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Aries Turner

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Everything posted by Aries Turner

  1. So option a). Read again, even the one before editing you quoted: your so called third possibility is still option a). Why would anyone barely sane push the inferior safety structural limits of its ride mounting two YF-30 engines? To power a bigger rifle. To withstand greater damage. To burn fuel faster. To fly it to destruction, well beyond heat and g tolerances. [Edit]: Oh, joy, I am no longer cannon fodder!
  2. I'll try to regain some focus here. This all started when someone said the VF-31 was inferior to the YF-30, and all boiled down to the engines used and the capability of those to power a beam gunpod with beam grenade capability. There are two possibilites. a) The engines mounted in the VF-31 and YF-30 are indeed physically indistinguishably, but rated for different flight envelopes in FADEC software. Nothing except self-preservation could impede you mounting YF-30 engines on VF-31 airframes if the initial premise was that those were physically identical. Just don't exceed maximum speed in atmosphere for the model or maximum g-turns if the armor can't compensate even with the increased power. b) The engines mounted in the VF-31 are physically different. It is then implied there is some part number, ean code, sub designation, anything that an engineer could use to request the right engine replacement. So it may have the same designations, but per premise, those are not exactly the same engines.
  3. Exactly. It wouldn't fit. It is the same engine... but it is not. That is why it had a slightly different designation: because in the end, it is not the same engine nor is interchangeable. This point reached, I don't care if you call it FF-3001/FC2 in both cases just for unraveling chaos and confusion within maintenance crew if you are at the same time implying those are in fact FF-3001/FC2-CHR and FF-3001/FC2-KAI or whatever. Got me about human fallibility, though. As fallible as the ones putting the numbers on paper. Agreed. That way you could scale to Cargo planes or hyperfast couriers. However, the VF-31A is no cargo plane: has almost same weight, same dimensions and same shape as YF-30. Nerfing it for the shake of it is like having octacores in the minimum die size of a given chip and disabling seven just to market it as single core (done IRL, though): "Try the VF-31! We tried to put there a simpler engine, but had surplus YF-30 engines and decided to nerf it to mach the expected simpler engine at zero cost. Until replaced, that is, when we will be paying triple the expected amount just to nerf them again". True marketing genius. I can almost see Rei-Rei hacking those back to full spec. Illegally, of course. Even the VF-171EX had an excuse: its shape and weight is nowhere near Basara's ride.
  4. If Macross Chronicle has not yet covered anything from Macross Delta, and the stats come solely from model kit packaging and the liner notes for the Blu-Ray limited edition release, then nothing about VF-31 true engine or real power output could be taken for granted still. Even our resident aviation engineers here would shudder to the idea of mating a F110-GE-400 to an F-16. So I hope this is not a repeat of VF-19 engine nightmare or aforementioned VF-171EX case, which happens in Macross Universe but hopefully not IRL.
  5. I even cited the same example about the F-16 using GE or PW. The opposite case, that you hinted, is the F-14, F-15, F-16 or Mitsubishi F-2 using the GE F110 (some also have PW options). You can even notice non-afterburning variants here. However, open some of the aircraft cited at the bottom of that page and search the engine within its specs. Notice something? *EVERY* one of them have a different designation. Because every one is a variant specifically tailored for that aircraft, as you said. The F-14 ones have extensions, even. The F-2 is even more different because it is built under license, as one would expect between a Shinshei variant and a Surya licensed copy. Differences are, however, minor, performance wise: F-16, F-16XL or even the bigger F-2 have all similar dry and wet power outputs. Major differences should be between models using one or two engines (surprisingly. not the case either: check yourself). But both YF-30 and VF-31A/B have two engines and about the same general configuration. Kawamori being an engineer himself can't commit such mistake. Perhaps. But putting the same engine for the first time ever in two different models, where every single variant of the VF-19 have different designations for its engines even, makes no sense either. It is rather obvious there is a mistake in the Chronicle. We just do not agree where. Bonus: just imagine being a Valkyrie engineer and asking Shinshei for a replacement engine. And then receiving the one tailored for the *other* plane. Seriously, that is something more dire than a silly mistake. [Edit]: Actually, I am wrong. Just as I quoted the FF-3001/FC2 as the first time ever the same engine is put in two different valkyries, I remembered something. The VF-171EX is certainly the worst offender ever, with power values for the same engine (FF-2550F) differing 22%. I'd hate to be a VF-171EX engineer. Sorry guys: it was nice while it lasted.
