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Everything posted by twich

  1. When I look at those pictures of Josie Moran, all I can think is..."Where did I put my scissors to cut the three strings on that top?" She is definately "bustin" out! (Pun intended) And for my next Cliche! Direct from Monty Python..."Bathe her, and bring her to me!" Larry
  2. Thanks Bsu...as I recall, weren't you a fan too? When is the mini-series supposed to air? Anyway, back to the topic at hand. I maybe in the minority, but I rather enjoyed the previous 2 "prequel" movies....but I hope that this one is in the vein of Empire Strikes Back....which many fans argue is the best of the original trilogy. I liked them all, but I am weird like that. Larry PS-Yeah Farscape!
  3. WHen I look at that last picture, I still see "Scorpy" from Farscape shining through.....Too bad, that makes me miss Farscape all over again. Larry --EDIT-- sorry, I was referring to Wayne and the last picture of him on page 2
  4. tried reloading a bunch of times.....cant see the pictures.....Damn, I was really wanting to see these, it looks like he had a whole bunch up there at one time. Oh well, Larry
  5. 74% Larry
  6. Well, guys, think about it.....this is being sculpted by the guy who did the IHP 1/100 resin transformable Koenig...so in essense, you do have a test run of the sculpt. I know that it is not the same, but it should be similar enough that it really will not be that different. I think that most of us will agree that the IHP kit is top notch. Now as far as factory defects or QC problems....I think that Yamato has come a long way from the YF-19 debacle. So I do think that they do have a lot of experience. Let us keep a positive note and not a negative one...we dont want to start basing a toy before we even see it. Larry
  7. I am really very excited by this news and the promise of more, exciting things to come from Yamato! But, lets keep in mind...this VB-6 Koenig Monster is likely to cost as much as a 1/48 scale VF-1 because of the sheer size and complexity of the design. So, lets go into this knowing this and not start another whole slew of threads bitching about the price....if you want it, you will pay the price. If not, then dont buy it, but dont begrudge those of us who want this thing. Larry
  8. Hey Max, Bath her and bring her to me! As Bsu said, she doesnt make me want to eat cat litter just to get the "wrong" taste out of my mouth.....She definately would not make baby Jesus cry! I wonder how many fan boys just signed up to her site because of your link? Larry
  9. you have that reversed...the At-At is what we see on Hoth, they are the big things....the AT-St is the smaller two legged thing....so the At-At is much, much bigger, as it is designed to carry 2 at-st in its cargo hold to bring to the battlefield. Larry
  10. Hey Super O, How much did the Norton thing cost you? Was it expensive? I remember having Norton Anti-Virus on my computer, but I let it lapse because it cost a lot and it ate up a lot of memory from my CPU. Thanks for the suggestion, Larry
  11. Hey guys, I downloaded that ad-aware software thing and I have run both that and I have removed and re-installed Spybot.....both to no effect....I guess that I have picked up a virus or something. The funny thing is, is that Spybot doesnt seem to work anymore for me. I have it fully updated and it doesnt seem to detect anything anymore.....I used to detect things all the time...now I do not. I got told by some of the guys that I play Desert Combat with that it is a virus....it directs your Internet explorer to direct you to search sites and takes over your search engines.....now, I dont know why it did this, but I am trying to find something that I can download to help me get rid of this thing. It is extremly frustrating to the point that I want to throw my computer out the window. I use Grisofts AVG Free anti-virus software to do my anti-virus. If anyone knows of another free anti-virus software program, I would appreciate it if they could direct me there....Thanks! Larry PS- Sorry mods, this did turn out to be a Macross related question, but now it has turned into a crusade for me. PSS-Azrael- I have tried to download this, but I just get redirected to that damn search engine things, so I cant download the thing....Thanks for the advice though.
