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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Nice MP-44 @sh9000! Mine showed up from AJ with that feared paper thin box. Not a good look when it had to be “repacked” But it seems like the box inside escaped damage again. Whew!
  2. Cool pic! Looks like the Valk is extending out of the box.
  3. Fantastic! Ditto on the awesome paintjob on the stand too. LEK is THE MAN!
  4. I almost got the SHF for that reason. Glad I held off!
  5. Yeah, I just noticed that feature but never tried it either. Seems like it will work and I will be attempting it soon.
  6. There you go, profit! Hmmmm
  7. What kind of business are you in? (feel free to PM if you don't mind my asking and if this is getting too OT).
  8. Ah, a Top Gear/Grand Tour fan? Nice to hear that. I'm a huge gearhead and you should check out @spanners Model car collection.
  9. It's been working well for me but if your post office is not reliable then I guess it isn't a good option. I ordered but I sent in an inquiry regarding a discount code. Will let you know how it goes. Speaking of dicount codes, yeah, they use a system described here. They seem to start you off low but my last few codes have been for 5% off, which is going to be pretty significant, especially if I order multiples.
  10. The one I always use is called Ferry. Amazon JP delivery is scary but I guess the speed helps reduce the chances of damage.
  11. LOL! I'll take an Indy reference anytime!
  12. Incorrect, ferry does have tracking although I rarely bother checking. I just enjoy surprises in front of my house whenever they come. FWIW, I paid $333 for mine shipped from NY using a discount code (I think it was 3% off). As mentioned, Amazon ships in nearly paper thin boxes, I've had boxes delivered that were completely torn open. The good thing is they also skrink wrap to a board so luckily, I have not recieved anything damaged but it is a bit scary to see a box delivered like this:
  13. And under $43 for two if you choose ferry. I choose the ferry route everytime for these things!
  14. All good. I just wanted to see how well equipped you were. You never know!
  15. You have a tampo machine?
  16. Finally got this set! Still can't get over how tiny Rodan and Mothra are but they are very nice, especially Mothra's translucent wings. Such a shame there will be no Ghidorah to go with them.
  17. Well, the original was a dud and it still commanded a pretty penny. Anyways, I'll be happy to get one of these. If I'm lucky, two but I really don't need an extra.
  18. Good info, I’ll have to check it out sometime. China is in full on capitalistic mode right now so once their population mostly gets the same kind of buying power we have in the US, everyone is screwed one way or another if things stay as they are now. Just look at what this population has done to the world and multiply that times 6-7, lol!
  19. Ok, I didn’t see that version before...there are so many. That does look excellent. Gonna have to look into getting one, lol.
  20. Yep, basically it doesn't seem like a viable thing unless you are developing a bot for personal use. The Chinese market is not only botting but also lining up in person to snatch up all the stock. The NY numbers should be about the same as far as available units for their initial preorder discount. I came up with the number as an estimate based on order numbers for earliest to last known sucessful orders.
  21. Interesting...I get the need to get your investment back but I personally would not pay any extra. This is all a game to me and if I’m good enough to get one myself, cool! If I miss out, there are still a few more chances when it releases and it’s just a toy so nbd. Based on my own evaluation and calculations, most of these online shops are not getting much more than 100 units for preorder. NY may have even less since they allocate some stock to their markup if it is a popular item.
  22. So, I looked at my records and we were both a bit off on the original NY price, it was 16,280Y if you got it in time. As for bots, I don't know but I think that is highly likely the case. I haven't gotten that crazy into it but if someone wants to give me an easy way to give me better chances, I'll take it. Also, you want to put your eggs in every basket possible when preorder madness comes. I have multiple devices and tabs open, refreshing them all as fast as I can to get my orders in and that still didn't work for me for the Hikaru DX 1S.
  23. NY had the VF-1S Hikaru for around 17,000Y but that lasted for less time than I was able to secure one because I was refreshing the page every second until it showed up but was unable to check out fast enough to get the deal. The S&S parts are TWE so you got the regular price for those and they will not go up until after release. They are still available for the same price. That is a good example of the difference between regular releases and TWE ones.
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