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Everything posted by twich

  1. I am wondering if Bandai is holding off on Macross Delta toys for the release of the next movie where we have at least one new Valkyrie, and if the second Frontier movie is an indication, the add on to existing products, maybe even the SV-262Ba DX toy we all want and a rerelease of the lil darken set?
  2. Yeah, I thought it strange that they seemed to call a VF-31A a VF-31S interchangeably and the only difference being the wing was either forward swept of delta, and the S model had only 1 head laser. In the first few pages, they have a VF-31J made up in the livery of the VF-31C, complete with the Delta -04, but 1 head laser, not 2. Bad cg or a screw up on the model builders part. Some of those variants designs did not look like they were able to transform because of the wings or boosters Twich PS- I cant read Japanese, but what was the little blurb on the YF-19 Advance that looked like a YF-19 with a VF-25/31 nose and the container of the YF-30 instead of a shield. Is that supposed to be the basis of the YVF-31?
  3. So, I just got the variable Fighter Master master file for the VF-31. I was a little disappointed that they did not have any more information on the SV-262. Also the variations on the VF-31 design were a little “out there”, thought the VF-31 with the YF-29 wing engines on it was interesting, but the U-wing/VF-31 design kitbash was different, of course, I cannot read Japanese, so I have no idea the explanation was for it, did this book bring anything else cool to the VF-31? Twich
  4. So, I did a search, and nothing came up. I have the YF-29 30th anniversary edition and while whooshing it around today, I noticed on both of the legs on the outer aspect of leg(side facing out) extending down from leg machine gun hip kibble part and going down to the edge (intake), there is a crack on the plastic. It is not gaping, and I have only transformed once since I purchased it on Mandarake a month ago. Is this a common problem? When I did transform it, the legs were kinda loose, but I just noticed these cracks. Do I have to worry about my hip joints cracking apart? Can I fill it in with like gorilla glue? Now I’m afraid to touch the YF-29 for fear it will disintegrate. Twich
  5. Today, I just got delivered a used YF-29 Focker 30th Anniversary edition. Paint seems pretty good, legs seem a bit loose, especially the kneecaps. Is that a common issue with the YF-29 mold? I had an original VF-25F Messiah that I gave to my 11 year old so that he could have a Macross Jet too, so when I got the YF-29, he got his out and I noticed that the kneecaps on his VF-25F are not loose at all. I have yet to transform the YF-29, as I had limited time before having to go to work to admire it, but for hope Mandarake listed the item and the cost, I was expecting a lot worse condition. All in all, I am pretty happy with the purchase. I would love to get this YF-29 Alto, especially with it coming packaged with the superparts set. I hope that I can convince my wife to allow me to get this "investment". With the changes that they seem to have made to the mold, I wonder if they are looking to milk the mold again and release all the variants with the sculpt updates? Might mean we see a superparts set for the YF-29B Rod custom if that is the case. Twich
  6. I have a used 30th anniversary edition coming in from Mandarake, so I will see if that sates my YF-29 toy hunger or not. Improvements are always good, hope this isn’t as stupid hard to find like the VF-31A Kairos or As expensive Twich
  7. well, now. I wonder if there will be any improvements? I does not appear so based on the images shown here. Strange that this is being released more than 13 years after Frontier came out. Twich
  8. actually, the shipping with DHL was 4350 yen, they did not give me an option for any other type of shipping. The YF-29 30th Anniversary was 15000 yen, so it was a little less than 20000 yen shipped, and it is showing it will be here in less than 2 weeks. That is the fastest that I will have received something from Japan, EVER. Twich
  9. So, here is a question. I have looked and read on the Macross Compendium and Macross Mecha Manual, and I know that in Frontier, the Variable Fighters had linear actuators that helped with fatigue of parts and whatnot, but it doesn’t state in Delta if the VF-31 and/or SV-262 has linear actuators? Is it just assumed that all 5th gen Variable Fighters have this? twich
  10. So, this will be the third Macross Jet ordered this year, the first two were, well, scams.....1st was a Valkyrie factory 1/60 VF-1J Max with Super parts, that was scam..2nd was a Hi Metal R VF-4G Roy, that the third party seller on Amazon has not arrived yet after almost 2 months, still fighting Amazon for a refund, so I recently discovered Mandarake. I ordered a used YF-29 30th anniversary scheme, the pictures show that some of it is faded, yellowed, but that doesn’t bother me. Here is to hoping that I have no problems with this order. Third time is the charm? Twich
  11. Okay, so in between patient charting at work, a question popped into my head. How powerful are the energy weapon gun pods for the mecha of Macross Delta? In Frontier, you have VF’s with 4 engines to power the gun pods, or in the case of the YF-27-5, and underwing mounted thermonuclear generator. In Delta, the valks each have 2 thermonuclear reaction engines, but they both seem to have a power generation build up before firing, ala VF-27 grenade shot or Macross cannon firing....so how do they compare to gun pods of the VF-27, YF-29, YF-30? I think that the weapons for the mecha of Delta are cool, just with that the VF-27 was designed with a smaller gun pod with the same power, which had me wondering if Delta did just that....what are people’s thoughts? twich
  12. That is very true, but I have no way of knowing, since there was no tracking provided. Twich
  13. Okay, so I just received a very strange email from World Naruto Japan Shop, after I inquired to return policy on Amazon following their date when Amazon stated the item should have been delivered to me. Here is the message: Thank You for contacting us. Products will be shipped from the Osaka International Airport to the United States. However, few planes fly to the United States. Therefore, there is a significant delay in delivery. I have to wait until the planes to the US start flying. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. Sounds to me like this shop hasn't even shipped the item, even though it was marked as shipped on April 3rd, 2020. I would be okay if this seller would just give me the tracking information for the item so that I would know when it was coming. Alas, this seller has ignored my request for this tracking information, which to me, seems very suspicious. Twich
  14. I would have to go with the VF-31 toy being the most accurate twich
  15. twich

