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Everything posted by twich

  1. I have tried to look it up, but have kinda hit a brick wall. I see that there are 2 pop up stores located in NYC USA, are there anymore locations planned for any other dates? Any help would be appreciated, my wife is taking my kids to the Taekwondo Nationals tournament in Orlando, Florida the first weekend in September, and am hoping there might be a pop up store in Orlando around that time! Thanks
  2. Oh, gosh! I wish I could get the Hi Metal R VF-1S and VF-1J in a store! That is awesome! Twich
  3. As others have said, no Love Triangle, it isn’t Macross. Twich
  4. Now is this the one that had a "silencer" for the sonic boom? To test for supersonic airliners, so that they can exceed the speed of sound and fly over populated areas? Twich
  5. twich

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    It maybe an unpopular opinion, but having it for sale at BBTS is the only way that I can get my wife to get something like this for Christmas or Birthday gifts. I have the Hi-Metal R VF-0D Shin Custom on pre-order for my birthday in October and with this coming out today at BBTS, I have already sent the link to my wife for my Christmas list, even though it says that we wont get it until February 2024. This is how I have been able to get the YF-29 Durandal Max Custom, the VF-25F Super set and the VF-25F World Wide Macross release. Twich
  6. You know, I actually do not mind the fact that it is not coming with all those missiles or the fold drive or the fast packs. I have the VF-19Advance and besides the VF-25 Wing Booster super parts that will never stay on, I do not display my VF-19 with super parts or anything else, just plain jane VF-19 looking like the YF-19. I know that, realistically, this is a step back from what Bandai has released before, but if I can order it from BBTS and not have to fight over pre-order madness, then I am willing to pay a little more to have the convenience of ordering it online from a US e-tailer. Just my $.02 Twich
  7. Yes! The F-19 Frisbee! I had the model and a metal replica! I thought it was the coolest thing ever when I was a kid! Twich
  8. I took it as bare metal, like the DX Chogokin VF-1 Twich
  9. Never have gotten anything from ThreeZero, but their scupt looks pretty good. I like Kitzconcept, but the toys with fast packs are as much as Arcadia 1/60 scale VF-1's. Looks like it may have an articulated air brake. I wonder if the nose cone coming off is for a GBP set that they might release, or is it a Radar array gimmick under the radome? Twich
  10. No, it was a temptation that many were in the market for, you cannot be held responsible for someone being or turning into, a scammer! Twich
  11. Or a North American release?!? Twich
  12. twich

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    I don’t know, I think it is a pretty sweet valk! I have the VF-19Advance from Bandai and love it, would love the YF-19, especially if it means they will release a YF-21! Twich
  13. So, I put in a request for refund. Had to wait until midnight of the day after the items expected arrival. eBay took less than an hour to issue me a refund. They must know it was a scam. Too bad! For that price, it could of made a lot of us happy to have one. Twich
  14. I have spent the last 2 days trying to get eBay to contact me, but I only get as far as "the item is on its way!" even though it was delivered on the 20th to someone other than me and the tracking is not updating. The frustrations of them not having live humans to interact with. Will have to wait until tomorrow, I guess. Unless someone has a magic way to get into contact with eBay. Twich
  15. looking at eBay, it says in its tracking, that as of June 20th, Scheduled for Delivery. So, I can't even file a claim to start the process of getting my money back until the stupid tracking shows that it was delivered. The last city that it shows as going through is Los Angeles, Arrival at Processing Center, everything after that just says "US". Twich
  16. Oh, I haven’t even gotten a response. So you are one step ahead of me. Pretty clear it is a scam. That is unfortunate. I am going to have to wait for the tracking on eBay to catch up to reality, showing it was “delivered” to someone in Anaheim, California. Once it shows that, I will get a refund. This sucks! Twich
  17. So, an update……the tracking number that I was given from the seller shows that the item was delivered yesterday, town individual in Anaheim, California. I Live in Northeast Washington, so only several hundred miles and two states away. I hope that who ever got it enjoys the toy. If it is the real deal and they are on the boards, just let me know it is an actual Macross jet, and not a legoman! Twich
  18. not that I live in California, but I too never thought I would live to see the day that Macross was on the shelves in a store in the USA! Twich
  19. eBay says June 28th. Twich
  20. Won’t be getting the YF-29 in 1/72 scale, but they are releasing it in 1/100 from Bandai High Grade. They already released a YF-19 and have teased a YF-29 Max Custom and a YF-21. Check out the model section for more details. Twich
  21. China Post United StatesUSPS Destination - Sync Time: 2023-06-14 10:48:23 (GMT-07:00) Origin Post is Preparing Shipment -> We have received notice that the originating post is preparing to dispatch this mail piece. Origin - Sync Time: 2023-06-14 10:48:23 (GMT-07:00) 2023-06-14 05:21 Airline departure 2023-06-11 22:37 Airline departure 2023-06-09 08:43 Guangzhou City, has been handed over to the carrier for transportation 2023-06-08 16:45 Guangzhou, leave [Guangzhou International Exchange Bureau], next stop【Guangzhou International Exchange Station】 (via transfer) so, this is my tracking info for this item, so it seems that they are legitimately sending me *something* from China. Does not include the weight of the package, will probably have to wait until it is stateside to see. Hope this helps, as I really want a Valkyrie Factory VF-1S, not some scammers version of “F U” Twich
  22. As an update from that same eBay seller with my order for the 1/60 VF-1S Hikaru, mine says on flight for tracking. I am still holding out hope that I will receive a Valkyrie Factory 1/60 Valkyrie and not a Lego man! Twich
  23. the very obvious F-35 image with the main engine and 2 sub engines is an interesting take......I do not know of any variable fighter that has 3 engines....but I guess they were going for a "sci-fi" look. Interesting aircraft carrier with tattoo's, ala the Mandalorian captured capital ship as part of their fleet in the Mandalorian show. While the original Macross and all of its derivates will always be quintessential transforming robot show for me, I am one who always loves to see different designs, and if it means more transforming toys, that might possibly be of good/high quality, then I believe everybody wins in that scenario. Just my $.02 Twich
  24. Sorry, to clarify, I was referring to numbers of employees, not necessary a larger amount of talent, then Arcadia, whom we know to be a small outfit. Twich
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