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    The Nothing
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Sharon Apple Concert Attendee

Sharon Apple Concert Attendee (4/15)



  1. The lack of apparent flight stand and bellow type wings is dissapointing; not that it would sway the meter one way or another.
  2. The crossover is working better than I anticipated it would; this clearly gives off the Bounty Hunter vibes more than anything Devcon has ever done, this bot could side either way. Still just going to hold out for an official Devcon.
  3. Monster Hunter, the video game series or the movie should you choose that reference instead.
  4. So what you basically said is, while a Leader he was never really The Leader; which means my intentions for him fit right in line with what was originally done with him anyway. Appreciate the link; He's been on preorder since he was revealed almost a year ago now. Keep watching the "expected date" for the figure to keep changing every month. Eventually it will hit the P.O.L. or I will cave and import while overpaying.
  5. The new Metalhawk will find a home on my "extras" shelf as the GoBot Leader; Leader Cykill maybe, unfamaliar with the character otherwise. Soundwave and Buzzsaw will replace the slightly yellowing Netflix, which will most likely be given to a nephew or grandson at some point. Would love to see a Beachcomber, at a reasonable price and state side.
  6. If they were going to have one character going against the grain of the others, alt modes; wouldn't it have made more sense to have made it Megatron? Not like it's a secret that he will go his own way when compared to the other poster bots.
  7. What I find funny, is that they leave some otherwise "classic" films I was subjected to due to school viewings off their service; Watcher in the Woods and Something Wicked This Way Comes. Guess they wish those were a part of the Touchstone/Buena Vista catalog.
  8. Isn't that sort of a natural progression of their lives? Hawk stepped out first and found a whole new world open to him; he says as much at the Frat Party, or after. Dimitri assumed Hawk's interests wouldn't change; even though he clearly did a complete reimagination of himself. While Karate has been nothing more than a means to and end with some self discovery for Dimitri, he knows who he is and his goals haven't changed, broadened with more possibilities but not changed. Hawk on the other hand went full reinvention of himself to the point of not recognizing who he had become; now with balance he is ready to attack\defend the world on his terms, not Dimitri's.
  9. Nice to see Karas is finally getting some attention, hopefully they have a few more planned. I can think of 3 others that are story central, not to mention all the various one's shown at the end of the show.
  10. Got my copy of Gears today; just a heads up, they have placed his chest cover in the tissue paper. Thought I had a version that someone had decided to get cute with since he is still in an open box.
  11. I have two sets coming my way. The plan is one set in lions and the other in combined form obviously, however I've been trying to think of some spare parts I could use for leg covers, particularly on the arms and rears on the legs.
  12. Can't lie, after seeing this I have had dreams of playing with this thing in the "Car Care Center" or several of their older city scape playsets. The fact that the Bumblebee marked VW Beetle is also only 1 per case just screams "we don't care about this Colaboration".
  13. Are there two different versions of the Hotwheels Optimus? While I thought the initial views of the truck/trailer combo were nice, not $10.00+ nice at 1/64th; but if it transforms, well that makes a little more sense. Gotta be honest, Steeljaw looks good but the lack of leg articulation is a bummer! SS86 Bee, looks good in Bot mode and while I get the Chibi racer look for the call-back to G1, Netflix Bee will officially be Alt mode for display purposes. Springer is an Ollie's pick-up if at all; the lack of splotchy paint, painted toes and new accessories are not enough to warrant the mold again.
  14. Might the announcement of Steeljaw also hint at a possible new Ravage with upcoming SS86 Soundwave? Credit where credit is due; they did include one with Netflix Soundwave, and the Bumblebee core Ravage does make for a decent stand-in, from a distance.
  15. Apparently, the cassette from either Core Class Soundwave/Soundblaster will fit or work as the missing circuit, though color is wrong. So maybe another repaint/refresh of CC Soundwave with Ratbat? Learned the M on the back of his head isn't for Microchange, and he has a lazy Cybertronian mode; fold the tires in, add some blast effects and he's a Hover-truck.
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