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Everything posted by EmilianoAlfaro

  1. A small hikaru to paint
  2. It was not very difficult to paint hikaru, the figure is incredibly detailed for the size it has.
  3. I'll give you 20 fan racers for a vf-1d 30th anniversary hahahaha. Your collection is simply amazing
  4. All the molds used, each piece was reproduced individually from the model kit without assembling.
  5. I love the fan racer and it is very difficult to get today, especially the clear version that I understand is the only one that comes with the pilot. When my friend bought his kit on ebay do not hesitate for a second to try to make the copy. It is relatively easy to copy, few pieces and simple shapes.
  6. Hi guys, I just finished my resin copy of the model kit of yamato fan racer 1/60. I share the finished work images. To show it, i adapt a connector of the bandai act 5 stage to be able to use it. I have a lot of work with the molds but I am very happy with the result. I copy the original kit of yamato that was bought by a friend on ebay for 200 dollars, very expensive for me. Regards!
  7. i get one, thanks
  8. EmilianoAlfaro

    Hi-Metal R

    Hi-Metal R VF-1S for 27500 Yens ... https://www.nippon-yasan.com/lang-es/figures/12782-hi-metal-r-vf-1s-strike-valkyrie-ichijou-hikaru-custom.html
  9. More VF-1S' Arcadia? hmmmmmm, repaint, repaint, repaint ... nothing new.
  10. EmilianoAlfaro

    Hi-Metal R

    spartan in nippon-yasan?
  11. EmilianoAlfaro

    Hi-Metal R

    What time does the pre-order start on nippon-yasan?
  12. IMO Toynami = crap.
  13. EmilianoAlfaro

    Hi-Metal R

    Max in stock http://hlj.com/product/BANN07904 8170 Yens
  14. EmilianoAlfaro

    Hi-Metal R

    Max again go go http://hlj.com/product/BANN07904
  15. EmilianoAlfaro

    Hi-Metal R

    i just paid max in amiami ...
  16. EmilianoAlfaro

    Hi-Metal R

    Discontinued ... TT
  17. EmilianoAlfaro

    Hi-Metal R

    I believe that the missiles will be sold along with the regult
  18. EmilianoAlfaro

    Hi-Metal R

    The regults look great in urban landscapes, impressive.
  19. Ichiban Kuji Freyja or Bandai FiguArts Zero? which is better?
  20. EmilianoAlfaro

    Hi-Metal R

  21. EmilianoAlfaro

    Hi-Metal R

    I understand the point of buying 14 regults, or several cannon fodders, but what is the reason to buy 3 VF-1S Roys or 3 vf-1j max? I do not understand ...
  22. EmilianoAlfaro

    Hi-Metal R

    get my max in amiami, thanks guys
  23. EmilianoAlfaro

    Hi-Metal R

    Wow, That piece supports a lot of stress to hold the legs. I hope it's not a recurring problem in other vf. I would ask for a replacement with a new one.
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