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Everything posted by Poonman

  1. I've been told by many that front-engine Porsches are crap, especially the 928 series. Not worth the time or money. 365174[/snapback] I owned an '86 944 Turbo silver/black leather in college and loved the thing. not the kind of car you'd want to take cross country because stuff was always breaking on it but its the fastest car I've ever owned. Part of the reason mine wasn't so reliable was because I bought it from some scumbag working at a european car garage who jerry rigged the living crap out of it. I took my car in for an oil change one time and found out my alternator was zip tied to the car... The thing drove like it was on rails though- first time I'd owned a real sports car after the '98 Prelude I was tooling around in. I could pass a semi truck on the freeway doing 90 and the thing wouldn't even shudder. Eventually I sold it and bought a Tacoma which I didn't have to pop the hood on for two years but it was a decent car while I had it. I even made a little money on the sale because I had two guys bidding on it. helped pay for a little bit of all the repairs I had to do to it- new struts, new tires, new vacuum lines, lights re-wired etc. etc.
  2. you sure you're not confusing "gasoline" with "diesel"? take it from me... gasoline is flammable. diesel fuel isn't.
  3. guess so. doesn't sound like much of a shoot off though if you ask me.. more like a nissan and a toyota chasing a sports car I like that new G35 couple tho. The best move Infiniti made in years was ripping off the new benz CLS for the new M35 and I'm glad more CLS stuff showed up on the G35 coupe (headlights).
  4. thats why if you're gonna buy anything VW you've got to go Audi.. or Lamborghini.
  5. that thing is fugly.
  6. In my opinion AWD >>> FWD. ofcourse off the line and from stop light to stop light the FWD version of a car will be quicker but unless you plan on professionally drag racing why not just spend a couple more grand and get AWD? I drive a quattro A4 and read all kinds of trash talk about it on web forums from owners of FWD A4's. Its slower, heavier, blah blah but in my opinion they're just justifying their own purchase of an inferior vehicle and are often just plain jealous. after all a man's job is to defend his own vehicle till the day he dies. so unless you just wanna race guys from light to light or just flat out can't afford it get the AWD. its a better car in the rain and snow and in the GSX's case comes with nicer wheels and a lower front, side and rear valence kit. its a rarer car and gets more "oohs" and "aahs" from people who are into cars.
  7. I'd like to start with just a Graflex 3-cell. then buy some fan made black plastic grips, then the d-ring etc. just piece the thing together, kinda like what Brewtal did... "you're only a true Jedi once you've built your own saber."
  8. whats with all the saber hating around here? especially from the guy that runs this site? I think we all have equally nerdy hobbies... paying $300 for a 20 year old plastic robot isn't any "cooler" than paying $300 for a replica movie prop. all the bashing just got me a little worked up... so anyways I own a Master Replicas ROTS Yoda 1:1 saber and plan on purchasing an MR ROTS Anakin 1:1 saber this Friday. I absolutely love my Yoda saber.. I wouldn't exactly call it a "$300 paper weight" but then again beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think what MR is doing is fantastic and the $300 you pay is very worth it because you get a nice plexi stand, plaque and each saber is a limited edition. I've always been fascinated with the old stories of how the props department made the sabers from the original movies out of old found parts like the Graflex flash gun and WW1 gernades so to be able to own a licensed replicated prop is just really cool to me. for my next hobby project I'm going to try and build a Luke saber from the ground up out of a Graflex tube and some ebay parts. should be fun. so don't hate on us guys walking around the house making "humming" noises with our sabers because you're the guys walking around the house making "swooshing" noises with your toy robots.
  9. if you're gonna buy a ten year old eclipse atleast get the GSX. the GS-T is quick- I "borrowed" one for a day from a couple who was selling one and they loaned it to me for a whole day. I ended up getting a '98 Prelude- it was not quite as fast as the mitsu but it felt a lot more well built than the eclipse. the doors on the eclipse rattle everytime you shut them because the windows don't have frames around them and everytime I shifted gears my hand would hit the radio and turn it off. really annoying. so yeah, if you're gonna get an old eclipse spend a couple more grand and get the AWD GSX. might as well.
