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About twich

  • Birthday 10/14/1975

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    Valley, Washington USA
  • Interests
    Macross and all things Mecha

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Bridge Bunny

Bridge Bunny (7/15)



  1. That is funny, I specifically searched for Macross Plus movie edition the first time I checked Disney plus and the OVA was the o lot thing to show up, then a few days ago, the movie edition popped up for me. Must be something screwy with the app. Twich
  2. Macross Plus Movie Edition added where I had not seen it before. Twich
  3. I am liking the colors of this, it is a very unique color scheme outside the norm for Valkyries! Twich
  4. I wonder how much this POSE+ Legioss will be. Based on the previous pictures, it looks quite detailed, hope it isn’t $400+ Twich
  5. No, no SDFM or DYRL included. Captain Max of Macross 7 is included, but not young Max.
  6. So, I pre ordered this and just started playing it. I have to say, it is pretty amazing having a Macross game with English text so I can tell what the heck to do. So far, so good. I hope this paves the way for more Macross games to be released outside Japan with appropriate language text localization! I’m excited to play more! Twich
  7. So I bit the bullet for the Nintendo Switch and Pre-Ordered it. It downloaded and will be available on 2/7. I have not played a Macross game since Delta Scramble, and I couldn't finish it because I didn't understand the objectives and got stuck. I really hope that this is a first of many Macross titles for consoles around the world, not just Japan. Twich
  8. I agree that this would be an awesome edition to the DX line Twich
  9. I have not had the yellowing issue with my NEXX release of the Hi-Metal R. Here is hoping that Bandai is reissuing this to pave the way for a DX toy. Twich
  10. I am not sure what or how I feel about this. Never imagined an Optimus Prime playing a guitar.....Also, what is that on the forearms? Smoke stacks from a semi? Or are those supposed to be the semi-recessed wing root cannons? Twich
  11. I will second that notion. Make it DX scale and give us the SAP with the VF-2SS, heck, give us those missile pods with the VF-2JA. Twich
  12. twich

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks! Was not expecting to have any Macross this Christmas, as money is so tight, but not only am I getting the Hi Metal R VF-4, but my sister in law got the the 4K Macross DYRL Blu Ray release (without english subs, but the visuals are so stunning). Twich
  13. twich

    Hi-Metal R

    So my wife placed the order receipt for the Hi Metal R VF-4A Lightning III in my stocking! Just waiting for Amazon to ship it! Twich
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