  6. [Nobody had posted yet, so post was unnecessary as a simple edition could do]
  7. tl;dr As I see it, we are both providing explanations for YF-30's FF-3001/FC2 and VF-31's FF-3001/FC2 having huge different performance: a) Macross Chronicle stats forgot to mention YF-30 power figure include 15% overboost via FDR, that would make differences with VF-31C/E/F/J/S figures evolutionary (2% variation) rather than revolutionary (12% variation). For comparison purposes, FF-3001/A and FF-3001/FC2 present at least a 15% improvement. b) There are certain conditions were huge differences in performance are unworthy of a designation change of even a single number or letter, while at the same time other huge increases of performance do, for reasons. And reasons too. Do you know about Occam's razor principle? [Addendum]: Shinsei thought a 0.24% variation was worthy of designation change with the FF-3001/FC1 and FF-3001/FC2. If FC is something like Fold Chamber or Fold Capability, Fold assisted engines have a 30% increase of power over FF-3001A. Even without fold assistance, as in VF-31/A/B, performance is increased 15%. c) This one supporting your hypothesis. Macross Chronicle made indeed a mistake and the engine mounted on VF-31 is the tentatively named FF-3001/FC3. Both FF-3001/FC1 and FF-3001/FC2 achieve 30% improvement over base FF-3001/A. For reasons (*), tentatively named FF-3001/FC3 settles in a more conservative 15% improvement if using FDR, performing about the same as base FF-3001/A if not present (implying VF-31A/B have exactly same power output as VF-25). (*): Simplification, less wear on engines, maintainability, longer engine service life,...
  8. Yeah, we do. A revolutionary one, rather than evolutionary one. If not, the jump in power would have been minor. I hope they add a letter after the designation, like in that so named VF-19**C**. Just to avoid surprises and variable specs within the same Macross Chronicle sheet. If that is the case, it is obviously a case of defective copy, however industrially understandable that may be in a given sector. The whole Alpha and Delta Squadron should be aware about the issue. Even Makina. And solve it at the first chance. Or via contractors providing goods from the core. Or if happy with the variant, designating it as a variant, adding a letter at least, maybe FF-3001/FC2/B. Because for you to be right, clearly the VF-31 are not using real FF-3001/FC2.
  9. IRL engines with only a digit of difference tend to be the same engine with or without reheating. If that is a slight difference, yeah, it is. And it is not, at the same time, if you consider the whole difference in peak power. The /FC2 seems to have a whole new chamber. A slight difference that is anything buy slight in capabilities. Why? Supraluminal data network is down? We are not talking about japanese sub-delivered paper plans for a Me-163 copy here. We are talking about data transmission with error checking protocols. And you are mixing the concept of regional variations of the F-35 design (or more exactly, its planned mid-life updates) with error on copy.All F-18C/D Plus regional variants have more in common than those have in differences, even when using locally made electronics. There is no point in nitpicking: commercial liners have even engine options. Even PW and GE engined F-16, which the pilots distinguish and even have preferences for, present similar performance. Being *entirely* different engines. Only if using defective/counterfeit pieces. If you build up to spec, you build up to spec, whether the factory is in Europe or the United States, Ingalls or Bath Iron Works. If the performance deviates significantly, you have built a defective piece.If the region is scarce in fuels, biofuels or whatever, then you use another engine. But never put the same designation. The parent company could even sue for trying to pass a different engine for one of its products (counterfeiting again). Now you pointed something solid. Not *to higher standard*, but beyond company sanctioned safety margins and with too much modifications made to the original engine to be considered the same. Like comparing an F-18C with the bigger F-18E. Visually similar, internally completely different. But then it is to be expected something along the lines 'heavily modified FF-3001/FC2'. And correct me if I am wrong: It doesn't say so either. But we are talking about a game here. X-Wing specs are entirely different in WEG and LucasArts. The Q-Nona specs aren't complete either.