  12. what is adware? Thanks...it seems that whenever I try to download anything....like I just tried to download Winamp 5.03 and it kept sending me to this frigging site...it is really pissing me off to the extreme...this is something that I can and never will understand...I have run virus checks and nothing.....it just started today and I am not really very happy with the arrangment. if anyone could help me out, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks Larry
  13. When I visit the site, it immediately turns into a search engine page with "Happy 20th Anniversary Macross" at the bottom of it. Egan hasnt updated his site in over a month.....I wonder if everything is alright with him and if his site will continue to be available. Is anyone else having this problem when they try to load the site? Larry
  14. Me? Call me a pushover, but I Love all of it! There is very little of Macross that I do not like. Macross Zero is turning into quite a nice little OVA....I like the designs, the mecha and the story. I hope that there is a lot more Macross goodness on the way down the pipe. Larry
  15. Looking at the pictures.....look at the Gerwalk mode picture....is that an arrestor hook that is on the top of the backpack assembly? I think that this will be a nice toy and I hope that they decide to tampo stamp the skull onto the heatshield and the tailfins..... Graham, Thanks once again for posting the pictures...keep them coming if you find anymore! Larry T.
  16. I cant even play this game....it says that it needs at least a GeForce 3 video card with 64MB of ram....I have a GeForce 2 with 64MB of Ram......it says it does NOT support earlier chip sets....WTF? Well, I still have Desert Combat.....guess I will still play that I am kinda disappointed with this. Larry
  17. Thanks Graham for the Picture....I really like the look of the toy, and believe it or not, but the 35-41 USD price tag is quite nice.....now, I wonder what they will do for the SV-51? Do you know if that will be the next one, or are they going to do the VF-0D? Thanks once again Graham, pictures look awesome! Larry T.
  18. I have been here since Spring, early summer of 2001. I dont post much, but I am here everyday.....most of the time that I am on line. Larry Twichell
  19. Well, what is the general consensus? I would like to hear if maybe Nanashi or Egan Loo might be able to shed some light on this. I am really curious to find out exactly what powers these beasts. Thanks Larry T.
  20. I have a question, which is not necessarily limited to the VF-19/VF-22S. I was watching Modern Marvels on the history channel last night, and they were talking about Commercial jets....anyways, they said that the most powerful engine for a commercial jet was made for the Boeing 777, and each engine was capable of producing 90,000 lbs of thrust or 40909 kgs of thrust per engine. Now if I recall correctly, the VF-19S has an engine thrust of 78000 kgs of thrust per engine or 171600 lbs of thrust per engine and the VF-22S has something like 60000 kgs of thrust (or 132000 lbs). Even though the max power is only 60% of max while in atmosphere, I still think that the amount of power is insane...the reason being is that it seems that a valk would be able to power itself and accelerate while going straight up only on one engine because the power of the engine exceeds the weight of the plane. Given the empty weight of a VF-22S at 9000kg...add maybe a total weight of 30-35k kgs with fuel and full missle load...it just seems that the power of the engine is just too much... Why do the later valks have so much power? Is it because that amount of thrust is needed to escape Earth's Gravity? Or is it some other reason? I would really like an explanation for this, so if anyone can help me out, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks Larry T.
  21. Congrats Kevin.......May your child be healthy and may the pregnancy bring you and your wife much joy and happiness! Take Care! Larry Twichell
  22. I got Gamlin too....too bad I didnt get Max or someone....but hey, when Dynamite comes around I get my own custom Black VF-22S Sturmvogel! I can dig it! Larry
  23. I think that many MacrossWorld members appreciate the efforts of both you, Nanashi and Egan Loo. I have both of your websites bookmarked, and I usually visit both sites at least once a day. I hope that neither of you are getting discouraged because of some people "dis-satisfaction" for lack of a better term. I hope that you both continue to regularly update your sites and provide us Macross fans with translations and rare pictures/information that most of us would not have access to either because we dont read/speak Japanese or are not located in that part of the world. Thank You once again for your efforts on our behalf! Larry T.
  24. Hey Dangard Ace, Thanks! Whatever you did, it worked! Thanks for the help! Take care Larry T.
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