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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Finally got my hands on this Blu Ray set Don’t care about the Blu Ray but been wanting the figure inside it. Shipping cost more than the set but in the end, it was still less than msrp so I’m ok with it. Also got a Reina figure for under $3 thrown in the box for good measure and to help complete Walkure. Just need to get Kaname now.
  2. Yeah, not a huge deal but like I said, just ranting. But basically, if I need to ask a shop if they have confirmed and secured an item that doesn’t come out for months after getting a confirmation of my order already...
  3. I really wish people would leave these shops alone unless they actually have an issue. If you can’t trust that a store that has been well known and reliable for years to deliver an item you purchase from them then you should just shop elsewhere. It will make things easier for the shops to do their job of delivering and securing orders. Sorry, just ranting but when I order stuff from whatever store, I place my order and leave it at that. I don’t need to check order status, delivery status and then tracking status every day and I still end up with what I ordered. If for some reason I don’t get what I want (never happened from any of these major shops discussed) or have a need to change something, then I will contact them.
  4. Great points @HardlyNever I still don’t think it is completely that complicated while I agree and know of the marketing tactics but if anything, I think if it is a factor, a very minor one in this case. I think the main thing is just the rule of limited resources and maximizing profits. Bandai would simply rather focus more of their resources on bigger, more popular, and most importantly, more profitable brands.
  5. So Amazon actually delivered my Chuck order and it came in good condition with decent paint. Glad that fiasco is over after months of adding it only to get an empty cart message.
  6. I'm still gonna wait at least a month to order my Strike Packs from NY and not gonna worry about it.
  7. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Fun stuff!
  8. I’ve changed address with NY using the ticket system. No problem at all.
  9. Oh man, that sucks! I have had things there for well over a year and no problems. How long did you say (if you did) your stuff sat there? No problem! You are well known to go out of your way to help people here so I didn't want @canklebreaker to get the wrong idea.
  10. In a case like this, I would have my CC company refund my money and then use a different one if I ever wanted to buy from them again (probably wouldn't want to, lol).
  11. AE tried to do a site overhaul a few months ago. It lasted a couple hours I think before they had to shut down and revert to the old site. Lol! Too bad HLJ and amiami didn’t do the same with their sites.
  12. If they do it will make a most likely buy to an instabuy.
  13. This talk of parts is more reassuring to me because again, parts doesn't sound like stickers to me. I seriously doubt the parts will work double sided though. That would be too smart and probably interfere with some complicated locking system engineered into them.
  14. All I'm thinking is I hope these insignias are interchangeable plastic parts and Bandai doesn't Bandai us and do something like make them a one time attachement where you have to pry and probably break the part to remove it for switching. I personally don't care what the number designation under the skull is and my hope is if they don't release a full bundle pack with the Valk, at least just include the insignia part with the valk so we can switch them (and hope there isn't the feared issue I mentioned).
  15. I'm late to the conversation but @canklebreaker, I did not see that post as someone rubbing it in to you. They were just simply stating that they contemplated getting one but decided to pass. Honestly, I don't remember seeing a post specifically from you asking anyone to help you get one so you can't expect evoryone here to be on the lookout to buy figures they don't want just to help others. Sure, if you ask someone specifically and that person responds that they will try to help you, which happens often, and then that person comes on to say they could have helped you but didn't, that would be a dick move but that's not what happened. As for the Super/Strike Packs, I'll order in a couple months and hope the exchange rate is better. Not worried about it at all.
  16. Maybe they will sell the kite “mark parts” as a separate set? “Mark parts” don’t sound like stickers to me. I’m intrigued.
  17. Thanks! So basically we are still unsure. Oh well. Will need a few either way.
  18. Is there any description that says what the different markings are made of? Are they stickers or interchangeable plastic panels? Panels would be sweet!
  19. TWE = Tamashii Web Exclusive. The 31A was a one time situation and in the end, they still delivered. Really, everyone should shop however makes them most comfortable. I stick with NY whenever I can and mostly because they have the lowest initial preorder prices and offer the cheapest (also slowest) shipping.
  20. I would and will go with NY. And I'll wait a few months before I place my order because I know I can and it will be all good. Pretty much the only other choice is Anime Export unless you want to go through a specific proxy service.
  21. Yeah it's all good conversation and always great to hear differing views. Do I think it is ridiculous that grown folks with the money to buy the toys they want have to stay up in the middle of the night, frantically hitting f5 on multiple browser tabs in hopes of getting what they want? Absolutely. Is it caused by scalpers AND other collectors wanting the same things? I think so. In the end, it's all for luxury entertainment and not a big enough deal to get too upset over. Irritated a bit? Maybe. I just know I don't blame scalpers or other collectors if I don't get something. It's just the way it goes and sometimes you get assed out. Behavior is dictated by society and our society puts profit over all else so it is no wonder any of this is happening to me.
  22. That part is pretty tiny but if you can find a way to drill a hole in each side to glue in a support pin, it may work. For me, I'd just call it broken and live with it.
  23. To me, NY is just using a different type of marketing strategy. Bottom line is they offer the lowest prices if you can get the initial preorder. If something is selling like hotcakes and they can offset some of the "loss" they incur for selling at the lowest prices, it makes market sense for them to do so. At the same time, it makes items available to collectors who really want it and discourages scalpers. They have plenty of items that don't sell as fast and they never raise the price on those. They actually end up lowering the price on many items. It is supply and demand. The economy and market we all endorse and support.
  24. More good conversation here. The way I see it, scalper or not, these things will sell out quick. When there were lots to go around, collectors hoard. Collectors hoard period. I know, I'm one of the biggest hoarders around. It's because sooner or later, these things will sell out and I don't want to miss things. Then the rule of three that we joke about kicks in. Most of us who can afford to, will want at least more than one of these high end collectables because we know once they are gone, it could be a long time or never before they come around again. Having an extra MISB is a great feeling to a collector because it lets them freely play with their toy and know they have an extra "just in case". So the main point I'm trying to make is it is a race to get these things whether we are competing with each other or scalpers. When we can help each other, that is great but everyone who wants these things is going to do what they can to get theirs before they help someone else get one.
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