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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    The more I look at this thing, the more I like it. It reminds me of a swashbuckling pirate.
  2. Beautiful work @Lolicon!
  3. Nice! I can’t wait to get Boba! i saw there were some reviews and other posters who had Spideys with locked shoulder joints. Mine don’t. People who have the issue were able to loosen theirs by heating it up.
  4. That reminds me, I need to open my 31E. Meanwhile, more Spidey!
  5. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    True but knowing this, I don’t sweat it. If something comes, which has been the case consistently since the announcement of HMR, I buy it. If nothing comes again, hey, my wallet gets a break! Win-win!
  6. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    The anniversary VF-1 was a meh to most and that was like 5 or more releases ago. Not sure why every release induces panic of it being the last one.
  7. Aw yeah! always wanted a Sun Wukong figure. A higher end one would be nice but this will do for now.
  8. Yeah, I love their detolf adapter and wall mounts for even more space saving. Edit: I just got this now that I have it, I feel like I should have bought two.
  9. Yeah, definite improvement since but I still love the simplicity of the Yamato.
  10. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    There are a lot of other things I’d rather have but I’ll take one of those too.
  11. Nice @gerwookie
  12. Those are recent update pics @sup3hobo from the TFW forum/ @SuperHobo here? Shared that show the cracks he initially found months ago. He reported that there has been no change for the worse in the cracks since and they are not affecting any of the functionality.
  13. Nice pickups @sqidd! The Monster and Mazingkaiser are both excellent.
  14. If I were you and you can place an order that says they will ship, I’d just do it. Worst case, they don’t ship and you get nothing but if you don’t order you definitely get nothing.
  15. Most definitely! I will never give mine up!
  16. Quoted the most important part! I'm to chicken shi+ to come that close to dying so I stay away from bikes. Senna...the Man! Watching him drive is pure art. Back to the 51, I'm glad it seems like any fear I may have should be fixable now. There is probably still another month before I get mine so will see how it goes.
  17. Pretty much. That's the risks of doing business and purpose of insurance for them.
  18. Yeah, the numbers are undeniable. I just can’t get past Ford “quality”. I owned one before and there is a night and day difference. After driving German cars most my life, I just can’t settle for less. You are paying for something with that premium and the way I get around it is by ALWAYS buying used. My mechanic is one of the best Porsche trained technicians in the country and he takes very good care of my cars and I am happy with what I got.
  19. Good to know about the Legioss but I’ll just wait for Sentinel. My general policy is not to settle by paying anything for sub par products.
  20. It doesn’t make me feel better to hear about anyone getting screwed. It sucks!
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