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Everything posted by twich

  1. upon further reflection, I would like to see Bandai do a DX Chogokin VF-4A. So not base it on their Hi Metal R design, but do their own thing and maybe make it a little bit more posable! I am excited for a DX Chogokin VF-19Kai Fire Valk. Wouldn't mind a VF-19S, VF-17S and VF-11C. Also, do the tamponed printing thing of all the details plus some to better the Premium Finish models of the Arcadia Valkyries. I would like to see some competition so that maybe Arcadia will be a little more affordable. I know that Arcadia is a small company and is doing all this as love of the content and the fan, but it is nigh on impossible to find the YF-19 Full Set Pack, and looks like they are having breakages. I would like to get a lot more Valkyrie toys, but I have to be so selective due to price, that I want the biggest bang for my buck! I do have an old Yamato YF-19 Bird of Prey, that still is sitting in Battroid mode, and it looks great, but would really like to get so many more Arcadia toys without having to spend a small fortune, or sell off my first born son, to afford it. Twich
  2. While I prefer all designs by Kawamori, I also have love for all transforming robots. Wonder how this transforms? Twich
  3. So, it has been a few months, any word or details for this title? Twich
  4. I too would like a VF-25S Armor set, as I never got either Version 1 or 2 and would really like it. Wonder how much Bandai will charge for that beast? Twich
  5. Yes, I too am curious if sites like BBTS with get this to sell. Twich
  6. Glad to see you back Jenius! Twich
  7. Awesome! Thanks again! That picture reminds me what a good looking bird the VF-25F Alto custom is! Twich
  8. Thank You! Twich
  9. I know when the Bandai DX Chogokin VF-25F Alto Super Revival release is due at BBTS(June 2023), but when is this being released in Japan? Twich
  10. Saw this Thursday afternoon with my 14 year old. I had so much fun watching it and loved how it drew in the feeling of my youth playing 2nd edition D&D while incorporating elements from todays 5th Edition rule set. I absolutely thought that the story, the fight scenes and the effects were top notch, and if they continue with this formula, can see this turn into a franchise for Wizards/Hasbro. Twich
  11. If you would like a Bandai DX Chogokin VF-0S, I would like a VF-0D or VF-0S/A Final Battle set with the Ghost Booster! I can dream, can’t I? Twich
  12. I am hoping that we get WWM releases of all of their valkyries except for the VF-1 mold that can be sold on places like Amazon and BBTS. I know the SV-51 Nora is available at BBTS, but not for $444 Twich
  13. I am wondering if we are starting to see mold degradation, since this has how many different repaints from the original and Macross 30 releases, then add the recent revival Alto Full Set Pack and now Max. My Revival Alto Full Set Pack is flawless, but my Max has some QC flaws that are kind of annoying, since this is supposed to be the representation of the most rare, ultra powerful Valkyrie in the Macross Universe, that we know of. Twich
  14. twich

    Hi-Metal R

    While I absolutely love the Hi Metal R VF-2SS, it just leaves me wondering how awesome a Bandai DX Chogokin VF-2SS would be and hope we will see one someday soon! Twich
  15. Link is broken
  16. I agree! Especially since they went to all the trouble of branding the tamashii stage act 5 with the worldwide Macross branding. Twich
  17. So correct me if I am wrong, but it looks like this will be on sale at the event, on the day they are there. So April 28th in NYC USA for $140. I hope that this doesn’t remain exclusive to the event only. Hopefully more details will follow. Twich
  18. twich

    Hi-Metal R

    Well, I think that they have plenty of opportunity to play with, as we see the VF-1 show up in Macross 7, Macross Plus, Macross Frontier, and of course with these designs/colors of the VF-1EX for Macross Delta. Twich
  19. I really like this! It definitely gives the same Worldwide Macross vibe as the VF-25F they did. When is the preorder for this? Twich
  20. twich

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    Thank you for linking those, I guess that I never noticed the different one seat heads, just that the VF-5000G-T had a different head with 2 head lasers. Twich
  21. twich

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    I seem to remember there were different heads on the one seat VF-5000 and the 2 seat version, but not different heads between one seat versions. Do we see this in the animation? Twich
  22. Yes, I have transformed it several times to try to work out any kinks, plus had it on display in battroid mode for a week. The wing joint does not like to articulate at all. It is probably the most stiff wing joint of any VF-25/VF-27/YF-29 toy that I own, and I have followed the instructions and watched your video on transformation to make sure that I was getting it right. Can't wait to see videos from you on the VF-25F WWM, YF-29 Max, VF-31AX Hayate, Mirage and Bogue customs. Hi-Metal R VF-0S.....have I missed any releases? Hope to see a new video soon! Twich
  23. twich

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    I too wish that they would have a release schedule and pricing so that I can plan ahead. I am also hoping that this will be available for those outside Japan(specifically USA) to order from Arcadia direct, or available at US e-retailers like BBTS or Amazon. I really enjoy Arcadia designs, but the prospect of having to pay 50000 yen plus 15000 yen shipping if I want to get a USED VF-0D Premium Finish version is just too expensive for me. Twich
  24. so, I was looking through my pictures on my computer, and I found on the official photos released for this toy, the same problem that I am having with the folding wing roots fitting flush with the hip guns, as I had previously posted is a problem on my release of the toy. I have the YF-29 Durandal Alto full pack set release and it does not have the same problem.
  25. The only examples that I had were the original 1/72 scale YF-21 Fast Pack, then the VF-22S Milia custom, that the legs fell off and never went back on correctly in my experience, and ended up selling it. I would love to see the YF-21 from both Bandai and Arcadia. speaking on your other point, I too have noticed that there has not been this great explosion of Macross to the Western (read USA) audiences. I was expecting to see this available for streaming, or at least, and hopefully including purchasing on Apple TV app on my phone. They already have English sub and dub of Macross Plus OVA and Movie edition. They have official subs of Macross Frontier and Macross Delta. I am sure that I am missing a whole slew of licensing, etc. But really, why isn’t this here? Also, why is it taking so long for e-trailers like Amazon to get these valks? Have they even released the Hi-Metal R VF-0S? I ordered this way back in October from a Japanese online store and have had it since late October? I understand that people like BBTS get it from the literal slow boat from china, so I understand the 2 month delay. It is now 2023. November 2021 was the announcement, 2022 was the 40th Year Anniversary. Where are the products? not trying to sound like a whiny bitch, but it has been a little underwhelming so far, to be sure! Twich
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