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Everything posted by twich

  1. I wonder how the wing engines swivel, does the outer wing swivel as well. I find it interesting that the VF-27 with the new fast packs is almost as powerful as the YF-29. Can't wait to see these VF's in action! Twich
  2. My Wife is letting me get the VF-22S Sturmvogel II Millia edition. I have been waiting forever to get a good toy of this design, and with this sale, it was even tempting enough to allow my wife to say yes! Twich
  3. Has anyone seen the Macross Compendium Stats for the YF-29? It seems that the main engines are capable of 2100 KN of thrust, while the wingtip engines have 1900KN of thrust. I am very impressed with the power of this Valk, must need all that to power all the onboard weapon systems. Twich
  4. Hello, I was wondering if anyone could use their great skills and create a wallpaper featuring the YF-19 Prototype #3 Bird of Prey (The orange and white one) I would greatly appreciate any type of wallpaper, featuring all three modes or anything. The reason is that I have this toy, I think that it is probably the most unique paint schemes for the YF-19 and really would like to have some more wallpapers of it. Thank You, Twich
  5. isnt that link to a picture that just compares the weathered version to the standard version? IDK Twich
  6. I like the design, the big thing though is to see if they did anything to make the landing gears better and more realistic. I agree, for 17000 plus yen, they need to include a bunch, isn't the VF-25G with tornado pack only 16000yen? It would be nice to include a stand also with the toy along with the fast packs that we have seen in the scan of GERWALK mode from one of the magazines. Twich
  7. Personally, I would definately buy a Hi-Metal version of the VF-25. I would also like a Hi-Metal version of the VF-27 as well as the YF-29, as long as that meant that they still go ahead and plan on making the 1/60 YF-29 Alto. Twich
  8. I would love to see the VF-19 Nothung, but the fact that it does not have any weapons makes me want the VF-19EFs from SMS. Now, if I remember correctly the VF-19EFs has a form of ISC, right? Twich
  9. I have 2 questions for the experts here. I have a Yamato SV-51A that my son decided to smack onto the floor with a bear. The fin on the right wing snapped off and the right canard broke and flopped. I have applied gorilla glue to these to reattach them, but I am fearing that I will never be able to transform him again, does this sound like a sound precaution? My second question has to do with a Yamato 1/60 YF-19 Bird of Prey release that I just received. The leg joint/LERX part will NOT connect flush with the main body of the toy, and if I try to push it in, it causes everything to flop all over the place. Is there a reasonable fix for this or some advice? Any help will be great as I LOVE this toy and can't believe I waited so long to get one. Thanks! Twich
  10. I am curious as to how the improved energy shield aspect will come into effect. I know that with all 4 engines engaged the VF-27 can utilize the pin point barrier system while in fighter mode, I wonder if this will mean pin point barriers all the time, or if this will mean that there will be a full omni-directional barrier ala the SDF-1 over Toronto. Also, I am curious, I know that the VF-27 has 4 engines that produce the 1370kN of thrust each, but the outer nacelles on the VF-27 are pretty big. I wonder what kind of thrust the YF-29 will have in the main engine to power everything and also what the smaller outer engines will have for thrust. Twich
  11. For sheer firepower and intimidation factor, I would have to say that the SV-51 is the winner hands down. The only advantage that I see for the VF-0 is that it has laser head turrets (1 or 2) depending on model. The SV-51 would probably be even more intimidating if the hip guns were replaced by lasers or if there was a head laser or 2 attached to the head/telescope unit on the SV-51. I think that the gunpod is much more hardy and is field reloadable, while the VF-0 is not. Twich
  12. Personally, I think that this is really going to be an awesome design and an awesome toy to get in the year 2011. I only was able to get the VF-25F 1/60 from Bandai, I wanted the VF-27, but it was so difficult to obtain that I had to pass. Getting the hope of a new toy in the DX 1/60 line is very inviting, and I really like the looks of the new Valk. I like that it takes the best elements of the VF-25/YF-19/VF-27/SV-51 and combines them, as these are my favorite Valkyries. I agree though that final judgement will have to wait for the complete picture of the design in all three modes. Twich
