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Everything posted by twich

  1. twich

    Hi-Metal R

    Wow, why is this so much more expensive than the MSRP of 14000 yen? I guess this is the price for getting it from domestic retailers. Twich
  2. I had the VF-31F release from the first Macross Delta movie and had not issues whatsoever. I love the design of the VF-31 and am very happy that I managed to secure a release of the Vf-31AX Mirage custom from Mandarake. I don't know, I guess with anything, the QC can be hit or miss. the SV-262 that I got before any other Delta valk was awesome, but it gave me anxiety trying to transform it from fighter to Battroid, so it stay in Battroid mode only and will probably never be transformed again. Twich
  3. So I happened to be in Burlington, Vermont at the airport waiting to fly out and have known that the Green Mountain Boys (Vermont Air National Guard) have shared the runway with the Burlington airport. I look out of the gate window into the hanger space I see several F-35 ( I assume to be the F-35A model), which kind of surprised me, as I did not know that air national guard units were getting the F-35. I know that the Green Mountain Boys had f-16's for the longest time, but I am glad to see them with F-35's. I know that on 9/11 they sent their F-16's into the air without any air to air missiles loaded as they scrambled so fast. Twich
  4. So I just recently ordered one of these from Mandarake, I am very much looking forward to this valkyrie, as I enjoyed the VF-31C, but did not want to pay the prices that it commanded. With shipping, this ended up being $308, which is my most expensive valkyrie to date. I like the colors of the valkyrie, and the fact that it seems to be the only non-single head laser VF-31AX that has been released/announced so far. as far as all the QC issues that people are reporting, some of them seem to be similar to the VF-31E that I bought with the wing that wont tab in and the arms that don't fit right into the wing. *Knocks on Wood*, hope this valk that I will be receiving will be ok, as I display my valks in fighter mode most of the time. I will concur and second the statement that someone made that I hope that the upcoming(hopefully) SV-303 Vivastat will be designed by a different team, they really need to hit this one out of the part to strengthen bandai's enemy valkyrie showings. Twich
  5. twich

    Hi-Metal R

    I am very happy that this is a worldwide release. I did the exchange rate from Yen to USD yesterday and it looks to be around $110USD. So, hope that doesn’t increase significantly and will be around the same price plus shipping, which from BBTS is $4, right? Very excited for this! Twich
  6. So, I have a question of logistics/design for Macross capital ships…..so if the Varuta super mega carrier had 8 Macross cannons, how does that work, logistically? It was my understanding that the Macross cannon had such huge power demands, that it limited it to just one per craft. Is it like the Death Star with many dedicated reactors per Macross cannon? Second question is why normal New UN Spacy ships equip more of them? Twich
  7. Why don’t we ever see Isamu use those, or the rotary cannons in the chest of the YF-19? Just doesn’t make sense….. Twich
  8. Sorry, my confusion, thought you were discussing the arm/vertical stabilizer weapons on the YF-21/VF-22S Twich
  9. Anyone notice in the description for this at LUNA PARK, it states special stage set? I wonder if it will get a special stand like the VF-31AX Hayate Custom. Twich
  10. Are you discussing the arm laser weapons on the YF-21/VF-22S? in the Macross plus animation, they are used in rapid fire by Guld in Battroid mode. Twich
  11. I rather enjoyed the movie. I do believe they were trying to establish the dynamic between the characters, as we see in the video games, I also believe that as long as they try to remain faithful to the video game while attempting to tell a good story, they might have a franchise on their hands. Twich
  12. All this time that this picture has been around and I never saw the VF-27 in the back ground, it is hard to tell, but I wonder about the VF-25. I know they did the VF100 line with the VF-25, but those are primitive by HMR standards…..one can hope! Twich
  13. I too am curious on this, as I do not recall it being quantified how the YF-29B was an upgraded version of the original other than it saying "An upgraded version of the original" Twich
  14. Plus at least 4 Macross 1/2 class ships that we saw three in the first movie and a new one supposedly in the second Delta movie, plus the YF-29 Durandal for Max. Twich
  15. Something to do with the fold wave system, since all YF-29 have these stripes….or it could be because Bandai loves the markings Twich
  16. Awesome! As long as we can purchase it outside of Japan. Twich
  17. So is it going to include official subs in English and other languages? Will it also be region free? Twich
  18. The end of September? Wow, is that like a year from release to home disk release…..seems like an awfully long time, but thank you for the news! Twich
  19. I am very excited for this, especially if it is a worldwide release…..makes me wonder why this is and the VF-31AX Kairos Plus releases have not been….I love that they are including the fast packs with this release. Twich
  20. To me, as the uneducated, layman observer, is that the SV-303 is a cross of the VF-4 with the VF-27 and/or YF-29. I think that this design is absolutely wonderful and as said earlier in the thread, this thing has several Lil' Draken Drones attached to its hull to give it some truly impressive firepower. I am eagerly anticipating more information on this Valkyrie and this gives me excitement and hope for Kawamori's new designs coming up in future Macross products. Twich
  21. I Love the SV-262, and think that it is an amazing Valkyrie. I’m really certain that it is under appreciated as a design. I’m physically pained at how difficult it is to transform, otherwise it would be one of my favorite Macross Jet toys that I own. I think it is a shame that there was not further call to release more of them, as we saw with the VF-31. Maybe this fact will have Bandai release a 2.0 like the VF-25 got, and we will get a red SV-262Hs for Bogue from the new movie along with all the rest of the SV-262Ba’s and VF-31AX’s , SV-303 and YF-29 Max custom. I just wish that it would come with the middle pods and sword along with the Valkyrie, heck throw in the lil’ darkens to entice buyers! Twich
  22. Okay, so maybe this is explained in the text, which I cannot read, but is there a reason why it has written on the CAD drawings, it calls it a YF-33? I think that this might be a runner up, siding right up with the VF-9 as the origami valkyrie. Those wing shifts and movement of the engines seem like it could be like star wars ships...X-Wing/B-Wing. I am glad that it gives a bit of a better explanation of transformation. Twich
  23. My wife pre ordered this for me for Christmas, looks like I will get it from BBTS at end of August or September? Looking forward to it! Twich
  24. twich

    Macross 30

    I enjoyed this translation as well! Thank You! Twich
  25. I am very excited by this! Loved taking my sons to Macross Plus in Spokane, WA. Twich
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