  10. And I disagree again, because we already have a case where the same engine is slightly different hardware wise: the FF-3001.The variant the VF-25 uses is the FF-3001A Stage II, while the one mounted in *both* the YF-30 and VF-31 is the FF-3001/FC2 Stage II. There is obviously a performance difference between the VF-25 mounted one and the YF-30's, and the change in designation reflects something more than a mere change in FADEC software. However, both YF-30 and VF-31 engines have the *exact* same designation. Any difference is thus software only. And I provided already an alternative explanation: nowhere is stated that YF-30 figures are base figures for the engine. I do agree it isn't stated anywhere those power rating include a 15% boost increase either. *I* have not enough data to assure that you are right. And neither do you. Kawamori also has a method to his madness, like doubling engine output every 15 years, give or take.
  11. Please be rude. One of the reasons my English is so bad and I am editing my posts so much is because fear of rudeness avoided pointing me mistakes that have thoroughly increased through the years in my posts. It happens even in my mother tongue as I slowly forget the teachings. Auto-correction does not solve the issue if the mistakes are grammatical rather than typographical.
  12. Even the name of late protoculture emperor, as cited by Windermere, Rorqualwhathename Mayan is a direct reference to Zero`s Mayan island and implicates something, probably a Protoculture colony, former Altira inhabitants or not, present in the island that would have indeed interbreed with the natives long ago.
  13. True, but you seem to be oblivious to the first words you used yourself: it is the same engine. It also uses a folding system. Given those two facts, when considered together, would hint that the YF-30 2110kN per engine, so similar to the VF-31 stats in overboost, would in fact point that those 2110kN already accounts for overboost. Further indirect proof is that the Kairos, without fold system but using the same engine, have no overboost capability. It is no surprise, however. Almost every prototype in the Macross universe is lighter than its production version (VF-19 being the only exception so far). Even IRL that is no surprise: production model tend to use prototype stage to see what can be simplified or made with cheaper, less exotic, heavier materials without impacting performance too much. Also, prototypes are usually not fully militarized, using off the self equipment, not having the final radar system or avionics or no full weaponry capability. Unless you have a superb field engineer that cobbles all together and crosses fingers about the thing not disassembling mid-flight. I have no objection over the special issue fold system, other than its usefulness being limited to a few unusual places in the galaxy. Unusual for the time being. I have, however, about the rifle, as any other Valkyrie could use rifles made for other models (although not any ever issued). Your point here is that the YF-30 engines have a real peak power output of 2426.5 kN or greater to power such a rifle. I do not agree without further data.
  14. Sorry for making it appear I was stating the SV-262 is one engine only. I knew it is not, that is why I bothered to state `first attempt`. Anyway, it may be that I have not played the game, but stats on hand, unless the YF-30 have a similar 15% boost, the VF-31 Siegfried is capable of greater engine output than the YF-30, 2x2156.25kN vs 2x2110kN Proof? Only point where the YF-30 is clearly superior to the Siegfrieds is weight. The YF-30 is lighter and have no cannon other than the pod..
  15. Mostly agree, but have two objection: a) It is not true the VF-31 is pared down from the YF-30. That is like saying the VF-0 is superior to the VF-1 because the later was simpler and way smaller. Side by side, FDR powered Siegfrieds have more thrust than YF-30 when counting the 15% increase, sitting both between VF-25 and VF-27 power. Even the Kairos doesn't fall so far behind. Engine technology of 2067 hasn't reached the point where two engines provide the thrust of four 2058 engines. But it will: just compare the output of a single VF-171EX engine with the total VF-11D output (662.18kN vs 2x310.98kN). It is a similar situation with real world F-35 engine having a dry thrust on par of the *two* F-15 engines. b) If the FDR requires a fold quartz per engine, it makes sense to boost engine performance, as YF-30 and VF-31 Siegfried need half the crystals than YF-29. Wonder if out of universe SV-262 is Kawamori first attempt at a one engine Valkyrie. A F-35 like fodder valkyrie with VF-22 type legs, or something like that.
