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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. His face and body proportions. Anyways, I'm using Amazing Yamaguchi Magneto for my main display so NBD.
  2. Got mine too. Came in what seems like a specifically made box for it. Quicksilver has jacked up paint on the chest, Magneto overall looks goofy but Scarlett Witch looks great.
  3. Great job! One of the finest Valk toys ever made.
  4. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks @vlenhoff! @tekering that diorama looks incredible! The lighting puts it on another level.
  5. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Some old pics of mine:
  6. It's slightly over msrp right now on Amazon. Not sure about Canada but should be about the same I would think.
  7. Probably. Just need to wait for them to go on clearance. The only ones that seem to be holding higher prices are Vision and Scarlet Spider.
  8. Well that looks great, a lot better than the ML but obviously. I think I got Vintage Vision from Pulse to get the free membership, just got this with the $5 off coupon: So far, I’m pretty happy with the purchases I’ve been able to make at Pulse. The ones I was not able to make is another story. Anyways, I can probably get the other figures from the wave for around $10 or less at some point so another wave pretty much settled.
  9. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Haha, either don’t worry about color coordination for military weapons or buy them all. Fortunately, I fall under the all of the above category so I have no worries. fwiw, I agree with your overall choices. My favorite go to in order would be C, F, J Kai, S, J out of the main hero Valks that have been released.
  10. Thanks for the details. I agree with your order exactly! The only one I have is OML out of the bunch. Regret missing Ronin and Tiger Stripe but I’m ok with the dozens of other Wolverines I have. Patch would be great. I still want an Agent Of SHIELD Logan.
  11. Looks pretty good! What do you consider the best? Ronin?
  12. Beauty! And yes, it is a wonderful figure. Objectively, the DX VF-1 might be slightly better but I think this is still my favorite too.
  13. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

  14. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Haha yeah. That was my exact reasoning for not getting into this line too. I wanted the Jolly Rogers deco and wasn't going to pay the premium for it. Been a huge F-14 fan since I can remember, definitely way before Top Gun but that was a plus to me.
  15. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Pretty much what I did too. Welcome to the club! The good thing is I don't think you will be disappointed when you get them. Very nice models.
  16. Yeah, it is nowhere near the level of Bandai DX madness.
  17. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

  18. Generally no. But you may want to order pretty early because some of the first versions sold out within a few days if I remember correctly.
  19. Haha, you ae definitely a master level enabler.
  20. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Haha, yeah you have to find a way and make display space out of whatever you can. I do the same. I have about three rooms worth of boxes stacked from floor to ceiling so I know all to well the issues of having too much of a good thing, lol.
  21. I did not know T-Rex also designed the DX VF-1! Is there an article or something about it? Just curious. Thanks!
  22. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Just rotate what you have. Keeps the display looking fresh and puts all your toys into use at some point.
  23. I already got sucked in but I'm trying to be strong. Not going for the Drakken. But after I got my first one, the F-14D, I immediately ordered the A-10 and I will get more depending on what comes out.
  24. Yeah, I didn't want to order any more of these things but @Saburo's pics are too much for me. Mission: Enablement - Accomplished!
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