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Everything posted by twich

  1. Never had one of the Yamato GN-U figures...the detailing though for that VF-1J seems to make up for its small size. Thank you for clarifying that for me. Twich
  2. is that VF-1J Hikaru a Hi-Metal R release? It looks variable....or am I missing something. That VF-19A does not lool variable though. Twich
  3. Final Fantasy VII Remake demo is out on PSN right now to download, and I thought I read that if you download the demo you get a free theme when the game releases. Hopefully this is not the same theme you get for pre-ordering the game....would make it rather meaningless to pre-order, unless there is a giant shortage of physical copies at release. Twich
  4. right, that was what I was implying that the aftermarket for the PG Phenex was like $700 on sites like Gundamplanet. I was asking if anyone knew how much it would be with all these new refinements, and what the new refinements would entail.
  5. So, I have started playing the Witcher 3 on my switch lite, the new patch that came out was supposed to improve the graphics so much, but I am not really noticing a difference. Yes, I know, I am playing it on the switch lite, so the graphics will not be the same as a switch in TV mode, but I think there still should have been some improvement. Not complaining about the game, think it is awesome and love playing it on my switch and I am glad that I have the game. Also, any word on Breathe of the Wild 2 for the switch? Finished the first one, and have to say that was one of the better videogame experiences that I have had for a long time.
  6. so if I was understanding that new announcement for the celebration of the 40th anniversary of gunpla by making a super-duper Perfect Grade that uses the knowledge gained from all the years of gunpla, I wonder what it will entail and how much the price will be jacked up? $700 PG RX-0 Phenex anyone? Twich
  7. Wow LEGO of SV-51 and that transforming bike Mecha from the Netflix show that I can’t remember the name of. Cool!
  8. Cool, thank you for looking when you can. I didn’t even know that these were out yet twich
  9. What can you confirm about mold changes? It looks like it has Bandai DX thigh joint, what else? Twich
  10. My curiosity stemmed from the supposed Uber stats of the VF-24 and how even a SV-262 would be little match for it
  11. So here is something that I was thinking about, the NUNS fleet that we see destroyed by the knights of Windermere that were coming to use dimensional weapons on Windermere. What was the origin of that fleet? Was it the local Brisingr cluster fleet or one from earth? If from earth, wouldn’t they have the infamous VF-24? Twich
  12. so has it been sufficiently explained how orks can turn 2 bolts, a piece of jagged metal and some chewing gum and making it into a functioning nuclear reactor that powers their kroozers other than the orks psychic gestalt just making it so? I always found this answer to be rather lacking. I believe all the time that a semi truck will deliver every macross variable fighter toy, in triplicate to my house for me to enjoy and share with my family, but that truck still hasnt shown up in my driveway. Maybe I need more chewing gum? Twich
  13. what might be cool to see is the VF-0C for the UN Marines in marine camo pattern, really maximize the mold use. With the cost of the premium finish figures, I could never get one anyway, unless I win the lotto tomorrow or something. Twich
  14. It also looks like that airbrake might articulate, based on one of those pictures....or is that just really dark panel lining....hard to tell, but if they are trying to make it like a 1/72 scale DX toy, this might be an easy addition to the mold for them. Twich
  15. These improvements are great! These will be available in May? I wonder if MSRP will be effected? Twich
  16. Any word on a reissue VF-1J Hikaru without the stand and the almost $500 price tag for aftermarket? Also, since they have the mold, I would expect that a Max/Milia set are going to be coming about, which interests me, since they are all of a single color (for the most part) and white. I know the Max VF-1A comes close, but interested to see how it would fly with the M&M versions. Also, these seem to be packaged with the Fast Pack sets......makes one wonder. Twich
  17. Yes, new updates without a significant increase in price will garner more business for them. Wonder if we will see a flood of factory seconds bootlegs due to the large quantity that didn’t meet QC Twich
  18. What I would like to see, and correct me if I am wrong and this is already produced by Arcadia, but I would like to see a 1/60 VF-1J Hikaru Vermillion Leader release in regular or perhaps Premium Finish. I was not able to find if they have released this already. But, I would like to see this made by Arcadia. Twich
  19. Well, Since I just got the 35th Anniversary edition 1/60 VF-1J, I would be interested to see what they come up with for the 40th Anniversary 1/60 VF-1J! Twich
  20. Read most of the books, not collections of short stories and have played a little of the games. I have enjoyed the series and how well Henry Cavill played Geralt. The only bit that surprised me was the hint that Geralts' mother was a sorceress and that she gave him up to the witchers on purpose. As far as any story that I have read or lore in the video game, this has never been touched on, so I think that it was pretty cool. Cannot wait until season 2 shows up to watch the continued journey of Geralt and company. Twich
  21. Wasn’t the VF-1J supposed to be released before Christmas? Haven’t heard or seen anything other than those new pics from a few weeks ago showing new shoulder hinges and the new joint in legs under the intakes/hips. twich
  22. I was pleasantly surprised by an Arcadia 1/60 VF-1J 35th Anniversary edition toy! I’m very excited to sticker it up, although my wife and kids prefer the base paint scheme. Very excited and surprised! Twich
  23. noticed on the VF-1J GBP that the hands have articulated fingers which look different from the standard ones that are present on the toy. I hope that they do get to release all of these various VF-1 variants. I am curious as well where the prototype of the VF-1J with the new hips and the new shoulders comes from, because I went to the Kitzconcept website, their Facebook page and it wasn't up there. Twich
  24. that is a pretty smart looking VF-1 rendition. Are there other, better molds for the VF-1? Sure, Do they cost at least double, sometimes quadruple the cost? Now they do. For someone who just wants a cool, perfect transformation VF-1 that they could possibly give to their kid without having to worry about possibly breaking a toy worth $500, I think that this is a good option for those who are looking for a good, inexpensive VF-1. Also, with the improvements that they are making to the mold, I have to give them props. I remember the first V1 Yamato Vf-1 and thinking that it was totally the bomb, and then the 1/48 VF-1 was released. I know that this product was approved for sale by the big, bad Harmony Gold, but it looks like Kitzconcept is attempting to improve their molds and bring more value to their customers. Twich
  25. well, that is kinda interesting....having all of these little gimmicks in a $130-$150 toy that you do not have to go through all the hoops to get.....seems rather interesting, hope the hips isn't the only modification of the mold that they did. Twich
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