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Everything posted by Ghostbear0

  1. Macross physics are far enough outside the bounds of reality that it's less visually interesting is the far greater concern. Hyate's breakdancing and Mirage's catch from episodes 1&2 are still some of the most interesting mecha action in the series. The asteroid fight being the other dealt neat one.
  2. The pace of this show is weird. It feels like it's dragging and rushing at the same time. If that makes any sense.
  3. Not really the shelves and stuff faded out but the people didn't and/or were highlighted. So an increase in interpersonal connections? That or she accidentally sent him super mode in the middle of Halmark instead of a pitched battle. Also everyone seems to be forgetting that Hyate has active fold receptors the necklace is an antenna that helps not causes his connection.
  4. Plenty of people would love to spend their entire lives in a war of conquest..... in their late teens to early twenties..... before they tried it. So the twins who only know winning and are young and imortal are hyped, Herman and Cassim are old with a life of war behind them want no part of it.
  5. I imagine most of the manufacturing systems from her days as a colony ship are intact. The island was probably one of if not the major manufacturing centers of Ragna. Remember it was still a functional city it's just that the power demands of a city are miniscule next to the demands of propulsion or life support or gravity or the fold drive. Then they red lines all those systems at once after no more than idleing them for 30 years. Island 1 is still a functional island class. They just found 30 years of gremlins in a situation that would have stressed them coming strait from the shipyard. Mind a scene or two with maintenance guys talking about getting her back to whatever percent and their progress towards making her indepent of the Elision again would be nice.
  6. Delta has the biggist arena and largest cast yet but everything seems to be decided by the same 20 people and 11 VF's. Where are the bloody Vared forces? They do their initial So as out then disappear. Is Windermere so tight on manpower they can't wrangle their zombie hord?
  7. So you feel like comitting suicide by alcohol poisoning?! Don't do it man!!!
  8. With any luck it will be Herman celebrating the ripe old 34 with his grandbaby.
  9. Not really. When you consider that the various macross class are super dreadnaughts and super carrier rolled into one the ratio of lesser ships isn't that nuts. Though where all the SDFN and Battle Classes whose fleets have setaled have run off to is an interesting question. Maybe Spacy has fast reaction forces with multiple macross class to deal with large threats like rogue zentrati fleets. Mind there wouldn't have been enough spare during 7 but if they exist they darn shure should have shown up in Frontier. Or maybe I just want Spacy to function like well a functional military.
  10. That makes her an..... odd design for chaos to field. She seems to be a gunboat with minimal fighter support of her own. That's a great thing in most NUN's fleets since most of their ships lean heavily towards the carrier side, but what do a bunch of merks spread over several planets need with a capital ship Hunter?
  11. But we've already got a Mr. Johnson (well if he were to get demoted from captain).
  12. Mining companies plural. So multiple Galaxy spanning Corps. They can afford it. But yeah that set my shadowrun senses tingling to..... Hears hopeing.
  13. So do we know that the 800m length on the Elision referee to storm attack mode? Because if it say refers to its cruiser mode length without the Aether and Hemera then she is the size of a NMBC or larger which brings the Island more in line with know vessels of the class.
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