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Everything posted by twich

  1. Hey White Drew Carey, you Sail the Seas of Cheese too?? LOL Hey Graham, do you think they might add Gunnery Sargeant Hartman as the Senior Drill Instructor for the squandron? "I will motivate you Private Pile, even if it short Di*ks every cannibal in the Congo!" Thanks Graham for the pics of all the goodies from the game...let us just hope that we are able to get this game in the USA without having to B.O.H.I.C.A.!! Larry T.
  2. The only reason why I buy the Bootleg DVD's is because for the life of me I can't understand how to download the digisub things on my computer. I have tried to do so, but still can't figure it out and with all this stuff you have to add to your computer and the unwillingness of certain parties in helping those who are not as computer literate as others, I washed my hands of the matter in disgust, so that is why I buy the DVD's....Ohh and for the record, if there ever is a domestic release of Macross 7 or Macross Zero I will CERTAINLY purchase it. I would like to get a correct and accurate translation of Macross so that I can better understand the story. Just my 2 cents Larry T. --EDIT--Hey Ewilen, this post wasn't directed at you...it was more directed at the whole thread, and I started it before I read your post...so I wasn't saying it to say anything bad against you.
  3. The UN valk looks to be a VF-0D...maybe it is Shin getting his ass handed to him once again...or maybe it is one of those other pilots that we saw flying a VF-0D in part 2 going to get mangled by D.D. So, the day is November, 28th huh? I hope we will have the bootlegs by Christmas! Can someone do a blowup of those pictures? I see some nice ones to make 1024x768 wallpapers out of! Larry T.
  4. Wow, that is some pretty amazing stuff there...looks like Ep 3 is going to be action packed and it will show Destroids in battle...sounds pretty interesting....when is this show supposed to come out? I wonder how long it will take for the HK subbers to get this out on DVD through the usual suspects. If there is any more info, please post it, this is pretty exciting stuff....I hope they do a good english subbed version pretty soon...I want to know the story! Larry
  5. I for one am someone who is glad that Yamato is putting out such a variety of products for us, the poor masses to drool over! I am of the mind that if you don't like something...only say it once, people tend to get the idea if you have been around the boards for a while...you don't need to repeat yourself over and over again....it makes things seem like a broken record....just be happy with what is coming out, and if you are not...we got the idea the first time....we don't need to be told over and over again about what is what and how much a particular toy company doesn't meet with your approval. I Graham, am one that is very greatful for the bounty of wonderful Yamato products that have come down the line. I wish that you did not have a gag order from Yamato not to tell us about these wonderful things as I am very interested in hearing news on the development of the Macross Zero toys and Macross Plus' YF-19 FP edition. I might even take my birthday money next month and pick up the VF-1J FP set just because I like the colors and design of that particular plane. Thanks once again Yamato and you too Graham for all the stuff that we have seen and been told about. Larry Twichell
  6. that picture would make baby jesus cry BoB! You crack me up. Larry
  7. Hello, and welcome to the boards.....I might caution you that posts like these are what some might call "Flame-Bait" So I would shy away from questions such as these....but to answer your question, I would say that the Yamato's, any Yamato's are the best, hands down!...Check out the newbie thread that is located under the Movies and TV listing for information. Again, Welcome to the boards! Larry
  8. Hey Joseph, I like the last design that you made there of the almost totally YF-21 design with the delta wings...that looks really neat, but I think that the craft would have some sort of vertical stab, it doesn't have a huge wing like what you would find on aircraft such as the B-2...maybe I am totally off base though, but with the transformation, without those vertical Stabs, it would not have any armshields when it transforms into Gerwalk or Battroid. Larry
  9. Nice kit there...I really like the color too! Is that a variable kit or is it just fighter mode? Also, what scale is it in? I thought the Dayashu(sp?) were 1/144 scale, but I could be wrong. Seein how good that looks just makes me want the Yamato resculpt all that much more! Post more pics! Larry
  10. I buy my stuff online, as there is nothing here in Vermont that would enable me to go and get stuff locally. I get most of my stuff from Blasto-Toys!!!, I have always received great service from Will and he always does a good job with packaging. Larry Twichell
  11. Graham has said that the scale for the future Yamato's is going to be 1/72...so I would imagine that the Macross Zero toys are that scale as well Larry EDIT---Hey JsArclight....I love the Valkyries in Macross Zero, but I would probably be much more interested if I had a freaking clue as to what was going on in the OVA....I guess that I will have to wait for some sort of officially released subtitled version.
