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Everything posted by twich

  1. I would love a v3 Bird of Prey YF-19, there is just something about that color scheme that I really enjoy, and out of all my valks, she likes my YF-19 Bird of Prey the most because of the color! Speaking of other wishlist for revised valks, would be the SV-51(all 3 variants) with non floppiness, better wing lock strength, better arm joints so they don't flop and make the hips guns stay I place in all modes! Also, I would like to see them revisit the YF-19 and YF-21 in the 1/48 scale. I know the first thing that will come to mind is: That will cost so much money! Well, since valks now seem to be around $300+ for the 1/60 scale VF-19S/VF-17S, I do not think that it is inconceivable to swallow the cost of a 1/48 scale valk toy. I would just love to have one of those beasts sitting on my shelf...imagine a 1/48 scale SV-51! Now that would be huge! Twich
  2. the thing about the VF-22S is that even though it appears later in the series right besides the VF-19F/S/Kai, we see the "ace pilots" flying the bird, giving the idea and credence that the performance of the Sturmvogel is higher than the VF-19. That being said, I would like to think that it could hold both gunpods along with reaction missiles in both bays, but realistically (as much as Macross can get) I tend to agree with the theory that it is an "Gunpod or reaction missile" I think that things are being stretched as it is to have such a thin side profile as the VF-22S boasts and mount weapons inside the leg storage covers and be realistic. I would have preferred the gunpods be mounted on the outside, like the YF-21. The guns are supposed to have stealth coverings, so no loss of stealth there. Now here is something else, how do the micro-missiles that are stored in the internal pallets feed to both the dorsal launchers (4 black diamond shaped things on back) and also the leg bay covers? Since the leg bay covers move and I assume are not connected to the main body, just the legs, how is it feasible to have missiles fed to the, unless there is a missile magazine in the leg bay covers as well, which doesn't seem possible.....All this supposition is making my head hurt, back to programming kids toys for Christmas for me! Twich
  3. Speaking of Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, is there shortage? I have looked at the Wal-Mart and GameStop in the North end of Spokane, WA since it came out and no one has it! What gives? Guess I will have to try Best Buy. Twich
  4. That is interesting to ponder, to maintain the example of games, Macross Ace Frontier gives Milia's VF-22S 1 gunpod mounted onthe outside of the leg bay cover plate, like what the YF-21 shows. Who really knows? Twich
  5. My first thought when I read that the VF-19 that isamu flies is close to the A model, I thought that it meant that it approaches the specs of the VF-25A, but maybe I am wrong.... Twich
  6. Has there been any more word on Metal Gear Solid Rising? Are they waiting until Metal Gear Solid HD Collection is released? Also, with next year being the 25th Anniversary of Metal Gear, I wonder if they are going to do a HD remake of the original Metal Gear or HD Metal Gear Solid? Twich
  7. I only get a max of 1.5 Megabits out here....but that is all that I can get in the area because CenturyLink will not speed things up until there is a demand for it. Well, I demand it! But who am I? Just the consumer paying for the internet, I guess....no one important. LOL I tried to sell the idea of the cable to my wife, she doesnt like the idea of the clutter....So I guess that I am stuck with this. Twich
  8. Oh, I did all that because I have started the download of Crysis for PS3 off of PSN. I started the download at 8:30pm and it is now 12:50 pm the next day and it is only at 34%. I really think that the wireless module was crap on these. Maybe I should run networking cable, but I would need like 60', how much signal loss will that incur? Who knows..... Twich
  9. Well, as far as the speed issue, living in the great wilderness of northeast washington, DSL. With 1.5 megabit download is the fastest they offer here. My PS3 has always had trouble staying connected to the internet and being super slow download speed. I have gone through 3 routers and still the same result. Also, just as a note, my sixaxis control got fried by me touching it and it shocked me, and of course, it was just out of warranty. My PSP-3000 god of war ghost of sparta model downloaded the copy of gow in like 5 hours, so I think it is just a launch unit wireless unit problem Twich
