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Everything posted by twich

  1. Cool, Thanks for the advice guys.....I think a Mini Mac is a good way to go, plus I can hook it up to my 32" HDTV that has a VGA in, as long as I use the extra adapter that came with my video card that changes DVI-VGA, and if eventually I get a bluetooth keyboard and bluetooth trackball, I can use those with the Mini Mac and my PS3, which I have been wanting to set up for my PS3 for a while now. Guess I can start saving up for one of those Macbooks or iMac's to replace my present desktop setup eventually. Twich
  2. Okay, I have a kinda quick question. Please dont laugh at me, but I am very interested in trying out the Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard, but I dont want to dump $1000+ for a laptop/desktop right now since I have a baby on the way....is there a way that I can get the OS X 10.5 Leopard for my present computer Install and use it? I have a custom built Windows Based machine Asus Av8 Deluxe motherboard (AGP 8X) AMD Athlon 64 3000+(1.8 Ghz) GeForce 7800 GS Overclocked by BFG with 256 MB DDR3 ram 2 GB PC3200 Ram 120 GB HDD Windows XP Home with SP2 Now, is this even possible? I am totally in the dark on computers, and I would like to just run Mac OS X 10.5 without having to go out and buy one for a couple thousand dollars. Thanks!
  3. Sorry Duke, I didnt read the last 6 words of your sentence
  4. Also, take into account that the Macross 5 fleet had like 2 or 3 Macross class colony ships plus the Neo-Nup ship at its core....so some fleets might have more than 1 macross class ship in the content of fleet.
  5. are people excited for the new Crisis Core:Final Fantasy 7 game? I have always like Final Fantasy games, but could not really get into FF10, and havent played 12 yet because my wife doesnt like those kinds of games.... I would like to get it, but want to wait what people think of it before investing. Twich
  6. Yeah, I have a 60 GB version and I bought it at Wal-Mart.....I do not think that I will be able to take it back and I know they dont have any more 60's or 80's for that matter....and PS2 backwards compatibility is very important to me and my wife. Not too much to do I guess.... Twich
  7. My Playstation 3 needs to have video and audio settings reset all the time, and it is plugged in and in standby mode for the time that I am not using it, I found that since I have it plugged throught the receiver for the HDMI to go to the LCD HDTV, if I dont let the receiver completely turn on and "click" it resets itself...kinda a pain really Twich
  8. Okay, I just wanted to ask people what they thought about the Web Browsing capability of the PS3? I have the 60GB PS3 version, and was wondering if there were any tips or tricks people might suggest to make the PS3 a better web browsing machine? Also, does Sony have future plans to upgrade this feature of the PS3? What would you guys suggest as the best/most cost effective bluetooth keyboard/trackball that is compatible with the PS3? Or is Sony going to go the XBox 360 route and add a little message pad on the bottom of the controller? I hope not..... Does anybody else have a problem with turning on your PS3 and finding that it needs to reset the Display/Audio settings? I dont know if it is because I run my PS3 picture through my receiver via a HDMI cable, but have to run the sound through the Digital Optical connection because the Sony Receiver with HDMI ins that I have does not have the capability to take the audio signal that is in the HDMI cable and use it. I called Sony tech support when I bought my PS3 to find out why that was, and they told me the model of my received did not allow for that....why have the HDMI connection if it wont take the sound out? But what are peoples thoughts/suggestions? Twich
  9. You are right, we will have to wait and see what happens in the next 25 or so episodes( or is it going to run 36?) Just from a fan standpoint, I would like to see the use of new attachments for the VF-25 and VF-171, as well as seeing the VB-6 make an appearance. I just cant see the VF-25 making a dent in those large red enemies unless they receive a significant increase in firepower in the coming episodes. The way the gunpod rounds just bounced off of the Large Enemy makes me worry a bit. Twich
  10. Just had a thought, and I dont know if this has been brought up before and I am at work, so I cant search all 19 pages to see. I noticed in re-watching the first episode that the "large" Red enemy was actually quite a bit larger than the VF-25 and the "small" Enemy was about the same size as the VF-171/VF-25. So my question is, are they bringing the VB-6 Koenig Monster to compete with the "Large" enemies? They would seem to be the same size and probably the same firepower. So, what are people thoughts on this? Could this be the reason to bring in the VB-6? Twich
