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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Just came across this old picture I took Seems like so long ago I got the 31F and now the 31E is coming and finally finishing the team!
  2. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    And one of my VF-31 throwback images I just came across
  3. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yep...this has happened in the last several preorder madnesses when I was trying to get stuff. The items I wanted wouldn't be in the cart and items I didn't want would be in the cart or a combination of that. In any case, it always resulted in me not being able to get what I wanted. Really sucks!
  4. Yeah, I want M7 stuff more than any other series right now. I want Valks and figures.
  5. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    If you can get a preorder in time, NY is almost always the cheapest. Mine was 20,890 shipped. I always choose the cheapest shipping because I don’t care when I get my toys as long as I get them. Rather save the ~$20 because that goes to paying for more toys and more than covers any possible mishaps that may happen in the long run.
  6. You got two more Monsters or those were from before?
  7. That sucks the MT Seeker mold isn’t as good as before. Should be the other way around! Maybe yours is defective or do you know of other similar reports? Anyways, I was tempted but glad I haven’t bitten on any “MP” Seeker toys yet. Nice haul all around though. That Lego Voltron seems like a sweet piece. I haven’t opened mine either and originally figured it would be my high end GoLion but then I was able to get a order for the SOC Reissue. Will have to see how that goes.
  8. Got this guy on Prime Day I haven't opened a new SHF figure in a while and was really impressed with this one. Wanting it for a while after seeing it on sale at BBTS and glad I waited and got a better deal from Amazon.
  9. I only have one HT, ESB Boba Fett Deluxe. While I like it, it is too fiddly and not worth the price to get anything other than Boba to me. They do look great though and I enjoy admiring other people's collections of them. I also don't care for MCU designs but I saw they reveaaled comic style Iron Spider at SDCC and will be doing more since there is the workaround of calling them PS4 game designs. If they start doing more comic Marvel figures, I will be ruined! lol! Nice Osprey, I was surprised to see a one flying overhead the other day.
  10. Seems like @sh9000 may be getting a hold of one to do just that...will see how it goes. I don't care enough to spend that kind of money on a box.
  11. Yeah, I'm all about variety. Don't need my warplanes to match perfectly and prefer they don't. Bring on the PF, PF+ and whatever. I do hope everything is at least PF going forward just because, why not.
  12. I consider the lower cost of dealing with NY a type of self insurance...I save enough by buying from them that I could cover any possible mishaps. All good, it's better to have more options than not. Some things as we all know, I'll take from any store that can get me it but that isn't a huge issue with Arcadia products. HLJ hooked me up with my PF Max that I used a coupon for so I'm hapy about that!
  13. Yeah, I've never chosen any of those options (EMD/DHL/FedEx) at NY.
  14. That must suck. NY almost always has cheaper shipping options compared with HLJ for me. I usually pay less for things shipped from NY than HLJ's listed price without shipping. Add to that the complete mess HLJ's site has become since they "upgraded" it, the only thing they're good for is sale items and coupons or I wouldn't shop there at all anymore. Too bad since they used to be a top goto shop for me.
  15. I have an HLJ coupon too...Only thing is it will probably still be cheaper to get anything from NY.
  16. Sweet! I really want the F-22, F-35 and Mig. Not sure if I seen that one but I pretty much buy at least one of every VAG car I see.
  17. I'm not sure if it is exactly the same but probably highly likely.
  18. Got these. Funny thing is I passed on the Metals line Deadpool van but I think I paid about the same or more for this Hot Wheels version. It was probably the mini figure in the side that got me.
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