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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Well said. Yeah, I’ve seen it but my family hasn’t. They’ve watched a lot of skate videos though. Bones Brigade Search For Animal Chin and stuff like that to current videos. We’ll get to that movie again sometime but good reminder. Thanks!
  2. Agreed on the 80’s. The 1/55 Chunky still can’t be beat to this day as the greatest TOY (not just Valk) ever made. That Mcgill is my favorite all time Powell graphic. But these were my favorite overall boards from back in the day.
  3. Oh, haha gotcha! That's all good as long as you enjoyed it. Here's my old school style deck that I put together recently using a combination of old and new parts:
  4. Yeah, from what I’ve seen, most items are upcharged. There is a reason why I almost always buy anything from SOC, SHF, SHMA, and even other items like Transformers from Japanese retailers instead of domestically.
  5. Totally agree. While I would like to support WWM by buying domestically, I'm not going to pay more for it so it defeats the purpose.
  6. I love the look of this but like some of the other expensive cases out there, I can't bring myself to pay more for the display case than I did for what the case is displaying.
  7. Over $150 including tax. I just mentioned in the other thread that considering that, this is not a bad price at all.
  8. The price is not bad at all considering the item cost over $150 for people purchasing directly at the event. Now, the fact that Bandai charged over the standard if it was converted using the current exchange rate and listed MSRP in Yen, that's a whole other story but seems to be the standard case with WWM items so far.
  9. You used to skate? It’s never too late to pick it up again. I took about 20 years off but then my son started getting interested and we went to some skateparks and just like that, I got back into it. It’s been tough trying to get some tricks back but I’ve also learned new things I was never able to do before.
  10. Thanks! That was my favorite way to display my Valks. No floor space taken, dynamic displays that I can see all the time, safe and secure but also easy to remove and play with anytime. I actually never bought a Yeti base stand because I preferred this method.
  11. Yeah, I'm a bit surprised they didn't get very dusty there. I suppose it wouldn't be difficult to put a plexiglass case around those. Or, I think you could also just mount the stands inside a wall display.
  12. I had a bunch of Valks displayed on the wall with yeti stands. They were super stable with no worries about knocking them off. I also had them high up and out of the way but still, they were solid.
  13. Slave IV

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Is this just a reissue? Or am I missing something?
  14. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    Haha yeah, it seems like an easy enough accessory to get. I'm just not sure it's worth it even though I'm big on these KC figures and have been all in so far. The only thing really calling me is that weathered helmet but again, do I really care?
  15. Thanks! I learned about this company pretty recently and wanted to try their deck shapes and when I saw they had this graphic, I had to have it. They also have this one but not in the sizes I want. these have been found in store and Amazon even shipped.some out a while ago.
  16. Check the graphics on this deck I just got.
  17. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    They already announced another version. https://www.kitzconcept.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=86 I've been all in so far on their figures but I might wait before I order this one.
  18. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    KC is the hands down master of character figures for Macross. This Hikaru is another stellar release and they handled the soft goods very well imo.
  19. HG has invoiced early and by mistake a few times for me.
  20. Sorry to hear that and I’m glad my preorder went away but it does look good.
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