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Aries Turner

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Everything posted by Aries Turner

  1. tl;dr, back to facts: - We see Destroids based near or working alongside Zentran hardware, maybe even as a unit. The fact we see those establishes those are still useful for some purpose. - We see those destroids fail to reach a similar standard of effectiveness as their zentraedi counterparts. Either we earthlings are contributing sub-par hardware to Zentraedi-Earthling joint taskforces. or We have relegated the task to them entirely and totally neglected the hardware to do the same task. The first conclusion mean either failing to deploy better destroids or VFs. Frontier destroids fared better against Vajra than Delta destroids against Regults. Lacks of resources is no excuse, as that Zentran hardware uses human manufacture either from the ground up or mix and match, as no Factory Satellite should be expected to combine Zentran and Meltran parts by default, without earthling transmitted knowledge. The second conclusion would mean at least local NUN and possibly federal NUN are certainly corrupt and lazy. Maybe that is what happened.
  2. A Windermerean would gamble for stormtroopers visors if only because its awkwardness and lack of fashion would keep Roid sleazy fingers away. Even if just to read at night, at their homes. Ah, the times we Windermereans could afford having glasses in plain daylight, the times without the thief with the awkward fetish... Mind you, the collection we see is the one at his office. We may not know how many hundreds he keeps at home.
  3. Cheyenne II should be as similar to Cheyenne ADR-03 as a F-18C is to a F-18E. Cheyenne II have more in common with Tomahawk MBR role than Cheyenne or Defenders ADRs. Defender Mk XV have shorter range weapons, as a MBR reconstruction of the ADR exchanging area defense for self-defense. Since SDF-1, local area defense duty falls on turrets and silos. Destroids (and Regults, Glaugs and Q-Rea) should still have a high effectiveness per cost ratio or simply wouldn't be there. Even if against minor incidents not deserving a memento series, as in 2055, 2061, 2062, 2063,... May hypothetical super EX-Gears or MDP-001W Cygnus ground carriers be better at defensive and point defense capability? Maybe. Which takes me to your point: Inside Island-class without sky, a permanently parked inside VF makes no sense. If only those destroids had a FF-3001A and backup FF-2110A,... Voldor and Eden did with VFs because you have, as Alto would say, a sky there to fly and defend. We may or may have not seen Al-Tsahal defenses. The fact is the garrison we see is a Marine garrison. Marines (and Army) need to be based somewhere.
  4. That could be true, but having VF-171s, VF-25s or VF-31s for *police* duty or strictly for colony fleet interior defense seems like a waste. Picture one of those wherever we have seen Cheyenne II or even Beatrices. It can't be that cheap.
  5. Those had shortsightedness, but Roid confiscated all lenses for himself.
  6. I checked #1 and while Mikumo phoned Mirage through her nail(phone), Mirage answered via mobile. Didn't notice Arad or Hayate's, but good to know they upgraded tech beyond Mirage's vintage fashion Moving right along: it already puzzled me in Frontier the low survivability ratio of Cheyenne II. Sure, Destroids popped like popcorn in SDFM, but VF-1A also did. However, Cheyenne II in Delta are even worse. Those haven't keep pace with new Regults. REGULTS, for goodness shake! While destroid engines are almost always only one and of far less output than VFs, in theory, without weight or shape constraints, destroids should be able to have a single engine with enough output to at least deploy some competent form of SWAG or even pinpoint barriers at this age, and the things would still compare favorably to VF costs. THAT should be chalked as bad writing. As Cheyenne II have some degree of coolness factor, it should deserve better.
  7. Not probable. Well, the show is cheesy enough, but those are fairly specific coordinates and fairly specific Walküre trinkets. In #1 the girls contacted Mirage while elsewhere and I don't think she had such a nail. Also, XAOS ops could have mandated implants, but seeing the bias against cyborgs shown in Frontier, I wouldn't think so (Note: nails count toward cyborg status, but I am assuming those get a pass as pretty non invasive). So I think Arad got a fix on them, passed the coordinates to Reina and she and Makina did the piloting (piloting in the drone sense: fly to waypoint, adjust manually if needed). However, that would mean those VF not only 'fell' to allow a soft landing after a second or two of falling... those have to cool as well, because wherever those were, it sure was a very, VERY fast trip. Sonic thunders disguissed in the firing.