  13. Now I am a little confused. I know that one of the images posted here states that the YF-29 will be a 1/100 model kit, but I have read elsewhere that this will also be a DX 1/60 from Bandai. Did I read that incorrectly, or will there also be a toy of the 1/60 YF-29? any clarification would be appreciated. Twich
  14. I agree that when I look at the SV-51 Design, even the Mass Production Model, I get this sense of menace and sheer Danger. The Gunpod is practical and has a realistic storage method while in GERWALK and Battroid. If I could have one wish, I would wish that Yamato or Bandai would re-release(release in Bandai case) this toy with the style and lines of the Yamato model, but the ruggedness of a Bandai ala the VF-25 DX series. I Love My SV-51a from Yamato, but I do not like the fact that it is sooo floppy and the fact that the Tail Fins/Arm Shields do not stay in place no matter what I do to them. I saw some Fanart of the SV-51 recently and it is amazing how much the profile of the SV-51 reminds me of the YF-21. Twich
  15. I think that the most innovative and original Valkyrie designed is the SV-51. Look at all that it can do, and it is the biggest valkyrie of the non VA/VB variety. I am in love with the design and I just wish that it had been designed with head lasers and arm lasers like the VF-17 and YF-21 VF-22S. Twich
  16. On the subtitled version that I saw/read, it said that the reason why his VF-25F went offline was that the pulse was jamming the navigation system, but was not causing damage to the valkyrie. Maybe I remember it wrong. Twich
  17. Well, those are indeed CGI images of the SV-51, but they are just black and white copies of Nora's Valkyrie, you can tell by the flame designs on the images. They are also a bit grainy, I was hoping for something in color, and also less grainy in High Resolution. Thank You for pointing those out to me! Twich
  18. Hello, I would really like to find some good quality CGI pictures of the SV-51Alpha(Mass Production type). I would very much like these to be as large as possible and I cannot seem to find any of this particular valkyrie. Any help or direction to where I can find it would be great. Twich Edit-To clarify, I have found many images of the SV-51R flown by Nora and DD. I have the Yamato toy of the SV-51alpha, and I want to get a good collection of imagery of the mass production SV-51 for a project that I am doing. There are particularly no pictures of this model in GERWALK mode. Any pictures or suggestions would be greatly appreciated
  19. Thanks for the screw-tightening suggestion! Will give it a whirl Twich
  20. Hello, I recently got a Yamato 1/60 SV-51a Mass Production model toy. I just transformed it for the first time from fighter to battroid mode, and noticed that the legs and arms and the stabilizers are really loose and floppy. Is there anyway, short of disassembly to correct the problem? Thanks! Twich
  21. Hello, I was looking for a good stand to go with my Bandai Chogokin 1/60 VF-25F Non Fast pack version. Does Bandai sell this separately? Or is there another source that is perhaps a little more reasonably priced? Any suggestions? I have seen in peoples sigs, Flex Stands, but are these able to take a 1/60 scal Valkyrie toy? I am really confused. Thanks! Twich
  22. Hello, I do not know if this is the most appropriate place for this discussion, but if it is in the wrong place, then MODS, please move it. I was wondering if we could discuss possible suggestions for upgrading previous mecha to modern (Macross Frontier) level engines and power. My vote would be for upgrading the SV-51 to Macross Frontier levels. What would be your suggestions to make this already great mecha space worthy and capable of competing with the likes of the VF-171, VF-25 and possibly the VF-27? 1. Upgrade the engines-give it the same engines as the VF-25, like the FF-3001 2. Strengthen the airframe to current G-Force/stress levels. 3.? What are your suggestions? Please discuss! Twich
  23. My wife ordered me a Yamato 1/60 SV-51a from HK Collectibles for our anniversary/Valentines Day present. She ordered it on Tuesday 2/9/10 and payed for speedpost. As of checking the status, it says that it was shipped from the Hong Kong PO, but no details on when it is set to arrive. The website indicates that Speedpost is 3-4 Business Days delivery. Twich
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