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LL Cool VF1J

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Everything posted by LL Cool VF1J

  1. First MP Starscream, now SOC Voltes.....this is going to be a great year!
  2. does anybody know where they got the tranforming sound effect from? I can't find any websites that have that info.
  3. Latley, I just been buying 1/55 like a mad man. I think it just that the prices are so cheap now, I have to buy them. I just buy them and stick them in the garage.
  4. If I could only choose one toy. With out question or any hesitation, it would be my Godaikin Voltes V. I have been wanting one since I was a kid in the Philippines in the 70s. 23 years later, I finally got one. Thanks to ebay. Though not my most valuable toy, my most prized. I actually have 9 voltes now. No, none are for sale. The only toy I ever actually had dreams about to get for Christmas. When I was younger, I had a really bad fever and thought I was going to die. All I could think about was combining Voltes V together. Since it was brought up, I have a GI defiant for sale if anybody is interestested. Its broken and probably missing pieces, but maybe somebody could use it.
  5. thats frackin awesome! Beside Optimus, I think Soundwave has the most dedicated fans.
  6. Actually they grabbed the molds from the old Imai molds whcih were 1/48 so what you have there is a 1/48 Legioss. The only part that's 1/55 is the pilot and the cyclone. A 1/100 alpha is not possible. 370993[/snapback] A 1/100 Legioss is possible. 3 inches tall
  7. I like things that are deep and warm.
  8. ok...ok.....I would buy more than 1.
  9. yup! I remember fedco, BEst, zodies. I would get so excited about the best catatlog or even the BEst flyers in the sunday paper since they would always have transformers in them. Even though I never even been to a BEst store. Wow, a time before rollerblades, the internet, DVDs, and even CDs. Hard to imagine now.
  10. yeah, transformers were expensive in its time. Especially the Bandai Godaikins. I wanted Voltes V, and it was $80. No way in hell was I getting that from my parents. I did get an Alpha fighter/Legioss. After about 1 1/2 years of saving my lunch money. I bought my first legioss before Robotech even came out. It was just the coolest toy ever for me. I just could not believe that the robot inside the box could even transform into a jet. I even bought it from Gemco, if you remember that store.
  11. Id definatly get at least one.
  12. 362872[/snapback] only problem with that idea is you have to dedicate 6 years, deal with all the politics, and you have to be an American citizen wich I am not. I already did my 6 years in the army trying to be a pilot. I was going to reinlist as a warrent officer then realized that I would make a crap load more money as a civi. A lot of the pilots I worked with didnt even stay in. They did there 6 years and left. Not nocking the military though. I think its a great place to go as a young man and if I ever start a business, I would definatly prefer to hire vets than people just straight out of school. If you ever see that army commercial where the guy has to handle so much stuff and they ask if you can handle it, of course its easy for him. That commercial is soooo true for the most part. It just funny since I have been a civilian any job I work at when they have anything extra for you to do, they make it like a big deal. Im just like, sure, Ill do it and get the overtime while I at it.
  13. you must fly in a helicopter at least once in your life. Its an awesome exprience. Much better than flying in a commercial jet. Maybe not as fun as jet fighter though. I am saving so I can get my private liscense as a helicopter pilot. It costs a lot though. Almost 10K. When I get my liscense, Phatslappy, we will have to take a flight to vegas like some high rollers. If any of you guys are photographers, we can go and take aerial photos. Once I get my liscense of course.
  14. yes, I like this thread. Please dont let it die. I have some 1/55 mods, but mostly the stuff on KidKorrupts website. Some others I did are: Installed butane tanks in the legs so it would shoot a blue flame out of the feet, works great but melts the plastic feet real fast. Also makes it non-transforming Installed lights in the fastpack thrusters. Painted all the panel lines with glow in the dark paint, You cant see it but when I turn the black light on all you can see are the panel lines. Look like a tron figure. I only used bootlegs for my experiments since this was before the bandais came out. Ill have to find my prototypes. I know these are buried somewhere.
  15. a 1980s cab over wouldnt cost a lot to buy. In fact, these trucks lose their value quickly because they get abused. But the repairs would probably add up quickly. Then a custom paint job ect......Purchasing this would have been a business expense, as I would be using to haul food and stuff across the county. I wouldn't invest that much money into it just for the sake of having it. Hmmmmm.....I actually made a pretty good living as a truck driver. Sometimes I question why I quit. Back on topic for bit, I went to the air show at Edwards AFB, and saw the raptor. Sweet jet and the first thought in my mind was how it would look in battroid mode.
  16. 360877[/snapback] With Overhaulin' it's a bit different because they mainly work with American Muscle, and normally the sob stories are just people who don't have the time or money to work on the car... so what they're really saving is... well, the car from dying or being sold. 360916[/snapback] So I guess Foose and the gang will not accept my Volkswagen Golf GTI for a make over. It not American muscle, bit it does have 1.8 liters of pure webles. At least 90 hp at the wheels on a bad day, maybe 92 hp on a good day. Cant touch this!
  17. IIRC, there are 2 tanks and each holds 150 gallons. Back then gas was about $1.25 and I was paying over $300 to fill up. So you figure its double that now, so about $600 a fill up. OUCH!
  18. Ha ha! I can totally relate. I was an over the road truck driver for a while and all I wanted to do is save up enough money to buy my own rig and paint it just like optimus with the autobot symbol and everything. Only problem is Optimus Prime is a 1980s cab over and it would have been a pain driving that for 10 hours a day. I swear there are trucks out there though that are exact matches for optimus besides there colors.
  19. I have alot of R/C stuff too. I like the vintage Tamiya stuff, meaning the the stuff that costs a lot. I have a helicopter also. I flew my Kalt .30 one day and crashed it, then I bought a Hirobo shuttle and crashed that the first day. NOw I have a Kalt whisper that I will not even attemp to fly.
  20. The newer ones aren't looking too good. 360618[/snapback] I couldn't agree more. The colors are so bad on those, I thought they were knock offs.
  21. I favor the Countach myself. 360016[/snapback] For a few years yeah, but that thing is super dated now. 360018[/snapback] Dated, obscene and completely devoid of any pleasure in driving it. Sounds like a good car... 360021[/snapback] Yeah, I have heard its a bear to drive. I just love the way it looks. Im in Hollywood a lot, and I see a lot of nice cars, but nothing makes me go schwiiiiing! like a Countach. Even the fake kit car Lambos can give me a chub.
  22. I favor the Countach myself.
  23. WHat ever happing to Jung. Wasnt he the one that did a bunch of customs, like zoids, and had a dog for a avatar. I always liked his work. Shout out to Jung.
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