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About EmilianoAlfaro

  • Birthday 03/31/1978

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  • Interests
    Macross, manga, mospeada

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EmilianoAlfaro's Achievements

Sharon Apple Concert Attendee

Sharon Apple Concert Attendee (4/15)



  1. For the next project ... did anyone ever propose to make Jim's jeep in scale for the sentinel figures? or would the cost for the size be too large?
  2. https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/b569027314 😃
  3. "Preparation in Progress" in Nin-Nin too. I bought a second copy with them a while ago, it only remains to wait
  4. Im order one, no movement yet
  5. Never again.
  6. I paid 50k yen for my dx vf-1j a month ago, product in stock, I'm still waiting for it to be shipped, pay UPS as courier.
  7. VF-1D Available in Nin-Nin-Game, go go go! https://www.nin-nin-game.com/es/japanese-import-hobbies-toys-bandai-premium/43408-dx-chogokin-vf-1d-valkyrie-fan-racer-macross-limited-edition-bandai-.html
  8. Stay tuned, they will increase the price little by little and release new "stock"
  9. i get one in nin-nin- game https://www.nin-nin-game.com/es/japanese-import-hobbies-toys-bandai-premium/43408-dx-chogokin-vf-1d-valkyrie-fan-racer-macross-limited-edition-bandai-.html
  10. Yes, this morning it was dispatched. Pay 35k yen. Last week I also paid for the shipping of my Sentinel VFA, I already have it with me.
  11. My roy has been sent by ups from nippon yasan.
  12. Marked up, 35000 yens
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