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Everything posted by twich

  1. Well, we might get something similar in the new SV-303 variable ghost drone, but a VF-27 with VF-31 level design…….gosh Twich
  2. I just received a first release, sealed in box, VF-27B with pink fold booster, and I have to say, I cannot believe that this toy came out just a little while after the first release VF-25F toys from Bandai....gosh, this thing is so crisp and just an amazing sculpt and toy. I am glad that I was able to get it, and for a price of 18330 shipped DHL through Mandarake, I am not sorry that I got it. Twich
  3. Wait, I thought in the series, Ranka was 14, then turned 15 and Hayate gave her snow to remind her of Windemere. There has been 10 years since the series? Im confused
  4. Now is the “X” designation a placeholder for like Hayate will fly a VF-31AJ Kairos Plus? And “S”, “E”, “C”, etc. isn’t this Hamval the antagonist from Macross 30 video game? Or am I confused? Twich
  5. Curious, has there been any mechanical information sheets released on the: VF-31AX kairos plus, Origins of SV-303, statistics? Is this the new Variable Fighter for New UN Spacy? Twich
  6. Is that like a new Macross Record for a prototype? Don’t know when the new movie is set but 10 years is a long time
  7. What a glorious way to self plug, eh Jenius? LOL! Are you coming out with any reviews soon? I’m assuming you are getting the GBP-1S for the Bandai DX VF-1J and VF-31J Fold Equipment set? I check YouTube and Anymoon for your reviews almost daily. very exciting time with Bandai asking us in the USA what we want….. twich
  8. I would imagine it would follow movie continuity, but who knows, chopping the wings off a bird human and glueing them onto a new Macross carrier could follow the tooth fairy continuity
  9. So which one is this? Resident Evil 62 and a half 0.5? J/k i am actually excited for this reboot, hopefully The inevitable Jill character won’t be the edgy-suddenly a chain smoking Sienna Guillory with a cast iron strapless top with bullet proof brassiere and black leather skirt with boots……who isn’t a redhead! Twich
  10. I got to order an original Bandai DX Chogokin VF-27B sealed in box from Mandarake.com, can’t wait until it arrives! Twich
  11. I put MacrossWorld. I am pretty excited that they might offer these toys directly to the USA and possible other western regions. Thinking back on it now, I totally forgot to mention a VF-11, VF-19S and/or VF-19Kai Fire Valk or VF-9. Twich
  12. I mentioned every Macross Variable Fighter. The prospect of the VF-31J and the YF-19 Full Set available here in the states from Tamashi Web Shop is quite nice! I hope this becomes the way to be able to order directly from the web shop! Twich
  13. and maybe the new thermometer looking mission pack, is, in fact, a new pizza topping anointment device, so that Delta Flight can plook down their favorite pizza toppings on their enemies and competing PMC's everywhere. Twich
  14. Greek Food.....Yummmm! Do they have Gyros and falafel in the Brisingr Cluster? Do they even have sheep/lamb? Sorry, guess I am really hungry here at work right now.... Twich
  15. stemming over from the discussion on the Macross Movie Absolute Live!!!!!! thread, how over the top crazy would it be to have a ship like the Macross 1/2 or maybe a full New Macross like battle frontier have Macross Quarters as the "arms" This has been seen, in a round about way in the Macross 2 Macross Cannon with the 4 front to the Zentradi battleships as the boom cannons and arms. The discussion on the other thread was why there was a new ship name as the home base for Delta Flight, instead of the Aether, and I had postulated that perhaps Xaos replaced the Macross 1/2 with a new ship....anyway, back to the discussion of the new VF-31AX.... Twich
  16. The marking for Parmenides is in the place on the tailfin that shows the home carrier for the aircraft. It has already been discussed that this might be the name of the new ship that Delta Flight is stationed on, meaning something could have happened to the Aether, or maybe the Macross 1/2 got replaced with the Macross 9 3/4, and this is the name of one of its carrier "arms". Twich
  17. in both the series and the movie, Keith is dead, so he "retired" before the events of this movie. Mayhap Master Hermann is now the White Knight and Bogue is his second, if you look at the Red SV-262Hs Draken III, it has 3 little ticks coming off the wing symbol, Keiths' SV-262Hs Draken III had just one. Fighting the UN Spacy is at least possible, I do not think that anyone in Xaos or WIndermere really likes the New UN Spacy, but I find it stretching things that Xaos would be in open warfare with them, but having the New UN Spacy present would be a more plausible explanation as to why there is a YF/VF-29 present. Twich
  18. I was actually thinking of the Max & Miriya VF-1J with the new sculpt along with the VF-1S with new sculpt. But that one is pretty scarce too. Twich
  19. No announcements for the 1/72 VF-1J or VF-1S transformable toys? thanks Twich
  20. How in the flibbitygibbit does it transform? Looks kinda like VF-4 2.0 to me. Really like it though, but we don’t see GERWALK yet, might be 2 mode transformation. Twich
  21. It kind of makes you wonder if there is some facility somewhere that does just that sort of thing.....a factory satellite that makes fold quartz. Or, a factory satellite that makes the ship that the windamearans (sp?) found the Sigur......hashtehshitz. Twich
  22. I had assumed that it was mis-transformed, I guess that I was drawing attention to the fact that a promo shot for a new DX toy has all of these inconsistencies that we, as avid Macross toy collectors immediately see, and the manufacturer is giving us these pics without greater proof reading. I am excited to see your review of these toys when they release Jenius, as I am an avid follower of your youtube videos. Cant wait to see more DX toys for this upcoming movie. Twich
  23. I like the design of this Valkyrie, but I am not digging the fact that in GERWALK, the engine intakes are disconnected and the gun tonfa's are not connected to the arm....I wonder what the other side of the mission pack does? I thought that it was a double beam cannon, but looking at it, I am not so sure now. Like the new take on the SV-262 gunpod for the VF-31AX Kairos Plus though! Twich
  24. So wish that these publications get translated to English and see distribution in the USA
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