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Everything posted by twich

  1. So now that I have had this toy for 24 hours or so, I have to ask...does anyone else have difficulty with the missiles? They do not want to go on correctly and they look like they might break if I push too hard to get them on. I put this right next to my FuGu VF-1S God of Flame (Jetfire) KO and the Jetfire is bigger. My thought is that this thing has some real quality to it and I am all over buying these for $150 USD for a near 1/60 scale transforming VF-1 toy. The Valkyrie Factory KO's go for about $130 on ebay, this is a much better toy. Twich
  2. I thought that Macross 7 had a long list of different mecha that was part of its content. The Second Unification War had just about every mecha up to that point in it, if I remember my playthrough of the title(Macross VF-X2) about 20 years ago or so. We might get to see Bandai make a VF-11B or C, VAB-2, VF-9, VF-14, VF-22S, the list goes on and on...... Twich
  3. I too would love to see some of the gaps filled in. Second Unification War sounds like a good story to tell, also would go with the theme of VF vs VF combat. Twich
  4. Got mine today from BBTS! Quality seems to be there, although the slider rail system for the arms did not slide without applying more force than I cared to. I got it into fighter mode though with nothing broken! Very happy with this! Twich
  5. Not to sound snarky, but you will find this with any passionate fan base. Twich
  6. Doesn’t look as gap-filled as the first release! Looking good! Twich
  7. I just got mine all set up and kitted out! Flying in formation! Twich
  8. Yes Twich
  9. Mine Arrived today, only was able to get the outer plastic bag packaging off of the toy. The toy box is in pristine condition and the extra accessory box was also pristine. I look forward to when I am off of my work so that I can dive into this. My son is really excited about the old school transformers packaging and thought it was cool when I told him that it was exactly like the Jetfire toy that I had as a kid. Twich
  10. He says they are 1/48 scale, not 1/60 Twich
  11. twich

    Hi-Metal R

    Funny, I had the same thought with the wings. I think it will be another huge set like the VF-2SS SAP Booster set, but will love to see what comes to be! Twich
  12. twich

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes, I would love a Hi Metal R SV-51! All three flavors please! Twich
  13. He has another thread dedicated to his Type III. It is in this same topic. Twich
  14. Yes, I continue to be in awe of your work! Please keep posting pictures of the painted final versions. I saw the Type III you showed the sketch of in your other thread, forward canards! Can’t wait to see that done up as well! Great work! if you do end up selling these as complete kits, with everything you need, I know that you will get many orders from people here on this board! Keep up the excellent work! Twich
  15. Inspired by VF-25 and VF-11? I can also see the tail end of the VF-3000 in the one on the left and YF-21 in the rear end of the one on the right. Twich
  16. I agree, I am very interested for November 2024 when they combine Transformers with Macross 7. I just now recall how Kawamori redesigned Starscream for the Masterpiece Starscream release. (MP-3?) Twich
  17. I don’t think that the SV-262 deployed without the missile packs and lil’Drakens Twich
  18. Have to notice that this official picture isn’t as gappy as Kieth’s ride. Either they are photoshopping or this is a tighter, non-gappy release. Twich
  19. Finally! Thank you for posting this! Twich
  20. Great review Jenius! Thank you for setting me straight on what way to install the vertical stabilizer fast pack parts! I’ve been doing it wrong and the instructions are less than clear on the matter, being shown upside down and in Battroid mode. Twich
  21. Look at his first evolution toy review of the VF-2SS. He was not happy with the toy at all, understandable so! Twich
  22. I’m curious if anyone has an idea of when this will be available from BBTS. I know that it usually takes 2 months on the slow boat from China, but again, anything more concrete that 3rd Quarter 2024? Thanks! Twich
  23. Just got notice that this shipped out from ShowZstore! I guess I will find out in 15-25 business days! Twich
  24. My thoughts after handling it over night….. I am scared to try to transform it! I am truly impressed with the level of detail and engineering that went into making this transformable toy! First off, the fast packs: mine do not stay firmly attached at all the fastening points. The fast pack parts that attach to the vertical stabilizer/ arm shield do not go in fully and it looks “sloppy”. I am not discounting user error in this, but the directions are less than stellar in explanation and detail. Next, the two sets of gunpods….Bandai knew that people would use the fake ones for mounting to the toy in fighter mode, because the gunpods are so floppy when you use the “real” gunpods, that it makes them unusable on the toy in fighter. While the toy has the fast packs, they have a little hook in the front of the attachment points that keeps them together and tight and unable to be floppy. Overall, I’m impressed so far. I can remember getting the first Yamato 1/72 YF-21 and thinking Wow! This is so cool! Then the revision with fast packs came out, and I thought, they did even better! I then managed to get a Yamato 1/60 VF-22S Millia Custom. I thought the engineering was so cool, but I could not keep the legs on, and they popped off on their own. I ended up selling the VF-22S off, much to my chagrin. I am very happy with my purchase and look forward to Jenius’ Scorched Earth Toys videos on the Bandai DX Chogokin YF-21! Twich
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