  8. I believe you. Still, those are cited everywhere else as Kai: http://macross.anime.net/wiki/F-14_Tomcat http://macross.wikia.com/wiki/F-14A%2BKai_Super_Tomcat Before I forgot yet again, a spoiler for those of you that haven't seen Delta #24
  9. I actually didn't know the meaning, or the expression itself, for what matters. I guessed by context, and it shows I guessed wrong.
  10. Still NUNS. You seem to forget Illustria F-14 Kai squad. Shin's wasn't a one-off. He was supposed to fly an OT improved, in service, fleet-wide variant of the F-14. OK, F-14s are variable in other sense, but still... Wait. Isamu VF-19EF "monkey model" performance isn't supposed to exceed base model? What I am to understand as "monkey model"?
  11. You said those 154 were split between SMS and *NUNS*. Well, Frontier local NUNS, but NUNS in the end. [Edit]: Numerology. 140 F-4EJ + 14 RF-4E. N/m. Nevertheless, 96 Kai is more than a small group of aircraft. Entire air forces have less fighters. But now it is me who is being nitpicky. About the VF-31, it seems the -31A is loaned, as in the flashback episode Arad piloted one. That settles nothing, but the -31A is too grunt looking and is stated as next fighter for Brisingr sector. The monkey model are clearly the inverted wing ones, thus those are probably XAOS property. Probably. In other news, those monkey models (and the basic too) are stated to have 36 micromissiles. Was Chuck stand a full salvo? Anyone did the count?
  12. It is not about numbers, it is about serving within the federal NUNS, not only a local fleet. A handful Kfirs in the Navy Top Gun were worth of F-21 designation. Most probably. I remember something about all the upgraded JSDF Mitsubishi made Panthoms being known as F-4EJ Kai. Interestingly, 154 F-4EJ Kai. Nice coincidence.
  13. I see your point, but then again 154 split between SMS *AND* NUNS is somewhat worthy of a letter (ala Flanker-E). Sorry for erroneously putting the -EX into the mix. -EX is somewhat akin 'Kai'. Even simpler, as the modification involves taking out seat and controls, putting an EX-Gear and thus gaining a better escape system and survival kit, standard human-machine interface and an improvement in pilot G resistance, thus gaining greater safety margins and allowing some engine deyoking (VF airframes usually tolerate higher G rating than pilots themselves). Anyway, what I intended to convey is inconsistencies are gonna happen from time to time. Once you are aware of those, it isn't such big headache.
  14. No, actually it makes sense. Fleet variations are correctly designated, with really worthy ones getting a letter if there is an interest in producing the exact variant elsewhere (-EF, -EX, -P). Again, the VF-171 is the oddball, but also was the SR-71 (had to be RS-71 but was wrongly quoted), the X-49 (jumped to X-50 exclusively on coolness factors), the F-13 (triskaidekaphobia),...
  15. Also, it is not that difficult: VF-171 Voldor Type-1. Every local government should keep track of the block upgrade their fighters are at, but you can safely go with common variants. Consider the "Flanker": there are way more variants than simply Flanker-B through Flanker-H, but most are inconsequential to you. You could almost hear the voldorian representative arguing: "what you call Type-1 actually are three older variants, only one still in service in large numbers. Under Type-2 umbrella are in fact other two, main variant and next variant, so...". 'Yeah, sure, whatever you say, buddy'.
