that kinda girl!
  11. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Definitely...just a joke. My old roommate used to watch Macross Frontier more often than I did. She put me on to a lot of other anime that I didn't know about.
  12. Looks like I was too little too late
  13. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    How could I forget?! At least there would be no way to keep misb so saves from having to get another 50.
  14. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Unless she is @Shizuka the Cat she is just going to tell you to stop buying toys, especially if you don’t even know what you have.
  15. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    So I should have bought 50 of these things?
  16. So it sounds consistent. My SSP Set was ordered separately and just came on a flimsy generic box. All good. Gonna put the clear parts on a genuine SSP set tomorrow and see how it goes
  17. Interesting. I didn’t even know any middleman would be involved when I ordered. Oh well, nbd as if it was anything like the super parts box, nothing really to miss but a cheap box and plastic.
  18. Bottom pic r to left front to back F-104, Mirage 2000, F-15, MiG-29, F-86, F-4, F-16 (or actually, is that an F-2?). For the rest, I’m not so good with propeller driven aircraft but a BF109, P-51 and a Spitfire...
  19. I almost forgot I ordered the clear cover parts and when I checked my Taobao order, it said my item was sitting in a distribution center and I needed to pay additional shipping. It was close to getting cancelled but glad I caught it in time. Once I figured it out and paid, it arrived very quickly and I got it today. This is how it showed up. No protection at all, just a bag in a bag. NBD, it seems fine and I’ll check it out and hopefully post some pics tomorrow.
  20. I'm curious as to what Bandai Macross item has been reissued within 6 months in the last several years? Has anything Bandai Macross released in the last several years been reissued at all, let alone in 6 months? But I guess there is the stronger possibility of a different release like the TV/Movie VF-31F and the Lil Draken sets that are associated.
  21. You buy now, ask questions later!
  22. This came from AmiAmi today It will have to hold me over until the HMR VF-4G shows up.
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