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Everything posted by twich

  1. Watching this video, I am very impressed by this DX YF-21. The tampo does not bother me, the belly plates do not have glaring gaps, I remember first getting the Yamato 1/72 YF-21 Fast Pack toy when it first came out and couldn’t help thinking it looked like a rear end jacked up muscle car……look how far better this is? there will always be things that not everyone will like, but I sure am glad that I will be getting the opportunity to own a 1/60ish scale YF-21, when Bandai releases this beast! Twich
  2. twich

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    Unfortunately, I have not owned a Macross Design Work Book since early 2000’s, so I am out of the loop. Twich
  3. After I posted, I went and watched the video. I actually kind of dig the stylized VF-1J. The fighter mode reminds me of the VF-2SS, which someone already pointed out. Whatever the case, hope it is good quality and affordable. Twich
  4. So, I’m confused since everything is in prototype grey….the VF-1J says it is a transformable action figure, but the thing with the VF-1D head is a non-transforming action figure? it is difficult to gauge scale from a still photo. How big is this? HMR size, or closer to the new ThreeZero or Arcadia size? Thanks! Twich
  5. Don’t know why, put I am really excited about ThreeZero’s VF-1. Can’t wait to start seeing these out in the wild. Twich
  6. Thanks for posting this! Twich
  7. twich

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    I assume this says “coming some time in 2024?” Twich
  8. I noticed that too….seems kind of weird to forget to put the heads on your display valkyries, but what do I know?!? Twich
  9. I think that they making several colors of the JOTUN valkyrie with color coordination of the armor is cool! I wonder how much diecast the battlepod and Glaug will have with it. Twich
  10. I was silly and asked for the Switch Lite, because I never saw myself wanting to play the switch in anything other than handheld mode. I played through Zelda: Breath of the Wild and The Witcher 3 on the Switch Lite and I absolutely Loved it, then the Switch OLED came out and I asked for it, because of the awesome screen. I remember the original PS Vita with the OLED screen and how much more awesome it was then the next version without it. Twich
  11. twich

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    to me, this one picture, the nose of the VF-5000 reminds me greatly of the VF-0D Shin Custom from Macross Zero. I know that they were both designed by Kawamori, but how many years apart was this? The VF-5000 is from the late 80's, early 90's.....the VF-0 from early 2000's....pretty interesting! Twich
  12. or heck, maybe entice them to start to sell some of those toys again, do another production run? I would not mind another crack at any of the Macross Zero line of Valkyries and re-release the SV-51 to e-tailers outside of Japan. BBTS had Nora's SV-51y for over $400 USD.....way too much money. Twich
  13. twich

    Hi-Metal R

    I think that it is really cool him standing next to the XB-70 Valkyrie with the VF-1J Valkyrie. I wonder when this was taken? I noticed in the thread talking about the Bandai DX Chogokin YF-21 that showed up at Otacon 2023 that in addition to the YF-21 and YF-19, they also had the Bandai Hi-Metal R VF-0S and the VF-4A. Could this mean that Bandai is fixing to release the VF-4A under the WWM banner? I would not mind picking up the VF-4A Hi Metal R, I have the VF-4G in Focker colors, and it is a good toy, but I would like the Hi-Metal R version to be available here, in the US at a US e-tailer. Twich
  14. That is a lot of Macross Plus! If I can, I will purchase this, would prefer to have it to purchase on my iPhone. I hope that all the Macross that will be available for the US market is able to be acquired this way. Twich
  15. Oh my Christmas crackers! That is very good news! Now all we need is a non-3D printed fast prototype! Twich
  16. Or a bad acid trip from the 70’s! The walls are melting, man! Twich
  17. That color scheme reminds me of Transformers G2 Twich
  18. I just ordered one of these reissues from Mandarake, I have the VF-31AX Mirage Custom, and I was able to get it non-cringe worthy in fighter mode, I just hope that the Hayate is the same or better! I really like the design and the toy, I would like to get the super ghost set and armor pack, but the price has me hesitating. Twich
  19. Is that the game Max/Millia VF-1A’s, Angel Bird flight team and the Jotun Armor? Wow! Twich
  20. Plus the whole “internal metal frame that ThreeZero is known for” bit has me intrigued. If it is a good design, with good durability, I don’t really care if it is branded Macross or Robotech, as long as it is a good toy. I know that a good toy, with the potential of being available to any and all that want it is nothing more than a win-win for fans. If the price is only $149.99 plus tax & shipping, then this is about the same as a hi Metal r VF-1 on various e-tailers. I’m optimistic for this along with the new Alpha/Legioss and Mospeada from Pose+/Toynami. Twich
  21. I have this pre-ordered from BBTS, and I am really looking forward to it, since I have never been able to get the Arcadia 1/60 toys. I still have a pipe dream of being able to buy a 1/60 VF-0D premium finish version….if I ever win the lottery or inherit millions from a long lost, unknown rich family member! Can’t wait to see this arrive in October from BBTS! Twich
  22. I think this has great potential. The last Mospeada toys that I had were the CM ones, and they fell apart like nothing else. I would like to get the sentinel stuff, but if these are affordable, I would consider this. The scale makes it seem like it would not be too small to manipulate with my old, arthritis ridden fat fingers! Twich
  23. well, the Mospeada from Toynami and the new 32cm tall Legioss that is Die-Cast looks very interesting and has a good sculpt. I hope they are able to make these and bring them to the fans. I have always wanted to Mospeada and a Legioss, but the cost of the sentinel ones are as much as a Macross Variable Fighter in 1/60 scale. Twich
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