  16. We are also underestimating all kind of sharp angles, protrusion and dangerously looking pieces of metal equally capable of seriously damaging anything when used with murderous intent. When something pierces your carapace (or your mecha), it is of little consequence if it is a giant knife, a giant screwdriver, a VF-171 tailfin or the 'sting' at the end of the VF-11 shield. [bonus]: It is just me or the VF-171 tailfin, when in battroid form, looks exactly as a can opener when viewed from the right angle? Granted. For all intent no less than an armor piercing round at point blank range could achieve anything against larger types. A subsonic moving knife could be incapable of scratching that... ...or does it? Pinpoint barriers are quite something. Maybe it is Kawamori the one with a Crocodile Dundee fetish.
  17. Sure. But not as cool as impaling an enemy with both pinpoint reinforced railguns, without even misalignment damage, and THEN firing, Millia Fallyna style.
  18. That is for granted, could even explain why the VF-25 was issued one. But then a VF-171 was caught on military recordings breaking such Vajra carapace with a powerpunch. Had it failed, he still could had tried to stab the bug with the pinpoint reinforced arm shield edge instead, but the punch was enough, showing Vajra carapace was grossly overestimated, the purpose of the Ka-Bars now gone. Without a clear role, I would had expected Ka-Bars being withdrawn from service as VF-11 bayonets did. A modified shield with strengthened dirk-like or stiletto-like tailcone, similar to VF-11 one and conceptually close to VF-27 shield-dagger, could still do the trick if some NUNS General still felt the idea was worthy for valkyrie combat. Then why issuing the VF-31 *two* Ka-Bars? No clue.
  19. Unless they weren't. For all we know, Macross DYRL may had cast this exact crew to replay 'historic' roles. Think about it: so many memorable actors, fondly remembered, lost in a single incident. All but Temjin, that got his involvement largely reduced in the movie for being unreliable as an actor. OK, this is off-topic nitpicking inside a necrothread. Just laughed at the implications. I tend to think about the issue somewhat as Keith: when Vritai entered Earth orbit, he had ceased to actually fight the Supervision Army for millennia (and too many memory implanted clones). He was just beating the scraps, as a Zentran could not do anything else.
  20. Those will never be of equal efficacy. The point is, could yo do without with at least 90% of the efficiency? If yes, the thing is superfluous. The undeniable fact we see those being issued would point instead to some vulnerability of modern VF construction, like aggressive weight reduction compromising structural integrity but compensating with active protection systems... that if switched off, a well placed slingshot could potentially cause irreparable damage. Long story short: what SV-51 and VF-171 hands achieved, VF-25 and VF-31 hands are so frail to achieve without a reinforced piece of steel. Also, Quarter risking damaging the business end of its cannon, where any deformation could result in self-destructive miss-fire, appeared reckless. But if not, if that kind of maneuver is nothing out of the ordinary, VF-31 could do the same thing using its railguns to impale opponents. Instead, it is issued not one, but two Ka-Bars. I am starting to suspect VFs are becoming origami transformable planes in a more literal sense. [Edit]: Taken out wild (even for my standards) speculation. We see that for some reason, Ka-Bars are issued. One can only wonder why.
  21. Quarter using the very blunt, no sharpened in any way, prow of its Gunship to open a Vajra ship like if it were a sharpened sword, which obviously is not. One could even assume it was the pinpoint barrier itself the thing that acted like a makeshift blade or serrated spear point. Even SV-51 hands being used *without* any kind of protection to penetrate and open a reinforced hangar door in Zero. A trench tool is also never an axe, but if serrated enough, if balanced carefully, could still achieve almost indistinguishable effect without being a dedicated, one purpose only, piece of hardware.
  22. Physics 101 here, yeah, but we are talking about a last resort weapon. You can achieve almost the same effect with already somewhat sharp fingertips, Patlabor's type-00 style, with none of the extra weight and a slight increase in power to weight ratio to attempt to break the engagement if you are hopelessly outmatched (as usual when resorting to melee weapons by lack of ammo). Using pinpoint barrier to reinforce the tip of a metal big knife or the fingertips of a metallic ASWAG open hand should we about equally effective.
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