  16. No, no... what I am assuming here is the movie is a thing already. I am assuming the whole problem is because it is already done, awaiting to be aired (to the winds), following the events as told in #13 and hoping to make those extra 13 episodes end right as it already was at #13.
  17. I see how this wind blows. It is not only that the series is stretched from 13 episodes. It is that whatever was to be told to us before the movie, was actually told already by episode 13. That means that if the movie is already done, or the writing is fixed, the movie is not going to unwind differently. So all the episodes from #14 to series ending would not advance the story forward in any way. Cassim dying means he hadn't any meaningful role in the movie, so it doesn't matter if erasing his character entirely. Lady M would never appear. Mikumo origins will remain as mysterious as ever. Berger would tell us about what we already know o would know with some effort. The Sigur Valens would tell Roid (and us) exactly nothing solid or even graspable. It is like a 13 episodes long fade to black. So enjoy the (bits of) action and wait for the movie.
  18. ...so, if Ravens VB-6 capitalized on speed, SMS variant capitalizes on resilience, taxing the engines way so much it should fly subsonic, almost all engine power redirected to armor and barrier, barely able to lift itself off the ground. I assume rockets would be always on, just to keep the thing flying, guzzling the fuel. So the quotation about being somewhat lighter is not about improvement, but stripping it of everything not essential to allow the thing to fly, Spruce Goose style. [Edit]: Maybe the EX-Geat wasn´t an improvement either, but a requisite, to discard obsolete avionics and two thirds of life support equipment, including Martin Beck seats. I know it sounds crazy, but I am liking better this barely self-deploying atmospheric reentry assault artillery than the heavy valkyrie thing the game made it appear, and expect nothing short of a Zentraedi Re-Entry Pod to take it back to orbit.
  19. This was kind of off-topic in Delta #22 discussion, so... I am pretty sure I am missing something here. I thought that kind of armor required energy, and a high amount of it. By your answers, I deduced I am dead wrong. Could you elaborate? [Edit]: Also, the pin point barrier.
  20. As I pointed: in VF-0/1, max. velocity (i.e. max energy state) is not as much as in VFs from Plus and later. Losing maneuver energy to transform was an acceptable trade-off, but at 5.5Mach/ 30G+ turns, losing speed and energy to transform would turn you a sitting duck. *In* atmosphere, though. In space there is no friction that would prevent changing fighter mode to battroid instantly and then again to fighter mode. Good observation, but possibly bad interpretation. Those vapor cones are not exclusive of the transonic regime, but also repeat themselves at different flight speeds well beyond the sound barrier, as when the speed is so great that even the forward and rear shock cones start to overlap. [Edit]: I may not be right, still searching about hypersonic phenomena. [2nd Edit]: I was right... but wrong. Between minimal critical Mach and maximal critical Mach of a certain plane, the flight regime where all airflow around that given plane is entirely subsonic and the flight regime where all airflow around the plane is entirely subsonic, wave drag is present over different components of the plane, creating separate vapor cones at different airspeeds. But those are necessarily around the general transonic regime, not Mach 3. However, as the engines need a subsonic airflow or risk flameout, local vapor cones could form at the Mach number in which engine cones, ramps or whatever method that ensure the capability fail catastrophically, provoking said flameout. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vapor_cone [3rd Edit]: Also, my explanation fails to account for Macross Plus atmo battle, unless Eden atmosphere is thinner. Besides, at such absurdly high power to weight ratios, losing energy is not as much an issue if you could go from 0 to supersonic in an instant by sheer brute force.
  21. They *appear* subsonic. Then the camera zooms out and we see the crazy light lines that are so easy to draw but necessarily imply there are impressive G-forces involved. Frontier happened mostly in space, so that weren't an issue. Correct me if I am wrong, but when in atmosphere, other modes were only used on ground fights. Once in fighter mode, no other mode is selected until reaching space.
  22. Remember the movie `Space Battleship Yamato`? What a disappointment. It felt more as filmed theater overacting and less as movie making. Maybe it is a cultural thing. If the entire cast are to be Japanese, I expect those to have not been raised in Japan. Besides, OP is right: they must be a product of racial pidgin. More so considering some are supposed to be partly Zentraedi. *EVEN* if they only speak Japanese.
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