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Everything posted by twich

  1. does anyone have any tricks/tips for getting this toy to go back together tightly once you transform it? I transformed it once, and it was hard, I could not get the chest to stick and the "backpack" kept slipping off, but once I had enough of Battroid and attempted to transform back, I had a female dog of a time getting the legs to get past the chest/intakes and now the whole fighter mode is "gappy" I have swung the legs out, checked the position of the arms and made sure the little tabs that come out from the arm/middle section fitted into the back of the knees, but it is still very gappy. I have watched our esteemed Jenius's transformation video and even tried Collection DX's video on the toy, but no luck. Any suggestions? thanks Twich
  2. I hope that we see at least one new design from the Macross Delta movie 2 that is coming out in 2020? As far as a new series, who knows....but wouldnt the next one be the VF-33? Unless it is a SV model, then SV-372? since we went from SV-154 Svard to SV-262 Draken III to ? In any case, I hope that all of them get toys, preferably not exclusive, hard to get toys so that it will be easier to procure them over in the USA Twich
  3. is it just me or does that vertical stabilizer appear to be hinged? I wonder if this design is very similar to what we see in the SV-262? Also, there appears to be a seam on the underside right before the thrust vector paddles/feet. Would be very interesting to see this design flushed out into a 3 mode transformation. I too would love to see a Bandai DX make of this design along with a whole bunch more SV-262 toys. who knows, we have whole new Delta movie coming....we can hope Twich
  4. I had not seen the gun pod tucked up in there either. If it is like the SV-262, then it might be a heavy quantum beam cannon.
  5. they come in plastic ammo cans? or did you put those in the ammo cans?
  6. I cannot really tell, and considering the Valkyrie that replaced it, the SV-262, I am having a hard time seeing two thermonuclear reaction engines coming from the rear of that design, but I am sure that it is there. Being a 4th generation Valkyrie design, it would be able to achieve satellite orbit unassisted. It has something that its replacement does not have, in that it does not require super packs to be able to mount missiles. Those two pods look like they were taken right from the SV-51. Just wish we had some more information on another interesting design and its specifications. Twich
  7. Don’t recall seeing this discussed before, but looking at some of the more detailed pics of the SV-154, I can see that it does not appear to have a visible gunpod, but does have two missile pods, one on each wing. Looks to be a smallish fighter, with no double front landing gear wheels. Any other thoughts? I like this design, but really like the SV-262, but like the -262, it is unique.
  8. The cannon fodder SV-262Ba’s were green and grey with little if any accents. True cannon fodder fashion, I believe twich
  9. So, if Bandai does decide to ever release any further DX SV-262 toys, they have almost a squadron full of variants. There is the SV-262Hs Keith Aero custom, the "elvis" valk, which I believe is the SV-262Hs Roid Custom, The SV-262Ba for the Windemere Knights (with silver accents, as opposed to the gold of Keith) and the "cannon fodder" SV-262Ba that we see in the Macross Delta TV series and the Macross Delta Scramble game for the PS Vita. There is also sure to be a return of the SV-262 for the second Macross Delta Movie. While I think that a renewal/revision would make the toy less complex to transform, I would hope that they include the "super" parts as standard, same as the VF-27 Brera Renewal release with the super parts. Looking around, to purchase a Lil Draken accessory kit for my DX SV-262Hs would cost more than what I paid for the toy from Nippon-Yasan during their Easter sale this year. Here is to hoping! Twich
  10. I am anxious to hear more about the KO VF-31J they have planned. If it is quality, I would rather pay $140 ish for the toy than $260-$1000, especially if they make more variants of the VF-31 1/60 scale twich
  11. So, I was sitting here staring at my solitary Macross Delta DX toy, the SV-262. I was wondering, is this the first toy that we have had since the v1 DX VF-25 valks that has not included some sort of missiles, either integrated or externally mounted on fast packs. Now, I know that from playing the PS Vita game Macross Delta Scramble, that even the base model of the SV-262 comes with the fast pack micro missile launchers. So, if they ever do release a "standard" SV-262Ba model, it will only have the gunpod as a weapon with the toy. Does this seem as if maybe Bandai is skimping out with the accessories? The DX VF-31 line has the integrated micro missile launchers in the legs along with the folding stabby knives that go into the forearm armors. So, what are peoples thoughts? I hope that the new Macross Delta movie finds new Variable Fighter designs for both the "good" guys as well as the "bad" guys. Twich
  12. twich

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Very interesting scheme, is that fan made or a one of custom for Kawamori’s expo? twich
  13. I am excited for new potential Valkyrie action. We had the introduction of “slipheed” armor for the vf-31, I wonder if we will get one or more new designs.....there has to be toy sale tie ins. i have my fingers crossed for new designs, and have hopeful waiting for everything else twich
  14. Here is a topic that I have been thinking about for most of the day. It has been stated many times here and in the "official" description for the valkyrie, that the SV-262, due to its unique transformation, has decreased/limited fuel capacity as compared to other valkyries. I have been looking at my Bandai DX SV-262, and it would seem that given the structure, there would be places that fuel capacity could be stored. Those legs, for instance, they are huge, with great internal volume, and no internal missile launchers. Also, speaking of which, those "divots" for lack of a better term on the legs where the super packs rest in, seems as though the internal volume that those take out of the legs would be perfect to have added fuel capacity. I just watched Macross Zero for the first time in a few years, and I remember that the SV-51 had a problem with reduced fuel capacity, so I am wondering if it was a design choice for Kawamori. Just wondering what the general thought was Twich
  15. Wow, now that is pretty. I have always preferred the look of the original VF-1J Hikaru to the VF-1S Hikaru, but it would probably not be a stretch to assume that we will be getting a VF-1S Roy custom, since they have already done the mold for the -1S head and all. Just wish these things weren't so darn expensive. Twich
  16. Has anyone had an inkling or an insight as to what the new exclusive valkyrie will be coming from Bandai when the new Macross Delta Movie Vol.2 releases? From the Macross Frontier movies we got the DX YF-29(like 5 variants), Tornado packs for VF-25, and VF-27 Super/VF-27 Green with swapping heads. From the first Macross Delta movie we got.....the VF-31 armor pack. I would be very curious how they plan on one upping the VF-31, or for that fact, how to one up the SV-262. that still remains one of my favorite valkyrie designs....anyway, I digress....to ask the question, what can we expect from the next Macross Delta movie that comes out in 2020? Twich
  17. twich

    Hi-Metal R

    I would like all the VF-0 variants and all the VF-25 variants, plus a VF-27. Don’t even need super/armor packs, but maybe some ordinance on wing hard points. Twich
  18. So, finally got my Bandai DX SV-262Hs, really quite amazed with it! Twich added pic with my other DX VF-19Advance!
  19. twich

    Hi-Metal R

    Not that I would know of anything, but it looks like the silhouette looks a little like the VF-27 with its giant gun. That would be cool if they did do a HMR VF-25 and VF-27! Twich
  20. Just ordered a Bandai DX SV-262Hs from Nippon Yasan during their Easter Sale, good price! Can’t wait to get it! Twich
  21. This is on sale at Nippon Yasan for around $170 USD for their Easter sale twich
  22. The difference is the VTOL fan cover opens in fighter mode, it looks like. It didn’t do that on the original Yamato. To me, the different color plastics on the new pics indicate the different new parts? Someone said it was an entirely new mold, so who knows. Just watch out for the dagger on top of the head, don’t know how many times I drew blood on it. Twich
  23. I wonder what the quality of the upcoming VF-31J will be, that might be the only way I get a VF-31 DX valk Twich
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