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Everything posted by twich

  1. Unfortunately, I think that FN will do what they did with the PS90...limit the production of black FS2000's to special dealer incentive programs...buy X number of guns and get a free sexy limited edition black PS90/FS2000. I like the looks and ergonomics of the FS2000...I am just wondering if the civilian version of the FN SCAR will be less or more than the FS2000...also the FN SCAR will come in many calibre choices....5.56 NATO, 7.62 NATO, 7.62 x 39 (will accept AK mags), 6.8 SPC, possibly .300 Winchester. But this is all kinda moot, because they still have to come out with the FN SCAR for civilians...that wont happen until years end at the earliest...at least that is what I hear through the grapevine.... JsArclight, I have a question...Rhineland arms is coming out with their AR57 upper...I was told that this isnt considered a weapon, that I could order straight from Rhineland Arms and be shipped it without the need for a FFL Dealer or transfer fees....I was told that the lower was considered the firearm portion. Is what I heard true? Thanks! Twich
  2. Just to clarify for you BSU, it uses a .224 diameter bullet..but yes, people have used a 55 grain .223 bullet from 5.56 NATO round to make handloads,and yes people have made some rather hot and awesome handloads. I would suggest looking at the Five Seven site, there is a whole section devoted to handloading...they may be able to give you some good advice. Twich
  3. I'm sorry, I didnt mean to come off as holier than thou FN fanatic...but it just seems the mentality is that if the round doesnt start with .4 and end with 5 then you are some kind of wussy. Yes, I know for stopping power, you cant beat a .357 or a .40 or the ultimate and venerable .45 ACP. I owned 2 Glock 21's in my life and loved them to death....but as far as stopping power....I dont think anyone is going to keep going after I shoot them with a 5.7 and if the first one doesnt stop them, well I have 20 of its brothers in the mag(Five Seven Pistol) or 49 of its brothers(PS90 with 50 rd mag). But ultimately it comes down to personal preference and what you are willing to trust your life with... So again, I am not trying to argue or anything...people have different opinions and they are going to keep those opinions. I guess I was just gut reacting to what I thought was going to turn into another bashing the Five Seven and PS90 because it shoots a .22 round argument. JsArclight, I respect your opinion and I know that you are very knowledgable about the round and that you have fired the PS90/P90, so dont think that I am trying to show you disrespect in anyway. Twich
  4. Have you fired a Five Seven or a P90 Graham? I dont mean to be flippant, but that seems to be a pretty common misconception with people who have never fired the weapon. I own a Five Seven, and I traded in a Glock 21 with 13 rd Mags for it, and I think that it was the wisest decision for me to make. Granted that ammo is not as plentiful as say 9mm, but the round beats out a .22 in all regards...But I guess it is a personal preference and to each his own.... Not trying to start a fight, but it just gets tiresome when I hear that same thing over and over again..... FN wesite that has a nice FQ with the ballistics of the 5.7mm round in all its incarnations A personally owned Five Seven/PS90 website for owners of those weapons-good info source Twich
  5. Scored average grunt 65% Twich
  6. The PS90 that you have pictured up there is an awesome weapon...for a personal defense weapon, I dont think it can be beat( in my opinion) I mean you have the capability of 50 rd mag, you have ambidextrous controls and you have a light compact weapon which comes with non magnifying optics included in the package...plus so many people are making accessories for the PS90 like quad rails that mount over the barrel, and optic mounts that I think this weapon will turn out to be quite popular... The only thing standing in the way is the numbers...FN has something like 16000 purchase orders for the PS90 that they intend to fill by the end of the year....so getting one now might be a bit rough, but if you do I think you will be happy. Now all we need is for wolf to start making some ammo by the truck load and this will turn very popular indeed! Sorry for the Fn rant... Twich
  7. So, just a quick question...where does the art on the front page come from...A model box art, or is it this book...can someone make abigger scan of it if it is the book, that is really a nice picture and it is too bad it is soo small. Thanks Twich
  8. I belong on Moya Twich
  9. Wow, I am very impressed with the VF-0S so far...I hope this get popular so we get all kinds of Macros Zero Valks Twich
  10. can we see some more Macross Zero ones? Maybe some clean screen shots of the Anime done up? Maybe a clean version of the VF-0S and VF-0D...I am sure that you can get the images on this site, in this section even! I just put the three that you did on my PSP while using my PSP to browse and they look great, although the Macross Zero one is kinda "busy" for lack of a better term, but they all looked great! Please, keep up the good work! Twich
  11. Very Good episode, but what happened to the stuff with Lee Adama, they just sort of glossed it over...maybe next weeks episode will explain things better. Twich
  12. Sorry to see you go Kevin, you have always been a good online retailer and I have always been happy with my dealing with you. Good luck with your future endeavours. Twich
  13. Yeah, I thought that seemed a little bit out of character for her. And the whole thing with Lee at the end...I wonder what that is going to mean. Twich
  14. I have this book, and I am moving, so I would like to sell it...what is it worth...I can remember paying a good chunk of change for it when it came out from Hobby Link Japan... Any info would be appreciated. Twich
  15. Ahhh Dungeons and Dragons....that really brings back some memories...Neverwinter Nights 2 is going to be coming out soon along with Dungeons and Dragons Online: Stormreach Twich
  16. Wow, those numbers for the HVD are quite impressive. I wonder what will actually make it in consumers hands and what will become in common use as a replacement for DVD's. Twich
  17. Okay, let me ask this.....Does the F-22 have the same sort of thrust:weight ratio that the F-15 has? Meaning can it accelerate while climbing straight up like the f-15 is supposed to be able to do? I know that the f-22 can supercruise, but can the F-35 do the same since it is smaller, but has the same engine as the f-22. Also, what is the weapon load of the F-35? does it have the same internal bays that the F-22 has? Why does the F-35 have a 27mm Mauser cannon internally mounted? Is that some sort of concession to Germany to try to get them to buy into the JSF? For the marine role as a replacement for the Harrier, do they intend to mount gunpods on the undercarriage like they did to the Harrier to give it better ground support capability? Twich
  18. I see that I was mis/un-informed on the subject, sorry to interrupt the discussion. I thought that the trend of the thread was that people didnt like the F-22 because it wasnt as good as the F-15, but I guess I misread the "gist" of the thread. Twich
  19. Iam curious as to why people dont seem to like the F-35? I agree that the F-22 is a poor replacement for the F-15, but I guess that is not something we can change right now, but would it not be better to have 1 jet that has multiple roles with similar parts to another jet in the inventory? While I dont like the concept of a single engine jet, the "jump jet" role seems really neat for the Marine Version of the F-35. Twich
  20. Did not know the latest came out, but have really enjoyed the previous books...will have to check it out. Twich
  21. Actually, I have about 15 movies for the PSP, I think it is a nice format to watch these movies and I like the quality...the only complaint that I have is the earbuds, they suck and hurt my ears, but other than that...awesome. Twich
  22. I think that if it is a launch PSP, then it is preset at 1.0....you have to download the firmware updates, so I guess that if they are launch PSP's, then you are all set. Twich
  23. Yes it is, he is a Colonel.... Twich
  24. So, what games are people looking forward to? I am looking forward to Legend of Heroes and Ghost in the Shell...anyone have any info on either of these games? Twich
  25. I think that I might wait and see what Sony brings to the table before I jump into the Next Gen consoles...besides, I have a PSP that I see is getting more and more interesting games coming out all the time.....Also, I want to see what Nintendo does with its system. Twich
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