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Everything posted by dragonstar1982

  1. Is that an R-type diorama in the bottom left corner? If so I'm excited to hear about that!
  2. Just finished airbrushing my pg 00 raiser, though I think it'll be a couple of weeks before I can get the decals and markings done.
  3. I don't know, I actually like the design. It has a dynamic obari feel to it.
  4. That's actually the cheapest I've seen it for
  5. Bbts just updated there front page with all the new bandai kits. When you check on the item and look at quantity, usually 1-9 that will till you what there gonna have in stock.
  6. Thanks!!! I've been waiting for them to post it. Was able to get one.
  7. I would love to have the studio halfeye version but their is no way I could drop the 3k on it.
  8. After Dancouga, Baikanfu, and now Gravion, there is no reason at all why they can't make a Dangaio figure since obari has done artwork for that mech as well
  9. Amiami has the pre order up for cheaper. Price is higher mainly because it's a perfect transformation and this is the first god gravion figure to ever come out that transforms, to me this is a Grail piece that can't come soon enough.
  10. Just saw that the pre-ordered was up and got one. I've been waiting for this for awhile now
  11. If you look at alot of obari's mech design, it's not that the pelvic is always thrusting out it as he draws the waist smaller than normal and usually draws the pelvic area bigger to give it a more dynamic feel to which he's know for. I think you either love his art or don't but I think when it comes to mech designs he is the man.
  12. It's funny how everyone is talking about if the price is worth it or not because I bought mine a few months before Arcadia released news about this. When I bought mine it was still extremely rare and $750 later I had one. So is it worth it is always in the eye of the beholder. To me this was a Grail piece so it was worth it.
  13. The thing is the plastic is still soft , but she is extremely light so the weight shouldn't be an issue
  14. Sorry for the bad pic I'm chasing my son around lol. I can get you better one if you want
  15. I really like the figure cause I'm a fan of the game. She's about the size of a figma figure.the paint is a little hit or miss on some areas but nothing major. I would have liked a full size play arts Kai version more but I'll take what I can get lol. Oh and coming with the robot was a added bonus. I would would say get her if you like the game or just the character but don't pay more than it's going for.
  16. So as a fan of the game I'm glad I picked her up... but honestly I had rather pay extra and had a full size playarts version. The figure does pose well and even has an ab crunch to help posing her. The only real downside beside her size is the paint app is hit or miss. Oh and @kajnrig sorry to say you won't be getting a booty pose with her
  17. 2b came in today! Dam DHL is fast. Paid Thursday morning and got in today from Japan to Virginia. Hopefully have time to open later on.
  18. Finally got 2b in. Can't wait to open it up later!
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