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Everything posted by twich

  1. Sorry, dont mean to be an ass, but I would assume that it is the standard 30mm shell fired from aircraft. I dont think it is the depleted uranium shell that is fired from the A-10. Hope this helps. Twich
  2. twich

    1/100 Vf-0D question

    VF-1 14 meters and change VF-0 18 Meters and change so, a 1/60 VF-0S would be around the same length as a 1/48 VF-1
  3. twich

    1/100 Vf-0D question

    The VF-0S is possibly coming out the end of summer, beginning of winter this year. Yamato has not said anything about this toy for quite a while, so your guess is as good as anyone elses. twich
  4. I think that you would be correct, to retrofit the SV-51 would make it into something that isnt the SV-51. I guess that I have to concede that the ultimate in planes is going to be the VF-19 and the VF-22, hands down. Twich
  5. I dont find Grace(Boomer), whatever her name is as being good looking...she is skinnier than a bean pole. Also if you watched the last episode, it showed Helo running away from Boomer because he realised that she must be a cylong or something. Twich
  6. it has been rumored that she is an older version of 6, but again, that is just a rumor. Twich
  7. Godzilla,as did I, that is why I thought they were on the VT-1 and the VE-1, but who knows....doesnt the VF-1C also have those little stubbies? Twich
  8. I tend to disagree...while it does look a little thin, it doesnt look any more or less scrawny than some of the valkyries of present day Macross...also take into consideration that the SV-51 is 22+ meters long, so things tend to look a little thin in comparison. I guess that it is all a matter of personal opinion. Twich
  9. Has anyone read any of the stats for the upcoming chipsets for the next gen of consoles? The Xbox is rumored to have 3 3.0 Ghz core processors and the Cell Chip technology that is supposed to come in the next Playstation is staggering, exceeding that of the next xbox. I hear that both Nintendo and the XBox will have ATI graphics sets. I dont know about you guys, but I am very excited by what is coming for the next gen consoles, and all three are rumored to be backwards compatible....which is good news to be sure. Twich
  10. Umm the VF-1 has always had wingtip vernier thrusters....if that is not what you mean, than I am unsure of your question. Twich
  11. The SV-51 to incorporate Nuclear Fusion engines comporable to that of the VF-19S along with arm lasers like the YF-21 and pin-point barrier system like the YF-21...do you think that it would be comporable to AVF like the VF-19/VF-22S? I think that if given a Modern Macross revamp, this plane could very well be a force to be reckoned with in the Macross Universe. I think with its maneuverability, 3-D Thrust Vectoring it could really be a awesome mech. I dont know, color me weird, but I really like the design of the SV-51 and think that it could be something that could be carried to any era of Macross. What do you think. Twich
  12. If you do happen to bludgeon the manager, could you send one my way...I would pay for shipping and handling...LOL Twich
  13. Arent they able to manufacture their own ships? One of the ships on the website, if you click on it says that it is able to make more vipers and spare parts for vipers. So as long as they have the raw materials, they are all set for vipers, it is just pilots that they need. Twich
  14. Thanks, just PM'd you back...LOL Twich
  15. You touched on something that I subconciously realized, is this going to be Christian/Catholic worshipers(Cylons) vs. those of the grecko following? While I dont want to get into a religious debate, I think that BattleStar Galactica does have this common thread throughout its story. Twich
  16. Really? what fansubs do they have? ANBU? If so, then that would be awesome, also, is that DVD playable in a regular DVD player and PS2 and XBox? Please let me know, as I would really like one, and it would free up some hard drive space for me. Twich
  17. I think she IS Preggers, wasnt that her whole mission? She did get the light up spine thing, I think that Cylons of that type get it when they "get off" Twich
  18. No prob, but for the best in sub quality, you may have to download from a fansubber. The sound quality is better in DVD form, unless you have one of those uber sound cards with 7.1 surround or some such. You can try bit-torrent files anbu files This link only has 1,2,5 so you will have to find 3 and 4 of course you will have to have a bit-torrent client and then also something to play it with, I would suggest K-Lite with the BSPlayer. Twich
  19. Umm, try Valk Exchange Or you could try ebay or amazon. But I would suggest supporting our local e-tailer Twich
  20. twich

    Yamato 1/48 VF-0S

    While I am happy that we are getting the VF-0S, I would rather it be of the 1/60 size, but beggars cant be choosers, or something. I agree that the size is definately an issue, but I could counter that with the Gi Joe Skystriker or Fortress Maximus, I dont think that these toys were American exclusives, but I definately understand what you are saying. So, I guess that I will take my 1/100 Yamato VF-0S and possible VF-0A and like it. Twich
  21. What is the best place and cheapest price that people are pre-ordering for the United States release of the PSP? I am just wondering because the two places that I looked have you paying 400-500 for a console, memory stick and like 5 games with all this other stuff that I dont want. I just want the basic system, a memory card and like 1 game. Thanks for any info, Twich
  22. twich

    Yamato 1/48 VF-0S

    Wow, thanks man....that is real inspirational.
  23. Wow, that is awesome, Thanks Alpha HX Twich
  24. twich

    Yamato 1/48 VF-0S

    So, do we have confirmation that Yamato is going to do the VF-0S and VF-0A? I thought it was only goong to be the VF-0S in Fall '05, but I read somewhere else that they are also planning the VF-0A. Can anyone confirm that? Twich
  25. Stargate SG-1 is going to be 90 minutes, as opposed to 60 that is why everything is later thank usual. twich
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