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Holy crap monkeys! Wasn’t trying to start any ire, just wondering about the differences and my belief that all DX toys were in scale to one another twich
  16. twich

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Question. Are the Bandai DX supposed to be 1/60 scale? Roughly? I was comparing my VF-19Advance to my VF-31F and the VF-19Advance is longer by almost a centimeter and isamu’s legs are like 3mm longer and head is bigger. Now I know from all the stats that The VF-31 is 19.31m vs 18.62M for VF-19Advance. Is this just a Bandai concession to allow 2 to fit in the cockpit of the VF-31? Also, why is the VF-19 bigger? Both are DX and from Bandai..... Twich
  17. So, I bought the Hi Metal R VF-4G on Amazon from the seller World Naruto Japan Shop, the order did not have tracking info, so I contacted the seller through Amazon. The seller replied with a form letter reply basically stating that due to Corona Virus Japan Post would stop taking parcel from these countries, and it had a list. The US wasn’t on the list, so I emailed again asking for the tracking info, they didn’t reply. So, fast forward to yesterday, which was one day shy of a month in which the item was marked shipped. I emailed again asking for tracking. The reply was a copy of the same form with no tracking information. I can’t help but feel that something fishy is going on, as the seller seems determined to NOT supply me with tracking info. I am going to wait with hope until May 7th comes around and if no VF-4G, I will get a refund, but I cannot shake the feeling that something shady is going on. I hope I am wrong...... Twich
  18. They did not send link, so I have no idea where it is, or isn’t.
  19. So, I ordered a Hi-Metal R VF-4G Roy from Amazon and it was marked shipped on April 3rd, and the seller was a third party and they sent via Japan Post. I asked the seller for shipping information, which they did not provide, only sending me a link to a FAQ about shipping from Japan. I am trying to remain optimistic, but it has been 1 day shy of a month......hope it shows on Monday....Amazon says that if it doesn’t show by the 7th, then I can get a refund. I just would like an idea of when I can expect the VF-4G. Anyone have a suggestion? Twich
  20. twich

    Hi-Metal R

    Not only would I like to see all the rest of Macross II VF’s made, but all the mecha from 7, Frontier! Imagine the varuta variable fighters! FBZ-99! A decent VF-27, the possibilities are near endless, just include stands with every release! twich
  21. twich

    Hi-Metal R

    Since they have already released a VF-2SS twice, once for Sylvie and once for Nexx, who here would like to see a VF-2JA and a VF-1MS or whatever its official designation. I really like the Bandai Hi-Metal R VF-2SS Nexx, but I really cannot get the legs right in fighter mode, so I usually display in Battroid. I wish that the designs for Macross II got some more love. Then again, I wish that a lot more valkyries got made in either 1/60 scale or the Hi-Metal R (1/100ish) scale. Twich
  22. I am glad that I am not the only one who did not know what it was. Thought maybe MW was having some internal strife, thus why I clicked on the thread, hoped Shawn or Graham were not having troubles......and yes, my kids would have to set it up for me and provide tech support......what happened to cursing someone out, face to face? LOL
  23. twich

    Hi-Metal R

    Apologies, I had thought the VF-1J had released. Thanks for what you do! Twich
  24. twich

    Hi-Metal R

    I have noticed that you have posted more review vids as of late. Please keep up the excellent reviews! For S & G’s, are you trying to acquire/have the desire to acquire any more of the 1/72 Kitzconept VF-1 toys to review? Thanks! Twich
  25. What is a good price to purchase a Bandai DX VF-27 1st version? I would think the Brera would be less rare, but I have recently got a hankering for a VF-27 toy and don’t want to pay the inflated prices for a renewal version. I would prefer new, but like new, used is good too....just wondering what a good, reasonable price would be. thank you, Twich
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