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Everything posted by twich

  1. I would wonder how much reinforcement the VF-31 airframe to be able to tolerate the increased stress of using the more powerful engines of the SV-262 in a VF-31. I like the idea though. Would they need to do like they did for YF-29 and upgrade the ISC. Also, wondering about the huge arm cannons on the new VF-31. I wonder if they are still rail guns or laser machine guns of large caliber. Cant wait to find out! twich
  2. So, here is a thought....in the teaser that we see, the supposed drone fighter that we see in the black and orange paint scheme with the 4 similar looking pods on it that Chuck and Mirage are seen firing at, if these are indeed thermonuclear reaction engines, why does a drone require 4 of them? I know that drones are a fraction of the cost of a VF, and I know that they probably use older, cheaper engines in the design, but why have 4 of them? We have only seen 4 or more engines on a handful of Kawamori's designs. The VF-4, the VB-6, the VAB-2/FBz-99, the VF-27 and the YF-29. Seems rather wasteful of resources to use 4 engines in a drone, unless it isn't a drone, and like the SV-262, the "cockpit" has no external viewports/windscreens. I guess that we will find out later this year (I Hope), but I am hoping for a few new Variable Fighter designs for Macross Delta. Twich
  3. For 40th Anniversary, I would like to see Arcadia release a VF-1J Hikaru Premium Finish edition, and maybe another VF-1J paint scheme made by Tenjin. A Bandai DX VF-1J just isn’t worth $450 used on secondary market. 40th Anniversary is next year......god, I’m old
  4. I wonder if this means twice the Bandai DX toys!
  5. twich

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Well, how long did it take them to produce/sell the VF-31? We had a release of the VF-31E as late as 2019, if I remember, so it could take years for all the toys to trickle out Twich
  6. twich

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I think the white and gold SV-262Hs would be amazing, but they need to include the missile pods and lil’ draken as well as the sword and solid shield for battroid, let’s hope they rework the transformation to make it less crazy stressful twich
  7. Has anyone heard anything new about this “Valkyrie Factory” they teased the release of all those VF-1A’s and a VF-31J and then nothing. I am not liking the fact that the VF-1J super sets have creeped north of $150 USD on eBay and sold out everywhere else......wouldn’t mind picking up a Premium Finish Valkyrie even if it is a KO. twich
  8. twich

    Bandai DX VF-31

    If they change the design of the VF-31New(easiest to call it this) enough to be able to sell 5 new VF-31’s then great! I have always wanted a VF-31S, but don’t want to pay 38000 yen for a used copy, this might be my chance! I am excited for the new Enemy VF, like you, SV-262Ba variants(now with less heart attack inducing transformation please), and I am very intrigued by this “drone” thing. Is it variable? I like the looks of it regardless. as far as the new super pack booster pods, seems kinda a cross between the lil’ draken for the VF-31 and the lil’ draken mounted on the SV-262, how it mounts is anyone’s guess. Time will tell. twich
  9. twich

    Bandai DX VF-31

    So, I wonder how many new releases we are looking at for the new movie.... 1. New enemy VF( this seems a given) 2. New VF-31J(green one hypothesized to be flown by one of the Aerial Knight) Delta 06 3. New sorta VF-31A looking fighter that Chuck, Mirage are flying with Delta Wings(2 releases possible) 4. SV-262Ba x several variants 5. new Super packs for the VF-31’s that give the wings the TIE Interceptor look 6. new container packs with new gun pods as teased with the Green VF-31J with new super parts, also teased the fold speaker container pod 7. the new drone thing(could be variable drone) (VD?) with the number 09 Anything I missed? Conjecture about Macross toy releases is so fun and expensive! Twich
  10. twich