  12. God, I can't wait for this toy to come out....I just recently decided to get all the Yamato Macross Plus FP toys...I just last night ordered the VF-11B FP....If the new sculpt is going to as closely as possible follow the sculpt from the links in the page above. I just wish that Graham would be able to give us some more firm information...I know that he said that he has seen the sculpt of the toy, I just wish that they would share this. Later, Larry
  13. Isn't he still working on Macross Zero? If this is going to be another Macross Series, than all I can say is "Awesome!!!" I really am curious as to what it is going to be about.....The possibilities are endless! More Mecha designs? That is awesome news too! Hopefully we hear more about this soon! Larry
  14. From watching the little videos and the pictures....it just really makes me want this game more and more.....I would like to see this thing come out in the US, but if not, I guess I will have to find somewhere to mod my PS2 so that I am able to play this thing. Larry
  15. Discussuions like this really make me wish that there was a DVD with real and accurate subtitles that was available in the US <_< This just makes me want these things to come to the US more and more. Larry
  16. Okay, stop beating on Capt Rico, the situation is solved, let's move on please. Do you really think that they would be incorporated in future valks being as Kawamori did not design the VS-XS Valkyrie II? Speaking from a stand point of coolness, I think it would be hot to have that....I mean the VF-11 incorporates 2 airbrakes on the little thruster packs on the spine of the aircraft....I think that the incorporation of multiple airbrakes on a valk would be keen and give unparalleled maneuverablity, couple that with YF-21 like thrust vectoring control and you have yourself a mother of a valk! I wonder how that would look? Larry
  17. The name is "Twich" not "Twick" Sorry, just had to clear that up! Larry Twichell EDIT--I am glad that you have decided to come to the right conclusion, you have chosen wisely. Let this incident be a guide for your future actions both on the web and in your real life. Take Care
  18. David, Check the first episode when Hikaru is flying the VF-1D through the clouds to join Roy battling the baddies! I think he sweeps the wings while he is climbing and just before he gets shot the first time and Roy comes to rescue him(his wings sweep too!) Hope this helps you Larry
  19. Check out the Macross Compendium Macross Compendium, it has information on the game, aparently it is going to have a whole new remake of the opening animation of the original SDF:Macross anime. Check it out! It looks awesome! I think I might mod my PS2 if this doesn't come to the states! Larry
  20. Come on guys, let's not make this the first big tussle of the new boards! Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and it seems clear that nothing anybody says will change that opinion. So again, let us agree to disagree and move on....if you like it, buy it, if you don't, then don't...it is really just that simple. Larry
  21. Thanks for the wallpaper! I tried to do something with my computer with it only to find out how much I truly suck at this whole computer thing.....Oh No, I suck again! Larry
  22. That makes sense....Since she was on an aircraft carrier, and looked to be in a flightsuit. I wonder if she might get some specially painted mecha like the other main characters? Larry
  23. She is a Marine, and it is unclear if she will be piloting any mecha...but we know that she kicks Shins butt in the second episode "wrestling" or whatever they were doing. Hope this helps. Larry
  24. Hey there, I know that there was a rather large thread that had a lot of great information on the old board, but I was wondering if this might be a good place to post any recent news about the game, maybe have one post that has all the news about it and people can update what they hear. Hope to hear some good news about this game coming to the US. Larry
  25. I am still Twich, the only Macross fan from Vermont! Guess I have to do something other than cow-tipping and smelling cow-poop so early in the morning, oh yeah, people ski and golf a lot too. Larry
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