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Everything posted by dragonstar1982

  1. The panels will probably close like the ver ka Master grade. The figure it's self looks like the ver ka conversion kit
  2. You can never have too many sazabi's lol. I'll be all over this one
  3. I hope they didn't forget about the forth vehicle lol.
  4. Actually it's the rg sazabi, I thought the same thing at first lol
  5. Sorry for all the pics on the board everyone
  6. Ill send you some pics through pm ok
  7. Actually no... Once you sand the clips down some they wont fit the yamato anymore because while the pig is fine the clips them selves have been sanded down and thats what helps hold them on. Its a one shot deal but id rather have my dx loaded out than my yamato.
  8. I sanded these edges, but if you sand too much they are going to be to lose
  9. 5 mins and and a sanding file and i can now use my yamato 1/48 missiles. I guess its time to paint now.
  10. Dhl
  11. Woohoo fhl just dropped off my vf-1j!!. Dam it got delievered in3 and a half days, thats not bad at all
  12. I got payment notification friday morning, and woke up today saying dhl already shipped mine! Can not wait.
  13. Got my self vanishing trooper and psylocke too
  14. Wife got this for me for christmas. Can't get over how awsome this looks.
  15. Out of town on a business trip and found these today.
  16. You know I was thinking that I was alone with not liking plus that much. I love the mech designs but I agree about the story and characters
  17. If I'm right You can delete your install, just dont delete your save data
  18. The dlc code downloads to your account, so you can use it on the disk or digital copy
  19. Such as? Only asking because I just finished mine the other month and never really heard anything bad except the way the joints work
  20. Im really happy with this. Everything fits together and holds really well and the paint job is fantastic.
  21. It doesn't have subs, but I knew that before I bought it. Just a big fan of the movie plus having the 2 artbooks and the op and Ed songs on a real record was a very big plus.
  22. I live in a apartment so the mail boxes aren't that big, in stead of bringing that box with the other to the door he crammed the movie in the boalbox which in no way was big enough, but thank the Macross God's it was in meant condition all with the rest of my amiami hual
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