  11. VF-25 Super Nova
  12. hey, is that G1 color version of the Masterpiece Starscream available in the states yet? Also, how is the Ultimate Bumblebee? Is it nice and solid, or is it loose and floppy? I think they should do a leader class Movie2007 Starscream Twich
  13. Can someone do me a favor and tell me where I can find out the information on ALL the toys that are being released for the movie? I hear people talk of the Leader class Brawl and Final Battle Jazz, where are you getting this info from? Where are the pictures of the toys? Thanks! Twich
  14. Wow, I really cant wait to hear more news of this....I am really interested in seeing where The Powers That Be go with this, but it is almost certain we will get new Valkyrie designs out of it! I cant wait! Twich
  15. So anyone have asny ideas when they will have an update that will allow you to download PS1 game straight to your PSP without the PS3? I am really looking forward to that, I have some games I would love to play again! Twich
  16. anybody have any ideas where I might get a strategy guide for Killzone:Liberation? I am really trying to get started on the game and I am so out of touch with the story, a strategy guide might help me out. Thanks! Also, how is the single player portion of Metal Gear Solid:PO? Is it tight and playable in Portable Format? I am really wondering if I should get the game, and I am NOT into the online, player vs Player thing. Twich
  17. Okay, so who here has picked up Metal Gear Solid:Portable Ops? I would like to know what people think before I buy it. I picked up the Metal Gear Acid thing for the PSP and was less than impressed with the card system. Twich
  18. what do you guys think of the Untold Legends games? I think they are some mindless hack and slash stuff, but they keep me entertained...guess I am easy to please. I am really wanting and waiting for Metal Gear Solid! Has anyone have Daxter? My fiancee just loves it and plays it almost every night. Twich
  19. So, what are people favorite games? I really like syphon filter:dark mirror and Killzone:Liberation..I am really looking forward to Metal Gear Solid:Portable Ops Twich
  20. Does the Sony PSP media software allow you to transfer DVD's to a memory card for the PSP? Or is there a special program that you have to load to do that? Thanks, Twich
  21. Hey all, I dont know what happened to the other PSP thread, but I looked through all 4 pages, and there isnt one that I saw, so I decided to start one anew. I have some questions for people who maybe in the know about the Playstation Portable System. 1)I heard with the addition of the Playstation store, that people with a Playstation 3 can download Any Playstation One title to play on your PSP or Playstation 3. Is this true? Will you be able to eventually log onto this site with your PSP and download any game directly onto your PSP? Now do they mean titles like Colony Wars, Final Fantasy 7 or 8 will be downloadable and playable to your PSP? 2) What happened to the PSP wallpaper thread? There were some awesome Macross related wallpapers posted and the thread seems to have disappeared. Thanks! Twich
  22. So, how long do people anticipate the shortage of consoles to last for the PS3? I didnt get my XBox 360 until april or may of this year, and they were pretty plentiful. I am wondering if I wait until the summer of next year to get a PS3 will be hard to find one, as the shortage might still be in effect, or there will be a plentiful supply. Twich
  23. any word on what type of Halo Universe game Peter Jackson is working on? I recently just got back into Halo, and I am very psyched about Halo 3, and I have also gotten into the books too...It seems I cant get enough of it. Twich
  24. I am probably going to be waiting a bit until the machines are more plentiful to get one....I would really like one on launch day, but I know that with only 400k coming to US, my chances are slim to none, and my honey isnt too thrilled at the cost of it, stating that other things could use that money that are more important...so I guess I shall have to wait. I cannot believe the capabilities of the machine and the fact that it is going to be a Blu-Ray player....I just cant wait until I get the okay to buy it, or I save enought to just get it anyway come next year. Twich
  25. BSU, people have also dyed their PS90's black...with great success I guess....the stock is a two piece deal, so it is easy to disassemble and dye...check the FiveSevenforum for pics... Twich
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