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Slave IV

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Posts posted by Slave IV

  1. The price is not bad at all considering the item cost over $150 for people purchasing directly at the event. Now, the fact that Bandai charged over the standard if it was converted using the current exchange rate and listed MSRP in Yen, that's a whole other story but seems to be the standard case with WWM items so far.

  2. 7 hours ago, MKT said:

    Love the wall mount method! :good:

    Thanks! That was my favorite way to display my Valks. No floor space taken, dynamic displays that I can see all the time, safe and secure but also easy to remove and play with anytime. I actually never bought a Yeti base stand because I preferred this method. 

  3. 8 hours ago, seti88 said:

    and no cobwebs forming too!😅 yeah its still a cool way to display.

    For me, I am paranoid that without a case over it, its bound to get hit sometime/somehow.

    Anyway, am sure there would be ways to add a case to that too.

    Yeah, I'm a bit surprised they didn't get very dusty there. I suppose it wouldn't be difficult to put a plexiglass case around those. Or, I think you could also just mount the stands inside a wall display.

  4. Haha yeah, it seems like an easy enough accessory to get. I'm just not sure it's worth it even though I'm big on these KC figures and have been all in so far. The only thing really calling me is that weathered helmet but again, do I really care?

  5. 1 hour ago, foundshaian said:

    That's f^<<ing stellar

    Thanks! I learned about this company pretty recently and wanted to try their deck shapes and when I saw they had this graphic, I had to have it. They also have this one but not in the sizes I want.


    54 minutes ago, Mommar said:

    How did you get Yondu already?  My pre-order is still waiting.

    these have been found in store and Amazon even shipped.some out a while ago.  

  6. 40 minutes ago, Pontus said:

    Has anyone gotten a reply/invoice after confirming their order?  I sent a confirmation Monday afternoon which was 3 days ago for Hong Kong now.  

    Nah, I don't think they bother with that from what I remember. Just sit back and someday they will send your item.

  7. 1 hour ago, daBlah! said:


    Is everything just crazy tight on this release 🤷 anyone keeping scores on breakages Vs no issue 🙈


    Looks like it’s up to around 4:Several Thousand that are broken vs not reported broken at this point. 😊

  8. Since Arcadia releases are somewhat made to order (mainly on the retail shop end), there is no preorder madness and depending on the release, there can often be remaining stock after the initial release date. Discounts will depend on the retailer and how quickly they want to clear their space. HOWEVER, due to the niche appeal, overall numbers for Macross products is relatively very low compared to something like Gundam so once the initial stock is sold out, prices are almost always sure to go up. Especially in the cases of "shelf-warmers", their initial numbers were probably even lower to begin with, making them the most rare items in the long run, leading to the highest prices in the long run. Happens pretty much consistently through the history of Macross toys.

  9. 19 hours ago, Pontus said:

    Thank you very much for the reminder!  In my case, I ordered it on 7/2021 using an old email address I rarely check, so even though I have since changed and confirmed my new email address with them, they sent the confirmation to the old email which I don't check often anymore.  I would've missed it without your reminder. :hail:

    No problem! You might as well keep it though.

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