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Everything posted by dragonstar1982

  1. Well.....my Macross Delta movie came in and the mail man sucks!
  2. I got a promotion at my company to salary, so I get paid now for being at work or not. Lol that's how I had the extra money to even afford this figure lol
  3. Well alteast I can save some money
  4. While I agree it's a piss poor thing about scrubbing kojima's logo from it, it's not gonna stop me from enjoying this. As you said it's frickin zone of the enders!!! And having the VR option is a dam plus for me
  5. Can't wait till I can play this tonight!!!
  6. Same here, I thought about taking the day off lol
  7. Well the lack of sleep paid off, just woke up to see that I had a email from NY saying that my Eva pre-order went through... Back to bed with a smile
  8. Hey Anubis, let me know what you think about gravion. I've got till next week before I can get to open mine
  9. Finally added another member to the family
  10. For size comparison, sazabi dx, sazabi ver ka and vf-1s
  11. Finally got around to finishing my ver ka sinanju and sazabi. I just have to work on the decals but that can wait.
  12. Just payed my invoice, now the waiting game lol
  13. I would agree to that, specially since we already have the pg unicorn. Im surprised that they are not making the nu or sazibi because wasn't it the anniversary of char's counter attack?
  14. I think it was hinted at be the 00 seven sword version
  15. Bandai teased a release for a new perfect grade coming soon. Was really looking forward to this untill I saw that it might be another Gundam 00. I like 00 as much as the next person but I really wish they'd pick another series.
  16. With all the remakes lately, I'm surprised this hasn't been updated
  17. As a big fan of the dark crystal, I'm really excited for this
  18. Box art for gravion. Can not wait!!!
  19. So has anyone seen an actual release date yet? I'm seeing August, September and November.
  20. Psylocke finally up for pre-order at Ami ami
  21. Is anyone still looking for the full action voltes?
  22. This psylocke is an instant buy for me
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