    Bandai DX VF-31

    In one shot in the trailer, we have 3 SV-262’s and 3 VF-31’s flying in formation. So I hope this means a release of everything! The colors and new design potential are just wonderful for new toys! twich
  11. So did they make a new container that has the radar dish and a gun pod? Thought you couldn’t do both, unless of course, they make one that does. Who knows, there are so many possibilities when you think of it. Twich
  12. And gave Chuck’s VF a gun pod, as he is seen shooting with one in the trailer. But the head of Chucks VF also changed, while it is possible that they changed wings and head, the collar also looks like the extended VF-31A one that was replaced with sensor panel or fold quartz, or whatever it is that is present on the Siegfried valkyries in that area instead of the dark grate like material that is on the VF-31A Twich
  13. We still have the wandermearans(sp?) and a mysterious figure, perhaps Heinz due to the old, flaky dermatological problems with a hooded cloak and staff. If those are like lil’ drakens, then I would hate to see the size of the mother craft, the drones look almost as big as the VF-31, so they would need to have a mother craft the size of a VB-6. It is probably a VF or variable drone and the protoculture looking VF is the command or “S” variant, the teaser went by too fast. We see everyone’s VF: Chucks VF-31E w/ lil’ draken( gets hit by beam weapon), VF-31A Chuck custom, VF-31F, VF-31S, SV-262Ba Mirage Custom, VF-31A Mirage Custom, and VF-31J Teal color with number 06 for Delta Platoon. So, Does Hayate keep the VF-31F? Or will he get a new VF-31A custom? Cant wait to find out! twich
  14. Mulling it over more, that new design, whether it is a drone or the new VF, it has as many engines as a YF-29 and VF-27 with super packs on. With how skinny it looks, we might have a new thrust/weight ratio queen Twich
  15. Anyone notice that it looks like mirage is using the gun pod from her custom SV-262Ba from the last movie? And she is in a VF-31A variant. Twich
  16. twich

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hey, if it gets us new toys with more colors and possibly a new VF-31A variant with missiles instead of a drone charger, I am all for it......better start working on the wife now, at least 2 more Macross jet toys in the future. Twich
  17. It looks near enough to the tease of the new VF that has the very “Protoculture” vibes. It has wingtip engines, boosters and 32 mini missile launchers( 4 per pod).....if it is a drone, seems even more powerful than Macross Galaxy’s V-9. I dont remember Chucks fighter being destroyed, why is he in a VF-31A variant? Very cool stuff and looks like a lot more toys to come! Twich
  18. So, what is said after the 2021? Is this implying that Freya and Hayate actually hook up? Also, don’t we have room for another pilot in Delta platoon? If Hayate picks a Valkyrie to fly, that leaves another expensive, extensively customized VF just sitting around.......maybe Hayate gets another one blown up under him. Looking forward to seeing this show and the associated toys and movie release. twich
  19. so, it may not be the focus or the point, but what was this great cataclysm that befell the planet earth that made the air poison and killed most of the populace? Also, did those researchers/scientists make it to whatever destination they were heading towards that was safer than freaking the artic? I know we saw the one plane crash, but were there more? This movie left more unanswered questions then answers. Just some points, those clear hexagonal parts that were part of the spaceship, they sure were tough to survive impacts from asteroids/space debris. Other than that, did they really serve any purpose?......Like I said, more questions than answers. Twich
  20. Got one of these for Christmas, man, am I impressed! Love the paint quality, the improvements, the fit and finish even seems more refined. Transformed it to get rid of the factory “looseness” and was just impressed, especially as I just got done transforming my YF-29 30th Anniversary edition. As Jenius noted in his review, the hatches on the fast packs for the missiles are very tight and don’t really open all the way. I wonder if this is a test bed for a new slew of DX YF-29’s and Renewal VF-25’s with the new fixes, due to how similar the parts are between the molds? New VF-25 anyone? Twich
  21. The thing that puzzles me about this is why they used the physical prop of a T-65B X-Wing if they were setting it after/during the sequel trilogy? Are there no more T-70’s? Aren’t they on the T-85 or something by the time of the sequel trilogy? It is the same thing with the Mandalorian, why are they using the old X-Wings? Is it lack of props to keep prices down? Don’t they have props left from Episode 9? I’m kinda confused about the mixed messages being sent. Twich
  22. My wife traversed the twisted world of Amazon Japan to get me a Bandai DX Chogokin YF-29 Durandal Full Set Pack for Christmas! Thanks Honey! Twich
  23. So, I guess I am a bit confused...Is this an announcement that they are releasing a GBP armor set? Is it bundled with a VF-1J? I guess I missed a link or something....Also, are they announcing if they are doing a reissue of the VF-1S Fokker with the improvements of the VF-1J Rick Hunter custom? Twich
  24. Actually, as I remember, Graham, who knew the people at Yamato had some sort of thing to get replacement hip parts, but that must have been close to 13-14 years ago. I doubt he would have any now. the best option is to loosen the screws a bit to relieve some tension, as I recall that being advice for me when I got one as it first came out. another possibility is to see if someone has done the hips at Shapeways? I know that the hips are metal, but it might be an option. Ask around, I know there are still a few from that time one the board who can offer more advice. hope this helps twich
  25. I believe it still has head/monitor turret lasers (beam Cannon?)and wing root lasers (beam cannon?), plus the internal micro missiles previously mentioned. I know Basara doesn’t want them there, but it is still equipped. twich
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