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Everything posted by twich

  1. I totally agree with you....The Yamato/Arcadia lines for the VF-1 are so iconic and sound that I cant wait to see how they do with this VF-5000. Twich
  2. Is the new stand all that and a bag of chips? Or is it a beat a horse into submission hunk of plastic? Looks like Mickey Mouse with a guitar stuck through his nose and sticking up like a horn off his forehead.....or maybe I am just seeing things....don't read into that... I do not know how I honestly feel about the sound booster. I think that it is essential for a Arcadia 1/60 VF-19 Kai Fire Valkyrie to have, but do not know if it is necessary for my Hi-Metal R VF-19 Kai Fire Valk. (I do not have the Arcadia 1/60, I am waiting to see if there is a DX Chogokin VF-19 Kai Fire Valk made) Twich
  3. That is funny, I specifically searched for Macross Plus movie edition the first time I checked Disney plus and the OVA was the o lot thing to show up, then a few days ago, the movie edition popped up for me. Must be something screwy with the app. Twich
  4. Macross Plus Movie Edition added where I had not seen it before. Twich
  5. I am liking the colors of this, it is a very unique color scheme outside the norm for Valkyries! Twich
  6. I wonder how much this POSE+ Legioss will be. Based on the previous pictures, it looks quite detailed, hope it isn’t $400+ Twich
  7. No, no SDFM or DYRL included. Captain Max of Macross 7 is included, but not young Max.
  8. So, I pre ordered this and just started playing it. I have to say, it is pretty amazing having a Macross game with English text so I can tell what the heck to do. So far, so good. I hope this paves the way for more Macross games to be released outside Japan with appropriate language text localization! I’m excited to play more! Twich
  9. So I bit the bullet for the Nintendo Switch and Pre-Ordered it. It downloaded and will be available on 2/7. I have not played a Macross game since Delta Scramble, and I couldn't finish it because I didn't understand the objectives and got stuck. I really hope that this is a first of many Macross titles for consoles around the world, not just Japan. Twich
  10. I agree that this would be an awesome edition to the DX line Twich
  11. I have not had the yellowing issue with my NEXX release of the Hi-Metal R. Here is hoping that Bandai is reissuing this to pave the way for a DX toy. Twich
  12. I am not sure what or how I feel about this. Never imagined an Optimus Prime playing a guitar.....Also, what is that on the forearms? Smoke stacks from a semi? Or are those supposed to be the semi-recessed wing root cannons? Twich
  13. I will second that notion. Make it DX scale and give us the SAP with the VF-2SS, heck, give us those missile pods with the VF-2JA. Twich
  14. twich

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks! Was not expecting to have any Macross this Christmas, as money is so tight, but not only am I getting the Hi Metal R VF-4, but my sister in law got the the 4K Macross DYRL Blu Ray release (without english subs, but the visuals are so stunning). Twich
  15. twich

    Hi-Metal R

    So my wife placed the order receipt for the Hi Metal R VF-4A Lightning III in my stocking! Just waiting for Amazon to ship it! Twich
  16. I too am glad that I didn’t buy one from Mandarake. I second the sentiments that I wish it were a DX, but maybe this is to test the waters, so to speak. Twich
  17. What the heck is Three-Body Universe? It would be nice if it were the new series and maybe the announcement that Macross is finally releasing on Disney Plus! Twich
  18. twich

    DX VF-27 Revival

    So it looks like this is the companion release to the VF-25F Tornado Pack release. I really like the VF-27 and wish it were to get more spotlight. Can’t wait for the listings! Twich
  19. I think the fact that it has actual thrust exhaust cones coming out of the feet makes it look almost like a Valkyrie. I wonder if this signals a change in Gundam design, where the size of the exhaust thruster bell is proportional to the amount of thrust that the specs say come out of it. The design is very busy. I will have to see the anime, if it becomes available soon after release in the US on the streaming platforms is subscribe to. Twich
  20. My wife and son went to NYC Comic-Con, and the Bandai booth had special editions of various GunPla. My son got a MG Aile Strike in black and neon pink, like that RX-78-2. She got me a clear RG Gundam 00Quant with all clear parts and a MG RX-78-2 3.0 in black and neon green highlights, very striking! This scheme reminds me of it. Twich
  21. sounds like a line from a Frank Zappa song....."A little Green Rosetta....it really makes a muffin better!" Twich
  22. So I guess I may have missed it, did they give dates for any of the DX Chogokin Valkyries? I know the Tornado Valk is already up for preorder at some places, but don’t know about the VF-27y Super Parts. Twich
  23. twich

    DX VF-27 Revival

    So is this like a pre amble to the Tamashii event that is going on on November 15th? Twich
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