  10. Curious question for everyone. I recently purchased on PSN the game Final Fantasy 9. It took me 48 hours to download on my backwards compatible 60GB PS3, since my son shares me sign in and he also has a PS3, but the newer 160 GB version, I downloaded it to his unit as well. I was sickened when his download took less than 5 and a half hours to complete! Why is this? Do the newer models have better wireless adapters? Twich Curious question for everyone. I recently purchased on PSN the game Final Fantasy 9. It took me 48 hours to download on my backwards compatible 60GB PS3, since my son shares me sign in and he also has a PS3, but the newer 160 GB version, I downloaded it to his unit as well. I was sickened when his download took less than 5 and a half hours to complete! Why is this? Do the newer models have better wireless adapters? Twich
  11. That video was absolutely awesome, I am glad to see that they have investing in good cosplayers/actors/actresses to make the characters come to life. Just a few comments.... Did they intentionally make Kratos as tall as a Space Marine because Spartans are larger than life, or because he is the God of War? Was that actually David Hayter who played Old Snake? I know it was his voice, but it is hard to tell...would be cool if it was! Now were the 2 army people referencing Call of Duty or Resistance? Sackboy? My son would crap himself if he saw that! Loved that they included Nathan Drake from Uncharted and Lightning from Final Fantasy 13 I hope that they do more commercials with the same characters and I actually get to see them on live TV Twich
  12. A fun multiplayer game that I have enjoyed very much and so has my son is Warhammer 40k Kill Team. It is a fun game to play with kids and it is only rated "T", so you don't have to worry about too much blood and gore, and it is just plain fun to play. Really enjoying Warhammer 40K Space Marine too! Twich
  13. I would love to see a v3 of the YF-19, and it may sound weird, but I would like to see them release the Bird of Prey and the Double Nuts again too! I do not have the original paint scheme YF-19, but the bird of prey and I have to say that it is one of the most striking and handsome colors schemes that I have come across. I would really only like to see the v3 YF-19 if they release a v3 YF-21/VF-22S Sturmvogel II as well. I have a VF-22S Milia version and I love the thing to death but just wish that the legs fit better, didn't fall off as easily and if the blasted thing would stand well on it's own in Battroid and also not have the main gear collapse on it every time a fly farts on it! Twich
  14. I actually hope that the PSVita is a true and wonderful successor to the PSP. I am a father of 3, so the only time that I get to play my games is after everyone goes to bed and I am laying in bed with my earphones on playing my PSP, and the fact that it looks like such greats as the Metal Gear Solid HD collection, plus Final Fantasy X HD will be coming to the Vita, just gives me hope that it will really be a great machine and not just a touch sensitive gimmick for the PS3. As far as my thoughts on the whole XMB thing, it seems that the PS3 used it because the PSP came out with it and made it easier to navigate with commonality between the devices, but with the Vita and its' touch screen, I really wonder if there will be a change to the way the PS3 displays things....I guess that time will tell, but it really is an exciting time with all the new releases that are due out. I am still really enjoying Warhammer 40k Space Marine, when I can play it....it is a little gory for my kids to see and watch me play. Twich
  15. My question about the PS Vita comng out is since it has a way of presenting the icons, will the XcrossMediaBar of the PSP/PS3 be replaced with something new? PS3 is due for firmware version 4.0 soon, will the big change be that? I really wonder how all this is going to work...... Twich
  16. Is there any Love for the upcoming Warhammer 40000 games? There is Warhammer 40000: Kill Team that looks good and then Warhammer 40000 Space Marine. I am very excited for both and can't wait to buy and play them Twich
  17. Anyone one here interested in the Warhammer 40000 Kill Team PSN game that is a tie in with Warhammer 40000 Space Marine that is due out in September? Does anyone know when Dungeons and Dragons Daggerdale is due out on PSN? Twich
