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Everything posted by Ghostbear0

  1. That would depend on how strong and fast they really are ,but I would say no I don't think flapping would work with that design.
  2. So just hit me were they wearing actual physical costumes or just ussing their rigs. Hyates fake ruin getting handeled by Bouge points to actual stuff, but why and where did they have it? In case of the worst which they got what good does local garb do? Especialy since they didn't give Freyja a disguise! I can see it maybe, maybe being keeper in the shuttle but if they went to get it why did they spit back up?
  3. Holy crap I just figured it out!!!!! Lady M is Melfina from Outlaw star and Mikumo is her clone! Star singer and maiden of the Pauline seem like they could be synonymous. Right?
  4. Or an auto shotgun with buckshot to help compensate for the superhuman manuverability.... Or you know EX gear or well anything but everything they've done on infiltration missions. Actually wouldn't Walcure's holo bodysuit work as an active camouflage system.... We could have gotten the fanservice earlier and cotton Hyate and Messer in on the act....and the idea of Messer in a Walcure outfit is the most entertainment I've gotten out of this series for a while.
  5. I didn't watch 7 till earlier this year so my reaction would be strangle Basara. But I imagine the reaction would be either that it's moving slow or that it's mostly about the travails of a rock band. Honestly the first 20 episodes of 7 are faster paced than the second half of this show and more importantly it was the first episodes the introduction not the payoff.
  6. I'm really not sure what I just watched... Maybe I'll be merely disapointed when subs come out..... My instincts tell me my blood will boil. Nothing the protagonists did had any place this late and in this situation.
  7. Honestly I don't see why the light wouldn't be there as a result of the fold resonance systems of the respective aircraft.
  8. Oh there was danger you know the enemy fighters they ignored to save the girls from having to use the rocket panties they use to jump from the same shuttle every concert 😅
  9. Minor pet peve of mine neither Roy or Ozuma GOT their pineapple foodstuff. Eating pineapple isn't the curse its planning to eat pineapple.
  10. That's the sticker it's a common enough tech that there are certainly laws in place on the rights and responsibilities regarding the creation of adult skill implanted clones and I imagine it would involve letting them know what they are and not brainwashing them into your service.
  11. So for a weird little wormhole one of the jokes if seen pop up ocasionaly is that Lady M is Gadget M. Chiba in drag this running across my mind did a why not trans which ran into thoughts about how Mikumo's nature shouldn't actually be a big deal since its the same basic origin of all pre war zentradi which looked back into could you use a variation of the miclone proces for things like gender reassignment or other types of gene therapy? With all the giant robots and dimensional weaponry we forget that macross has some fairly wild boimanipulation tech they don't explore to much.
  12. I've got it the climax of episode 26 will be 3 way musical dual between Mikumo, Heinz, and a kidnapped and brainwashed by Burger Freyja will create an unpresidently large fold bubble that drags forth the Megaroad 1 fleet and the Supervision Army armada they are locked in combat with setting the tone for seson two. Yeah that's what I'm going to keep telling myself anyway.
  13. I think your selling 7 ahort. For all it dragged and whenr on tangents the story always had a sence of progress. Even if some of that progress was people getting frustrated at their lack of progress. The filler in 7 was little self contained stories of the misadventures of Fire Bomber as a band not the waffeling off into nothing we're getting here. This episode had 3 things that should have been huge reveals that left me going "ok. and????...". We had better versions of this backstory already. Kanames somewhat meloncoly answers to Mirage's questions in the Messer ark and the description of Makina and Rienas dislike of each other with the shot of them stairing venomous daggers at each other in stage during the first Voldor infiltration have us 90% of the pertinent information. The Mikumo drop should have been at the start of the episode on front of everyone and her introduction part if the flashback should have been something shared with the newbies be For tracking her down for the it doesn't change anything your still you part. The flashback wasn't just empty filler it seriously hurt the pacing and impact of the actual story told in this episode. Of you noticed a tone shift in this post this episode is pissing me off more and more as I think about it. Edit Adendem And I'm not blinded by nastalga goggels on 7 I always found it outputting and didn't actually watch it through untill I was told it would be helpful in getting in the groove for delta. Its was my least favorite untill the second halve of delta turned to porridge.
  14. Why did Roid kill the king he was already dying he was injured the risks associated with your offing him far outweigh the risks of his dying a slightly more protracted death upsetting Heinz. More importantly why in the holy he'll did Kieth not settal this now!! Mind I have a sleeping suspicion that Gramia's actual last plans might have been more genocidal than Roid wants and that's what he's changing.... But that's probably just me wanting something more interesting. There were so many information bombs dropped in this episode but I thought they all fell completely flat. Please tell me it's just me.
  15. That breackdance, and Mirage's call catch into gunslinginf are still the best bits of mecha action in the series challenged only by the episode 6 asteroid fight.
  16. The battle does not necessarily go to the strong nor the race to the swift...... But that's the way to bet.
  17. This episode would have fit around ep 4 or 5 when Feyja was having jitters. What hard facts we've received about the Var and fold receptors really should have been dropped as a welcome to Walkure brief which would honestly made all the new and unexpected aplications more mysterious because they were breaking the "rules".
  18. I refuse to rate till after subs because I have 0 Japanese but........... Why the frakk was 90% of the info dumped in the last 3 episodes not part of Freyja and Hyates welcome to Chaos class!!!!
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