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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    I knew it was a joke but still clicked on the link. Just in case.
  2. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, you are missing the VF-2s and those had windows on the back of the box.
  3. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    It’s also one of the first to not have a window. I can’t remember for sure but I think every other Valk release had a window on the box.
  4. I have no idea when it comes out but will keep an eye out.
  5. That looks sweet!
  6. Yeah, it’s never a big deal but just funny and annoying when you look up close. That Obi Wan will be mine!
  7. I just got this set too Loki’s eyes are jacked up but that is typical.
  8. Congrats! That is a website crash and glitch that worked in your favor! If a site has to glitch, gotta love when it happens like that!
  9. What kind of bourbon?
  10. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, cameras on phones keep getting better and better with the main drawback being the lens since you obviously can’t compete with a large lens with better materials, engineering and hefty price tag. But as mentioned, composition and lighting is more important than the equipment you use.
  11. Yeah, I don’t care if I get it or not. Just wouldn’t mind having it for cheap. But now that the FEXT 1/60’armor isn’t coming out, I need one even less.
  12. I’m really surprised the anniversary Valk is holding value and sold out at most shops. I was hoping to get one on clearance for under $100.
  13. Yeah, that ObiWan is a must have! I’m going to need the Kenner homage Fett too.
  14. Haha! The “World’s most dangerous group” f’ing up the status quo again!
  15. Yeah, but @Shizuka the Cat is young and known to not know what Star Wars and Transformers are. I’m sure most others here know our classics.
  16. Nice!
  17. Nice! I ordered one too. Then went crazy and ordered the rest of the new preorders that went up last night. I’m guessing he used points of some sort. Great way to get “discounted” or “free” toys.
  18. Great outlook about collecting. That’s how it should be imo. As for the other story, F*** Tha Police! (Wonder if you know where that’s from). Yep, this! 100% There are highs, there are lows. In the end, it’s all good.
  19. I’m not trying to defend or attack anyone’s behavior but it is odd to me when people say someone else did something for “no reason” when a reason was given right before in the same sentence. Again, do we want a free market where prices are based on supply and demand or not? Can’t have that only when it doesn’t involve a hard to get toy we want.
  20. Yeah, I'm just hoping that they get it right from the get go this time. With the VF-0 experience and all the time they are taking on this one, I would certainly hope they catch any issues before going into final retail production.
  21. Yeah, the VF-0S is an absolute gem among all the valk toys we have. But it is worth pointing out that the 0D and 0A that came before it had some major issues that had to be ironed out for the 0S to be as good as it is.
  22. But how many other companies that you know of that don't mainly focus on high end collectibles deliver enough to satisfy all customers everytime? The only one I can think of is TakaraTomy but they definitely have had issues when it comes to some of the MP items the produce. For Macross, the only other real player is Arcadia and they can do it because their entire business is centered around High End Macross toys. Bandai makes toys from kiddie stuff to high end and for just about every popular brand across the world. Macross is a spec of dust to them. HMR often do go through the same preorder madness situations but it hasn't been as bad since they are smaller, cheaper to make and most likely have higher profit margin and therefore make business sense to produce more of.
  23. YES! These are reasonable responses! We all love our Macross here and want as much as we can get! We just need to deal with the reality of the situation and it doesn't help to blame and get upset at others over it.
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