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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Yeah but hth does anyone find the preorder listings at CDJ? I’ve never been able to get the search on that site to turn up anything until it’s too late.
  2. Haha, so AmiAmi is pulling a NY move before the preorder even opens by charging more right off the bat huh? Oh well, I guess that’s how it’s going to be going forward.
  3. Sounds like a good plan! I really like the wall mounts.
  4. Yetistands can help you save space and there are adapters for pretty much any Valk you want. Get on it!
  5. It does look really good! Unfortunately, Blade falls into the category of characters I don't have an $80+ budget for (unless there is something else special enough for me to bite). I'm ok with my ML version for now.
  6. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Could be the best HMR Valk to date if it follows in the footsteps of the Arcadia.
  7. Sage advice
  8. Depends on the weight....usually Valks cost me around 4000-5000 shipped SAL so EMS will obviously be more expensive.
  9. Yes, nothing is for certain I finally just ordered a ML Nakia to be able to complete the Okoye BAF. Saw it sitting on shelves for years but wanted a deal. When I figured I wasn't getting one, I went to try to buy it recently and of course they were all gone now. Luckily, I found a listing on ebay where it was on sale and I got my deal after all!
  10. Yeah, I know that's what we were talking about but it wasn't specified and usually the boobs get smaller after the milk goes away. Cool!
  11. Yeah, they will grow and then shrivel to smaller than what you got now afterwards.
  12. This. We’ve heard this before. Don’t worry, we won’t be upset when we see not only DX Max but the Hikaru that you tracked down in your collection.
  13. I didn’t even realize Target had new SW for preorder until it was all sold out. NBD since I don’t really care about Luke and Han faced Troopers and there is always the much better Bandai lots for those. Either way, I’ll probably see them in store and pick them up, lol. Yeah, fun figures. Congrats and enjoy tonight!
  14. Here you go @Mommar OK, I kind of love this thing! I'll probably buy some more if they go on sale.
  15. I haven’t opened them yet but my guess is the same single jointed elbows as the other Stormtroopers. Scratch that...just opened one and it has double jointed elbows and a surprise piece I’ve never seen before. Stay tuned for pics.
  16. These are comic characters so think of the other lines as different representations by different artists, which is what they are. Also helps that the figures are way better but they also come with a price tag to match. You know you want them. Either way, I’m glad there are other companies making Marvel and Star Wars figures and I like the Hasbro offerings as well. Especially since they go deep into the rosters. Speaking of which, I just picked these up: I’ve been hoping for some version of the Jump Troopers since they showed up in Star Tours.
  17. I haven’t had time to do much other than check them out and take that quick pic but initial impressions are real good. They feel overall as good as the Re:Edit Armors I have. These are a bit hefier but the articulation is not as refined. A decent trade off especially considering these are old designs compared to the newer Armors Sentinel focused on. Bottom line is these are a great addition to my Iron Man collection. I just hope either One:12, Amazing Yamaguchi or Re:Edit makes pointy face mask and Silver Centurion and I’ll be a happy camper.
  18. Yeah, definitely. Too bad the Valks aren’t priced as reasonably or I’d get some of those too.
  19. Simply beautiful! Look forward to receiving mine. Meanwhile, I finally received both my Mezco Iron Men
  20. Lol, here is the original post with the link:
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