  10. thats so cheap... now you just gotta get that nasty front plate off, get the mandatory fart can exhaust, CAI, headers, couple interior accessories from Japan and you'll be all set. car looks great though. I like the updated version a lot more than the older ones.
  11. its all the fun and none of the VD!
  12. I like the new Porsche's a lot. the Boxster actually looks kinda bad-ass (sorta like it did when it first came out) and the wheels they get are amazing looking. I love the new headlights. and the blinker/parking/fog cluster the 911 has (maybe the Boxster too, can't remember) looks cool too.
  13. The point is that just about every other Mustang in existence has a Ford V8 in it, and after 30+ years it's not like there's a whole lot of exciting or new approaches to the old Fastbacks.... your probably right but if that car was in anything but a hollywood movie I think the best advice the owner of that car could take is "the shortest distance between two points is a straight line." its not a reference to drag racing or anything, it just means if you want horsepower go the easiest route. and by that I mean its probably not the best idea to import a japanese motor, turbo, ECU and God knows what else thats gotta be worth more than the entire car just to go fast in your dragger. I would so buy that. and I think the charger ain't bad. ofcourse nobody puts manual gearboxes in big sedans anymore so it automatically kinda sux (pun) but I think with the right color and a decent set of wheels that car can be pretty stylin'.
  14. with everything that could have been done to the motor that was already in that car the only reason to have put a Skyline motor in it with a semi trailer truck's turbo is for the "OMG!!!!!11111 a skyline motor in teh old mustang fast back" factor.
  15. the engine rod bearing thing wasn't that bad. didn't affect that many cars. that things kinda sorry looking.. might be the RSX headlights, Eclipse butt or NSX doors but something about it looks to be about 5 years old to me.
  16. doesn't surprise me the way the mods troll on this site..
  17. jeebus christ.. you a millionare or something? X3 and an S4? last I checked the S was going for $60k+ and the RS4 was going for about $20k on top of that.. glad to see someone else on the forum has an audi though. i've got a lowly A4 and kinda like it... VAG cars are about as unreliable as they come and i've had a ton of problems with my A4 but you've got a brand new car so you should be fine.. just don't keep it after the lease or the warranty runs out Audi's are great alternatives to snobby beemers.. little more "low key" but just as nice. if you like AWD more than RWD the S4 is just as good as an M3.. the RS4 being even better IMHO. enjoy your new car- just get rid of that nasty front plate and get a Euro frame! next you'll need e-code headlights to get rid of those orange corners and some RS4 parts... the modding never ends.. love those alcantara seats too.. glad to see they still put that stuff in the S4's. the fine subtlies of the european sports car is something these ricer kids will never know.. you should get an RS4 wheel too... same one as the Gallardo. track down some of the carbon trim too.
  18. ^^^^^ hey I'm from san diego too... right on.
  19. thats insane... and how people complain about the way Bangle cars look is totally beyond me.. (besides the "fast and furious" decals) I think the new 3 looks fantastic. its how cars are gonna be looking for the next 5 years or so- its all about the origami lines. out with the jelly bean cars in with the chisled sculptures.
  20. dr. dre had one in one of his old videos from the "Chronic" days. drugs are bad, mmkay? don't confuse "sporty" with "sports car".
  21. my frothing demand keeps rising and rising!
  22. oh please- Milan = rear looks exactly like the current A4/A6 (honda ripped off the new A4 with the rear of the new Civic sedan even worse). ford freestyle = ripped off the Audi A6 allroad pretty obviously too. and german styling is has LOTS of variety- an '05 3 and 5 series looks hugely different from an '05 A4, A6, C class and E class- all cars that are supposed to be pretty much in the same platforms with each other.
  23. 1/55 scale btw
  24. foul language is frowned upon in this forum
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