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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. I don't care what color it comes, it is a sweet design and as long as all the mechanical issues are fixed like the 0S, I'll be a happy camper.
  2. Luke is just some guy. I've never been big on action figures of regular looking people. I get the significance of the charater but the characters with the cool armor, alien or robotic designs are always more appealing to me. Boba all the way. That being said, I am unlikely to buy any more Hot Toys...they look great but overall, not the quality and playability I was hoping for at the price they charge.
  3. It’s the only Hot Toys I own. Had to have it! i also love the various display stands @HayateAltoHunter used, especially the hybrid DX/Yeti. Not a fan of every Valk angled the same way because I prefer the variety to continue with the poses but I totally get what was going for. Very nicely done.
  4. Sweet! Now get a Street Hawk bike to go with them!
  5. Haha, thanks! The wings on mine stay on pretty well. One of them is a bit looser than the other.
  6. I agree. I guess if MB GP02 was made, I'd get that too. My Robot Damashii version is on the way and so far, pics have been amazing. That sucks to hear. I guess I dodged a bullet as I was close to ordering one. I think my old Special Color version is good enough for my needs.
  7. Major drool! So nice! I’m hoping this figure can put a cap on my Gundam collecting, especially when the Zaku arrives. I love MB and MC but having these classics will be all I need now. That is until MB G Gundam happens. If so, I may even break off from Macross to ruin myself getting my hands on those.
  8. Nice detective work! Not a top choice but I think I’m sucked in for at least all the F-14s and A-10s I can get.
  9. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Yep, I would go so far as to say they are better than all the Macross HMR releases from a toy engineering and build quality perspective.
  10. Gotta wait to see what it is again huh?
  11. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Good stuff @vlenhoff! Those extra parts are the biggest pain about HMR to me. I'm too anal to keep them all stacked in bins or bags like that so I need to dig through boxes everytime I need to switch parts out. If they made diorama stands with storage in them, I would totally use those instead.
  12. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I don't remember for sure but I think only Mirage's Super Parts came with Reaction Missiles. Hayate's VF-31J Kai also did but not the Super Parts.
  13. But would test batches all consistently have the same different shaped parts and take so long after official release to come out?
  14. For many KOs, I absolutely believe they are rejected "official" product. In this case, I think it is more like the factory sold the mold plans or the ko molds were reverse engineered from the existing parts or some other factory inside job type scheme was involved to produce a slightly different product.
  15. Curious, did you find the Soundwave stuff in person?
  16. "Complete" and "Macross Collection" are not compatible.
  17. I’m not worried about the issues since they were all fixed on the 0S but I’m just curious if they have fixed all the issues at the level of the molded parts or if they are still modifying parts to make it all work better.
  18. Thanks @sh9000, I have it already. Damn, you have been on a collecting tear! Doubling up on AFC now too? You are a madman!
  19. Lol yeah, that's why I always have to say my part too.
  20. Yeah, I feel like the other volumes released details sooner. Not sure why this one took so long and was nearly sold out by the time people knew what it was.
  21. Man, some of you sure are picky, lol! I like all kinds of valks. Heavily tampoed, sparsly tampoed, panel lined, not panel lined, weathered, not weathered...it's all good! I don't need or want all my valks to be matched perfectly. These are war machines dammit! It's ok for them to have varying degrees of wear, colors or markings.
  22. I saw it on AJ but it's also listed at CDJ now (but sold out) http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOBK-2384512?s_ssid=e49d05d43d2032148
  23. Nice, I got mine the other day but haven't opened it yet. Was Jonsin to find out what Vol 32 was but it is an F-4 that I will thankfully pass on.
  24. Thanks for the review and pictures! That tip about using Elmer's glue is fantastic! Never thought about using it and sounds great that it is easily undone and not damaging. I'm going to use some on the F-14 I have from them because the loose landing gear covers and missiles are annoying as hell to me, lol!
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