  18. I am Really Interested in getting into the Macross PSP games, but my problem is that I do not have the capital to purchase these games at expensive prices. I see on eBay that the first game in the series is going for around $20-$25 shipped to the US. Is there another place that sells these games for cheaper? I am not into piracy or anything, but I fear that unless I can find these games dirt cheap somewhere, I am going to miss out on what looks to be 3 fantastic games. Any help would be appreciated. Twich
  19. I have finished all my downloads from the welcome back program, and I even activated my 30 days of Playstation Plus, but when I read about the release of Warhammer 40000 Kill Team and Dungeons and Dragons Daggerdale, I kinda wished that I had waited...Oh well. For PS3, I downloaded Little Big Planet and Dead Nation as my free games and I let my son choose the PSP games and he picked Killzone Liberation and ModNation Racers. I know my wife would like to get into Little Big Planet, and my son is so bad with his games that I am afraid that his copy of LBP would be unplayable to her. I can't wait to hear the particulars on the HD Remakes of Metal Gear Solid and Zone of Enders as well as the PSP Remastered series that they are planning, there are so many great PSP games that would sell like gangbusters for the PS3!@When does E3 Start? This news along with the news on the Sony NGP/PSP2/PLaystation Vita has really got me wondering what the rest of the year holds. Twich
  20. well, as I just got done downloading the last of my PSP free games off of the welcome back listing, my feelings are a bit mixed. The only game that I was interested in and did not have already on disk was Dead Nation, so that was choice #1. The next choice was Little Big Planet for PS3 for my second choice. For the PSP, I let my son choose and he picked Killzone and Modnation racers. I have Killzone Liberation on UMD, but I wont let him touch my games because he is so careless with them. He has Modnation Racers and loves the hell out of it for PS3, so I suggested the PSP version so he can take it on the go. I have Infamous on Disk, and My son has Little Big Planet on disk, but as I mentioned before, he is careless with games, so I thought that my wife might like it on the HD on my PS3. I am very excited by all the news about the PS3 HD remakes of the Metal Gear Solid games, as I am trying to play MGS:Peace Walker on my PSP and would like to try it on the PS3. I wish that they would remake all the MGS games in 2 different bundles. MGS 1,2, and 3 in one and then do a smaller, perhaps cheaper release of MGS Portable Ops and MGS Peace Walker. I am a big D and D fan, and I am excited about Dungeons and Dragons Daggerdale, but dont know when it is supposed to be released on PSN. Does anyone have any knowledge? Games Workshop seems to be rolling out the Warhammer 40000 games this year too, with the announcement of Warhammer 40000 Kill Team, and then in august the release of Warhammer 40000 Space Marine, my taste for the universe and reading the books with finally get brought to 3 dimensional view on my TV. I Cant Wait! Twich
  21. it took a while, but I was finally able to get the leg back on the block that holds it to the swing bar and then I was able to get the arms back into position and all the little flap/doors to align so the fighter is sleek once again. Twich
  22. What I was doing was transforming from fighter to battroid and when I was swinging thelegs down, the left leg dropped onto the table. I was not directly touching the left leg either. It was very weird. Twich
  23. is it common for the legs to fall off and become very difficult to put back on when you try to transform from Fighter to Battroid? The left leg kept flying off of my Milia and the sensor lens from the wing popped off as well. I am also wishing that there was a way to store the gunpods in the leg covers while in fighter and still maintain the sleek profile. Twich
  24. Is it just me, or does the shield on this toy look really thick and also that it might open? I wonder if there is going to be some gimmick that the shield is hiding....it looks like Bandai might be trying to pull out all the stops with this one, I just wish it didnt cost so much... Twich
  25. I just got my VF-22S Sturmvogel II Milia from the sale, and it is really an amazing toy and mecha to behold. I never really grasped how big and beefy it looked, until I put it next to my YF-19 Bird of Prey and VF-25F DX. Twich
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