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Everything posted by twich

  1. Okay, I dont want to get drawn into the hate or not aspect of this, but not wanting to start another topic related to Macross 7, I thought this the best place to put this. I would like to try to get a good quality fan-sub of Macross 7...I mean ALL of Macross 7, Episodes 1-49, Encore, Dynamite 7, Fleet of the Strongest Women,Macross 7 Movie.....basically everything. I would like this on DVD, now before you go directing me to get the FX HK version...I already have that, what I am looking for is a good quality subbing of it, so I totally understand what is going on...on par with the fan-subbing of Macross Zero by ANBU. If someone has Macross 7 that is fansubbed and is willing to put it on DVD for me.....Thanks for any help in this regard. Twich
  2. I made the distinction because it says that the SWAG only is in Battroid mode on the VF-0, where as others said they believed that SWAG was in all three modes of all later Valkyries. Twich
  3. Try This FRP Website It has a lot of gaming needs, but dont know if this is what you are looking for. Also, try Games Workshop, dont know if they are still in business, but they did the Warhammer 40K stuff and even some 5mm scale stuff. Twich
  4. We do see a future Destroid incorporate all the advances of the times....the VB-6 Koenig Monster. I believe that every valkyrie from VF-1 on, incorporates the SWAG in all three modes, even in Macross 7 you see VF-19 Fire Valk crash into the ground and not get hurt. Twich
  5. twich

    1/48 dream

    Non-Transforming? that kinda takes all the fun out of it, dont you think? Twich
  6. Thanks for the advice guys! Twich
  7. Okay, just got my PSP today.....I am trying to get the thing to connect to the updater. I inputed all the info, my ip, DNS, all that other stuff, and I guess it works when I set up the network info, but then when I try to get a update it gives me an error, either DNS error or some number code error. I think it is asking me for a WEP, but how do I get that info? I am not too computer saavy when it comes to that. I didnt set up my wireless router, my friend did. I have no clue about it, other than it works. I dont think there is a update for me to get, but it would be nice to know that I have that option should I need to download a update in the future. I have a LinkSYS 802.11G wireless router. Thanks for any help anyone can offer. Twich
  8. So, if I had the desire too, and since I dont have the PSP yet so I cant answer this myself....how big would our favorite Macross shows big to put on a Memory stick? Macross Zero(all 5 eps) Macross DYRL Macross Plus Movie Edition? Might be good to know so that we know how much space we need to get these on the stick.... Twich
  9. Well, to puncture a hole in your theory Agent ONE, I Like Harry Potter, and I dont wear glasses, in fact have better than 20/20 vision. I like Macross 7, and I am not a pussy or wimp or childish, in fact nothing gets the old ticker pumping more than a little Good Old Fashion Ultra Violence.( I am a construction worker if you were wondering, in fact I drive a cement Mixer...10 wheels, 80000+ pounds of vehicle, work in mud and dirt and snow and cold to get the job done, Also, I like Weapons...lots of them...hardly what you would consider to be "Girly") I understand and accept the fact that there are people who do not like Macross 7, but I just accept it and move on, no matter how much I would like the contrary to be true, there is nothing I can do to get people to like it....either you do, or dont. I dont go around insulting or calling those that do like it childish, gay, or defective because they share a different opinion than I do. Perhaps you should step back and look at what kind of impression of yourself you are giving people when you and others do what they do concerning this and many other topics that seem to generate this sort of response. Twich
  10. Truly an impressive kit, this makes me want a Yamato, or for that matter, ANY transformable YF-19 FP toy of reasonalbe size and posability/playability. Thank you for sharing these pics, and thanks to the owner for allowing the pcitures to be taken. Twich
  11. Oh my god, someone get her a friggin cheeseburger. How could the curvy Leia come from that flat chested waif....I thought she was good in The Professional, but other than that, now that she is grown...I cant stand her. Twich
  12. If true, it is very interesting.....I have enjoyed him in all the anime shows that I have seen that he has lent voice talent to. Twich
  13. No, I do not find Grace Park hot at all. I wonder what will happen now? Spoilers---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, speculation....whose baby is that? Is it Baltars? Or is it Helo's and the cylons? As far as them letting the basestar get whacked....what do they care? They are all able to transfer conciousness from one form to another...and given their seemingly un-ending supply of material...what is a basestar if it puts the humans where they want them to be......Kobol. The story doesnt elaborate as to where the cylons have been all these years, maybe they were on Kobol. As was stated before....I cannot wait the 3 months for the new stuff coming out this summer! Going to be exciting! Twich
  14. Wow, I was absolutely amazed by that season finale/cliffhanger! I totally did not expect it to go down the way it did....as someone else said, I cannot wait until July! This is reminding me of the days on the Sci-Fi channel with Farscape and Stargate SG-1...it is really getting worth watching the Sci-Fi channel again....please dont screw it up and cancel it. Twich
  15. This is sooo cool....I am happy now! Twich
  16. What scale is that? It looks tiny! But at least we got something of the VF-5000! Twich
  17. I am just hoping that this seems to indicate that Yamato has not stopped with Macross toy production and we do indeed see some Macross Zero toys as well as the YF-19 FP...but one could only hope. Twich
  18. twich

    Palladium Games

    I think that the system was clumsy, and would like a revamp to more modern games such as d20... Also, I believe this will probably be moved and/or deleted because it is not really relevant in the topic, probably other animes since it has to do with Robotech. Sorry Twich
  19. Graham, was there any mention of the VF-0S in the magazine? I am still holding on hope for that. Thanks for the info Graham, lookingforward to seeing more pictures. Twich
  20. No, one comes with fast packs and a better, re-inforced hip design, the other is the first one designed and sold, with fragile hip design and no fast packs. Twich
  21. This was awesome, cant wait to get it on DVD. twich
  22. Is there anyplace that is selling just the $250 value pack by its self? It seems that EB and Gamestop only have their bundles which raises the price to around $400, which is way to much for me....$250 plus one game would be nice right now.....so any suggestions? Thanks Twich
  23. Nice first post...Welcome! My only rebuttal would be that the valkyrie has 2 thermo-nuclear engines, thus, as long as it has fuel, you have a limitless supply of energy for the beam weapons to use. Twich
  24. Well, if I recall correctly, Both the YF-21 and the YF-19 used their shields to deflect, as both had Pin Point Barriers. I would not consider either Guld or Isamu as lame ass noobs....Also, the YF-21 used its arm lasers quite well to destroy quite a few of those unmanned planes in Macross Plus. I dont think there would be a heating problem, as almost all valkyrie incorporate lasers, and a number of valkyries do incorporate lasers as its primary weapon. I agree, the VF-4 was much more awesome looking then the VF-11 is/was. It incorporated laser weapons on the arms, in fact, this was the first valkrie to incorporate it. I think Macross has gunpods for the "coolness" factor. I agree that they are great and offer rapid fire capabilities and also something to be used as a melee weapon given. While I like Macross the way it is, I just think, for a practicality stand point, that lasers instead of gunpods should become the predominant weapons system. twich
  25. I know we sort of had this discussion before, but I think it is kinda lame that the primary weapon system on every valkyrie should not be a laser system like the VF-17 and the YF-21/VF-22 and the VAB-2...having 2 primary cannons with infinite ammo located on each hand, or having a shield one the left arm and a laser gun on the right arm would be the way to go. No more gunpods, no more needed ammo. Just laser weapons and missles. Twich
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