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Everything posted by dragonstar1982

  1. I actually gave my 3 yr old son my old chunky bandai fire Valkyrie. I sanded the wing tips so there not as sharp and he loves it. I was actually surprised when I came home one night and he almost had it transformed.
  2. That was close, was able to snag the last zaku
  3. Amiami order came today, and I finally got my first armored pack for my -25. I'm so looking forward to setting this up!!
  4. I have to agree with you, the dropper idea is soooo easy to use, especially since I use a top gravity fed cup.
  5. I got a pre owned one from amiami about 2 months ago for around 220. The only thing wrong with it was the box had a couple of dents. It's alot better than some of the scalpers prices I've seen.
  6. I use Vallejo mech color on alot of my models and resin kits. Vallejo is pretty durable but it still needs any type of clear coat over it. I usually use the vallejo satin varnish
  7. Normally I'd completely agree. The way I look at it is Gx-46 Dygenguar & Aussenseiter was not big at all in robot mode and I payed alot more for that one. With prices nowadays I think 220 is pretty good.
  8. Finally got a pre order in at BBTS for Getter Robo Soul of Chogokin GX-87 Getter Emperor. Their price was better than I expected
  9. Having had time to play with Eva 1, I'll have to say this is one of my favorite figures. All the joints are tight, the amount of accessories and the overall look of this figure is amazing. On top of that this was my first time ordering from N-Y which it came in record time and was packed better than most figures I've received.
  10. I know my pic sucks, but I'm happy as hell with this figure
  11. Nothing like coming home from a 12hr shift and receiving new figures
  12. To add to this, I usually cut the piece off and sand the nubs down but this is if you plan on painting your kit. I only use my knife for fine details or if I can't sand it
  13. Clippers, hobby knife and I use sanding files I got at Walmart in the cosmectics department and some putty. In my opinion, you really don't need to go out and buy the expensive brand name. You can get some pretty cheap starter kits off Amazon.
  14. Saw this at work today on clearance for$10
  15. Hey kuma, I resent it. Basically I just wanted to get you feedback on what's a good price for an unopened volks srx-00
  16. No worries, thank you for taking the time to look though. Appreciate it.
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