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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Use a credit card even if you use paypal. As long as you use a credit card to pay through paypal and not paypal funds, you are protected by the credit card company. Credit card companies will refund you if you don't your items.
  2. It looks amazing right? People talk about figures looking like they jumped out of a screen which I don’t think is usually a great thing but this looks like it jumped right off a page of Mignola’s art and that IS a good thing to me! I hesitated for a while before I decided to go with the exclusive because it adds up to about $45 to get a sword and a couple of horns in a sack tossed in the same box but in the end, I was counting on this being definitive so I figure might as well go all in. I’d be happy either way but I bet you can find a suitable sword for a lot less than $45.
  3. I just got and opened this so haven't messed around with it much but it pretty much defines definitive to me. I will never need another Hellboy figure again! Only thing I would say is it needs a dedicated Excalibur wielding hand. I'm fine with the articulated one.
  4. OK, I'm tapping out. Anyone got an extra and decide to pass it on, please let me know. Thanks!
  5. Nice! My wife is sitting here trying to get an order for me with her account...
  6. To clarify, it is 4pm jst June 3 so 12am tomorrow night. There is no consistency when Amazon Japan will, if they even do put it up for preorder to USA. So just keep checking from12 am on.
  7. Yeah, G.I. Joe was great back in the day. That’s all I have good to say about Hasbro. Not a big fan of the company but they got me by the balls, lol.
  8. Considering all the people who want these and are itiching to stay up to try to get another in a different deco tells you how much we think it is worth owning. Once you get one of these or even the old Yamato 1/48 and current 1/60 Valks, they all make your "Masterpiece" toy look and feel like junk. Don't get me wrong, I have some of those myself but I'd much rather just mess with my Takatoku or Bandi 1/55 reissues than deal with those Toynami things. Lol! Looking good to me!
  9. Haha, yeah Hasbro sucks but they have the license to two of my all time favorite brands so they get too much of my money. I have the exclusive version but haven’t opened it yet. I’m trying to get a decent deal on SHF Farmer Luke to use with it but regret missing when I saw it for around $20.
  10. Yeah, that’s the article. Thanks for linking. I do believe things will get better for Macross once HG is out of the picture. No way it could get worse right?
  11. This is a great point and I’ve made similar speculation about NY. Whatever the case, they seem to be the only company trying to do something about the site crashing issues and multiple purchases by possible scalpers. As for @Paco Grande bringing up the issue with Chinese resellers, that information was from a recent article so I know he had no intention other than to ask questions based on what he read. We all know scalpers exist everywhere but that article specifically pointed out how the market in China is making a significant impact that may affect the way Japanese shops operate. Bandai does do reissues sometimes but again, I’m sure it all depends on demand and profitability. As we have seen, they don’t do many Macross reissues and if so, it can take a very long time or it isn’t the exact item. I really just don’t think Macross is a big deal to them and it has been stated as much with recent information that Macross isn’t even in the top ten (probably even much lower) in terms of their profitability. They obviously know there is a following and they do what they need to appease us but not much more.
  12. Haha, yeah. At this point, a Roy 1S is as guaranteed as you are to miss a preorder for it if your finger slips off the mouse button.
  13. Macross is a tiny fraction of Bandai's business so they don't produce as much as some of their other more profitable lines. Although the fans are die hard, there aren't as many as there are Transformers fans or Gundam or DBZ... or a ton of other properties. PLus, there is a shitty company called Harmony Gold trying to claim rights to anything Macross outside of Japan and that prevents any official Macross products from being sold outside Japan. If you look at Arcadia Macross products, they are no as hard to preorder because they are mostly reissues and their entire business revolves around Macross so they can devote all their production to it.
  14. Hello and welcome to MW! This is definitely the place to be especially on preorder night because it will be very active with people sharing links and their successes and failures, lol! For AJ, so far, my experience with the last two is that depending on the search you do, you should be able to find the item but it won’t be available to ship to the US right away and it seems like they are all 3rd party sellers. I don’t know if it’s because AJ already put it up and it got sold out that fast with 3rd party already turning the orders they got around for profit or if they are just other vendors with their own suppliers. Either way, if you keep watching the item, the hope is it will eventually be offered by AJ and available to ship to the US. For the last one, the Max VF-1A, that happened at about 6:30 pm jst so late as fu<# over here. AJ and NY will have the lowest prices if you can get an order through with them but if you don’t care about those savings, your best bet is to try on all the sites and get it wherever you can. It will be easy to get one after preorder madness if you are willing to pay a slight markup. There is also the chance that you can get one at original preorder price from amiami, HLJ or cdj later on or near release IF you are lucky enough to catch a cancellation at the right time when they release it to order again.
  15. Yes, all of the major ones ship internationally. Except depending...Amazon Japan. They have shipped the last two DX VF-1s to the US but that is no guarantee that they will do the same for this one.
  16. I'd take a PF GBP especially if it came with the effect parts too.
  17. You too! LMK if you don't have it, I have extras
  18. Some Arcadia VF-1 love just because!
  19. Honestly, I don’t care. If anything, I prefer to have variety so however they come is good with me.
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